Jiang Chen's eyes were deep and dark.

The flames dissipated, and the hard palm with the residual heat passed through the moon and the clouds, casting a clear light.

From a distance, it looked like a god holding up the bright moon.

"The moment the war started, fate was already determined.

The Black Heart Society disappeared, and King Cobra would be defeated.

Those who dared to fight against me are destined to die without a burial place!"

Jiang Chen looked at the ruins, exhaled a breath of mist and whispered softly.

King Cobra VS Azure Dragon Jiang Chen

The winner is Jiang Chen!


When the four major cadres of the Black Heart Society received the news and organized the main force to arrive, they saw such a scene, Jiang Chen was high above and looked down on the world.

The once prosperous Black Heart Society headquarters is now surrounded by ruins and countless corpses.

"This... the leader and the Southern Thorny Snake have been defeated..." The younger brothers of the Black Heart Society exclaimed.

"Our headquarters was destroyed by this man! Damn it, he must be killed!" One of the four major cadres, the fine-scaled Taipan, held a spear and looked fierce.

"Calm down, the building is about to collapse, save the big brother first!"

One of the four major cadres, the round-spotted viper, calmly observed the situation on the field. As the think tank of the Black Heart Society, he must face the current mess.

Now the big brother King Cobra was defeated and buried in the ruins. According to intelligence, the southern thorn snake, who is also one of the four major cadres, is fighting with Bai Qingxu, the daughter of the Bai family, in a seriously injured state. Now his life or death is unknown.

The Black Heart Society has no leader and its troops are scattered. It is necessary to send someone to hold Jiang Chen and find the whereabouts of the big brother and the southern thorn snake as soon as possible.

Viper: "Taipei, you lead the troops to besiege Jiang Chen. You must hold him firmly! Be careful not to underestimate the enemy!"

Viper's eyes were solemn. It was the first time that Taipei saw such a solemn expression on Viper. He was shocked and nodded heavily in response.

"Original Spearhead Viper, you take the medical team to find the president and treat him!"


Orders were passed down in an orderly manner.

"The Hao family of the Supervisory Department and the SA contractor organization are all involved in the attack on Jiang Chen. Don't think that our Black Heart Society can bear the brunt alone!

We must find a way to get them to provide support!"


Thousands of elite members of the Black Heart Society, led by the highest cadre, Taipei, and dozens of ordinary cadres, surrounded Jiang Chen with live ammunition.

"One word! Kill him and take his head! A thousand gold will be rewarded!

If an external member kills him, he will be promoted to an internal member!

If an internal member kills him, he will be promoted to a core member!

If a core member kills him, he will be promoted to a cadre!

If a cadre kills him, he can sit on the same level as the highest cadre like us!" The fine-scaled taipan screamed, and the bewitching words echoed in the ears of all the members of the Black Heart Society!

All the ordinary members of the Black Heart Society were like chicken blood, their eyes were bloodshot, and they would try their best to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.

"Don't compete with me, I'm sure to get Jiang Chen's head! Even Jesus can't keep me."

The high reward made these members of the Black Heart Society greedy and excited.

"I have endured humiliation and kept a low profile for these years. Now I am going to show my cards. I will not pretend anymore. I am the one who has won the Qingcheng sprint championship for three consecutive years! I run fast, so this head should fall into my hands!"

A core member of the Black Heart Society took the lead, looked at the people behind him proudly, and spit excitedly.


The spit randomly fell on the face of a lucky Black Heart Society member behind him along the wind direction.

"Is it raining?" The lucky guy wiped his face.

"CNMD, who the hell has no sense of public morality!"

"It's amazing to run fast!"


Jiang Chen, who was still immersed in posing, turned his head and looked at the black heart society members who were surrounded by a crowd of uniformed uniforms.

He smiled.

"An insect is an insect. It is dirty and despicable, but it has no self-awareness."

"It is meaningless to resist, but... I like it."

Jiang Chen exuded a terrifying aura, and lightning danced in the dark night sky like a twisted silver snake.

The first person to approach Jiang Chen was naturally Pao Huiyi, who had won the Qingcheng sprint championship for three consecutive years.

"I am Pao Huiyi, a core member of the Black Heart Society. Of course, after taking your head, I will be a distinguished cadre of the Black Heart Society. Be sensible..."

Pao Huiyi wanted to cheer himself up and say a few trash words.

Jiang Chen appeared in front of him in an instant.

As the iron rod was swung, a strong headwind blew Pao Huiyi's eyes.


When the rod fell, Pao Huiyi instinctively swung his weapon to block it between life and death!

