After leaving the restaurant, song Xiaofan walked home, looking around these prosperous buildings. It was really good to teach the bad guys a lesson. He felt that he was in a better mood.

But it's only been a while. He just walked into an alley. Years of fighting experience told him that there was an ambush in front of him.

"Shit, someone's coming to fight again." He kneaded his temple helplessly, and expressed some headache.

Sure enough, being too handsome is easy to be envied.

"Come out and hide something. Even if you want to plot against me, I don't have any chance of winning." Song Xiaofan suddenly stopped, disdaining the way.

"Pa, PA, PA..." in response to song Xiaofan was a burst of warm applause.

"It's not bad. I can even detect that we are behind. It's a good observation." In the dark, a handsome face came out with a scornful smile.

"Oh? Is it Mr. Murong Song Xiaofan pretended to be afraid and retreated to the corner.

"Well, now you know how to be afraid? Why are you so arrogant at the party? Now you can't be arrogant? " Murong Su enjoyed the feeling of ants shaking under his feet.

In front of him, song Xiaofan really disgusted him.

It's enough for him to be jealous to hold Lin Ruofei in arms. This guy even exposed his conspiracy to drug Lin Ruofei in public, which made him so embarrassed.

He was spoiled since childhood and wanted whatever he wanted, except Lin Ruofei. He tried his best to get no love from her.

But the poor boy in front of him easily let Lin Ruofei on his shoulder and hold hands. He couldn't bear it.

"Beat him to death!" Murong Su shrieked.

Instantaneously, more than ten people with iron bars and sharp weapons came out in the dark and surrounded song Xiaofan in a circle.

The leader, with bandages on his hands and head, held up a big mace with his uninjured left hand, and was furious.

In order to get rid of song Xiaofan, Murong Su goes to Qinglong hall to find more than ten people. He wants to beat song Xiaofan to the point where he can't take care of himself and can only lie in bed for the rest of his life.

He doesn't believe it. If song Xiaofan is disabled, Lin Ruofei will go to him.

Just as Du ruolong came out of the hospital, Murong Su called him. Since he was the young master of Qifeng company, he still wanted to give face. In order to show his importance, he just finished the binding with a dozen younger brothers. Rushed to the scene in a hurry.

I don't know which boy who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth has provoked Murong su. I'm afraid he really doesn't want to live.

"Hello." A voice that made his hair stand on end.

"It's really a narrow road." Song Xiaofan looks at Du ruolong with bandages all over his body and shows a playful smile.

"Grasps the grass, how is this guy." This face was the last thing Du ruolong wanted to see, which made him step back and push to Murong Su's side.

"What's the matter?" Murong Su frowned. Some people don't quite understand Du's behavior.

Du ruolong said bitterly: "Mr. Murong, I may not be able to help you today. He is the one who has hurt me."

Murong Su is shocked. Du ruolong knows that as the leader of Qinglong hall and a famous local gangster, his kung fu is not too bad.

What is the origin of song Xiaofan? Can you beat Du ruolong like this?

"Don't run. Come and talk to me." Song Xiaofan waved to Du ruolong.

Du ruolong clenched his teeth and thought that two fists are hard to beat four hands. No matter how good his kung fu is, he can't solve so many people at the same time.

"Come on, brothers, beat him to be disabled!" He growled hard.

More than ten younger brothers with weapons are ready to move long ago. After hearing Du ruolong's order, they directly rush to song Xiaofan, who is surrounded by them, with weapons high.

Song Xiaofan's pupils shrink. He didn't expect that Du ruolong was not afraid of being beaten. He even dared to fight him. That's OK. Let him break another hand.

In the face of more than a dozen besieged people, he took advantage of the strength of the back corner, pushed hard, and the whole person jumped up. A powerful side kick went directly to the members of Qinglong hall.

His power is so terrible, this kick, directly kicked two people, two people fly a few meters on the spot, head heavily knock on the ground, it is estimated that the injury is not clear.

Song Xiaofan easily wandered between these swords and sticks, pinched their wrists easily, broke them and screamed one after another.

If there is the quickest way to solve the enemy, he will never procrastinate.

In less than a minute, these gangsters of Qinglong gang had broken their wrists, been kicked to the ground, fell unconscious, and dislocated their shoulders

The ground is full of wails, like a sad symphony, very rhythmic.

"Why don't you come and talk to me?" Song Xiaofan clapped his hands and looked at Du ruolong, who was hiding behind Murong su.

"Plop..." a dull sound came.

Du ruolong knelt on the ground on the spot: "grandfather, I'm wrong, I dare not again."

He burst into tears. What's the matter? This guy is like a god of plague. He can't hide himself.

"Hum hum, what a Murong Su, what a green dragon Gang, I really give you face." Song Xiaofan walks up to Du ruolong and looks at Du ruolong, who is already pathetic.

Today, if you become an ordinary person who doesn't know kung fu and is surrounded and beaten by more than ten people, I'm afraid that you can't get out of the hospital for three or two months. Even if you come out, you may have to be disabled.

It's really cruel.

Song Xiaofan picked Du ruolong up from the ground and looked at Murong Su trembling: "if you don't want to become him, I advise you to stay away from me and Lin Ruofei."

Murong Su is afraid and resentful. How can this boy's Kung Fu be so high? Originally, this sentence should have been said to song Xiaofan, but now he has changed roles.

"Click." The crack of bone is clear.

Du ruolong's scream also joined the chorus behind him, the most intense and tragic.

"One more hand, so you can't hurt people everywhere." Song Xiaofan knows about these gangs. He has no conscience and does evil everywhere.

The police are afraid of him. He's not afraid.

Murong Su's head broke out in a cold sweat. Looking around, he was the only one standing, and his fear became more and more intense.

At present, this man is a devil. It's not suitable to stay here long. Although his family is famous, he also knows that Lin Ruofei is behind him. If he doesn't run today, he really won't have a chance.

In the future, as long as he is still alive, he will try his best to kill song Xiaofan. He thought bitterly.

When song Xiaofan is distracted, Murong Su runs away for fear that song Xiaofan will catch up and beat him into a mummy.

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