The powerful force directly knocked away Pao Huiyi's weapon, and then the knuckles of his hands broke, and warm blood splashed on Pao Huiyi's face.

"Wait... Simimasa, don't kill me, I surrender!"When facing Jiang Chen, Pao Huiyi realized how terrifying Jiang Chen was and how ridiculous his previous boasting was. He was terrified. At this moment, he hated himself for having a pair of legs that ran faster than others.

However, Jiang Chen couldn't hear what he said. He just thought that this man was very brave. He was still grumbling when he was about to die.

Then, the second stick, as fast as the wind and as heavy as Mount Tai, fell directly!


With a bang, Pao Huiyi's head exploded like a watermelon, and red and white things burst and splashed.

"Ridiculously weak, are the welfare benefits of the Black Heart Society so good? Why are they so hardworking?"

Jiang Chen scratched his head in confusion.

Pao Huiyi's death did not make the other members of the Black Heart Society retreat, but instead stimulated their bloodiness and ruthlessness.

One by one, they rushed towards Jiang Chen fearlessly.

Some even pulled out the mines in their crotches to die with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was also somewhat excited, waving the Eight Fasts and rushing into the group, using extremely brutal physical methods to kill people with one move after another.

Jiang Chen was like a warrior mowing the grass, smashing from the east to the west, and the groups of corpses dyed the earth red along the way, like a tiger into a flock of sheep!

"Lord Fine-scaled Taipan Snake, are we really not going to support? If we continue to fight, our members may lose their fighting spirit and be the first to be defeated." An ordinary cadre suggested worriedly.

An elite unit is on the verge of collapse once the loss exceeds 10%, not to mention the existence of Jiang Chen who is mowing the grass alone, which brings a stronger sense of oppression to other members of the Black Heart Society.

"Wait a little longer, as long as the president is still here, our four major cadres are still here, and you main cadres are still here, the Black Heart Society will not die!

They are just some ordinary members, let them continue to consume Jiang Chen's physical strength!

As high-end hunters, we only need to give the enemy a fatal blow at the critical moment!"

Jiang Chen is like a tireless monster, and the power in his body seems to be inexhaustible.

Knifes, bombs and bullets cannot break Jiang Chen's almost perverted defense.

The faces of many Black Heart Society members who participated in the battle have been replaced by despair.

A Black Heart Society member looked at the knife in his hand that had been rolled up, and dropped the weapon decadently. He tried his best to cut Jiang Chen's fingernails.

"What kind of monster is this? We can't win, we can't win at all!"

"Run away~"

Some people were so scared that they threw away their armor and fled backwards. There were two of them, and soon a large number of people fled.

"Let's see who dares to retreat!"

The fine-scaled Taipan Snake roared and shot the first member of the Black Heart Society who wanted to escape.

"Those who retreat, behead! There is only one enemy, and he doesn't have much strength now. Kill him and you will all have countless wealth and glory!

Kill him and you will never have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life!"

While brainwashing his subordinates crazily, the fine-scaled Taipan Snake led his cadres to slaughter the deserters who wanted to escape.

"Woo woo, can't I just not take the money? I have saved up 30 million Baileys. I don't want to fight anymore, sir."

A member of the Black Heart Society knelt down at the feet of the fine-scaled Taipan Snake and cried bitterly.

The fine-scaled taipan snake helped him up with a smile, "You are still young, 30 million is not enough, 300 million, 300 million will save you from worry for the rest of your life."

"Sir, I really just want to make 30 million and then stop... I don't want to make money but not spend it, sir."

"No, you want to." The fine-scaled taipan snake forced the member's body to face Jiang Chen.

"Take the gun in your hand, see the enemy, walk over, aim the gun at the target's heart, and tighten the wrench. How about it, isn't it simple?

Go quickly, you don't want your parents, wife, and children to suffer because of you, right?"

The fine-scaled taipan snake whispered in his ear and emphasized his tone when talking about his parents, wife, and children.

And the member also trembled and walked towards Jiang Chen under the warning of the fine-scaled taipan snake!

"This war, let's end here!"

A crisp voice resounded through the battlefield, and then a pair of giant hands made of smoke covering the sky and the sun firmly supported the collapsing building.

The giant hand branches are further divided into countless small tentacles, searching for survivors one after another in the ruins with precision.

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky: "Fuck, it's really powerful!"

He exerted such a large amount of fruit power at one time, not only did it not collapse, but it was also able to condense into a giant hand with high-intensity power, and at the same time finely divided it into countless. Details.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh, Bai Qingxu, maybe you are really one in a million, a genius in playing with the smoke fruit.


The dangerous building is a hundred feet high,

You can pick the stars with your hands.

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