"Good children, you are all good children of my He family. Don't worry, grandpa will be fine. Grandpa will protect you even if he risks his life!"

He Zhan's eyes were red and he asked He Wei to take people away with a tough attitude, "Child, you are hindering me if you stay!"

He Wei understood his grandfather's determination. Grandpa was risking his life to buy time for them.

"Sit tight!" He Wei pushed his brothers and sisters onto the Maiba Crane and stroked the Maiba Crane's restless heart, "Fly with all your strength!"

He Wei's words were like magic. The tall and strong Maiba Crane quickly calmed down and flapped its wings at his command!

The wings fanned a strong wind pressure, squeezing the air around, blowing away the heavy rain, and the people sitting on the back subconsciously closed their eyes.

"Great job, grandson!" He Wei's voice was like a bell.

The Maiba Crane could not take off as it wished. A monster stretched out a four-meter-long middle finger to hook its leg.

"Zhao! How can I let you block my grandson from running towards a bright future!"

He Zhan jumped high and used a claw of the mad lion, tearing the monster's arm with a violent and domineering attack!

The Maiba Crane let out a long cry, as if it was reluctant to leave its old master. It flapped its wings and broke through the layers of water curtains and sank into the thick night.

He Wei looked back and watched his grandfather trapped in the siege of monsters and killing all around like a lion overlord. He then looked at the strange monsters and Liu Donglin who wanted to remember them firmly in his heart...

"What a joke! I didn't expect that the old master He wanted to follow the example of Hao Gang of the Hao family to open up a way for the younger generation!"

"Yes, I want to open up a way for the younger generation, but you Liu Donglin are not Jiang Chen!"

He Zhan's whole body was full of true energy, and the figure of the mad lion behind him became more and more solid.

"Interesting, go and play with this old senior!" Liu Donglin said coldly.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The leaders of the great forces who were transformed into monsters by the contamination of serum roared forward!

Their physiques are stronger than when they were alive. They are tireless and painless. But the price is that they cannot use the power of the fruit and the true qi. After all, their consciousness has been eroded and erased!

The two sides fought in the rainy night, and the lions fought wildly in all directions!



Cars were like wild horses running away, honking their horns frantically, just like cattle and sheep on the grasslands avoiding terrible predators, desperately fleeing to the deserted suburbs. In every car sat people with panicked expressions, their eyes were full of fear and despair.

Families were also performing heartbreaking scenes of life and death.

However, no matter how hard they struggled, the wheel of fate had begun to turn, and the disaster could no longer be stopped. What was waiting for them ahead? Survival or destruction.

Fang Rong drove upstream. A gangster took advantage of the chaos to smash the counter of a gold shop, took out gold jewelry with golden eyes and put it in his pocket, shouting that he was rich, rich, and that he could turn a bicycle into a motorcycle. Then, a monster suddenly jumped out from the corner and bit off his head, and blood gushed out.

Fang Rong saw the brave and fearless fire station chief with a sharp jawline standing in front of people, taking out the fire hose and spraying high-pressure water to blur the monster's vision. He bought time for hundreds of people to escape by himself, "Back off! Everyone, back off and hide behind me!"

Fang Rong saw an elderly and frail couple who could not keep up with the pace of everyone's escape. After looking at each other affectionately, they chose to stop and hug each other and cry. Their physical strength was not enough to escape this desperate place.

Fang Rong saw the young and beautiful girl with tears in her eyes, her crystal clear tears were like pearls that had broken off the string. Her boyfriend, who was usually timid, stood up straight and burst out with unimaginable masculinity, holding the girl's hand tightly behind him, as if he was an indestructible castle. In his hands, he also held the milk tea that the girl couldn't eat and the ice cream that was about to melt.

He also saw the young mother panicking and driving her son who had just started elementary school, honking the horn and running in panic with the traffic. The child was like a little adult, softly comforting the sobbing mother.

Fang Rong sighed, he could foresee that most of these people would end up dead, this was a disaster that no one could stay out of.

Fang Rong killed a monster, and he smelled the familiar smell of murderous drugs from it. His intuition told him that it was a unique experiment of the SA contracting organization, and this disaster was man-made and a man-made disaster!

Fang Rong instinctively went against the direction of the traffic and people.

Along the way, some drivers honked their horns and yelled at Fang Rong, "You bastard, do you want to die?" They wanted him to change direction, and some drivers stopped their cars, opened their doors and invited Fang Rong to escape together.

Fang Rong smiled brightly in response.

Those without cars could only run forward. Fang Rong was constantly pushed but his steps were still firm.

Fang Rong was heading towards the Shian Group.

The deafening voice of the temple master echoed in his ears, andTreat the suspicious eyes of others as ghost lights, and walk your own night road boldly! The world is in decline, if you want to save the world, why bother about other people's opinions! !

Fang Rong walked alone towards the source of darkness.

Pushing open the dim door of Liu's, the building with the logo of Shian Group was without a trace of light in the rainy night, like a beast with a bloody mouth in the dark quietly waiting for the arrival of prey.

There was a thunder in the sky, Fang Rong looked up and saw a flash of lightning in the night sky far away, and something seemed to fall from the sky that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

"Is it an illusion? Why do I feel like a dog fell from the sky?" Shaking his head, Fang Rong walked into the building and locked the door.

Dense red dots appeared one after another in the darkness. With the lightning just now, Fang Rong saw endless monsters hidden in the building.

"Sure enough, it's the old nest."

Fang Rong's mouth corners raised, two fangs grew, blood-red wings spread, blood turned into scimitars from his hands, and it was a full moon night outside.

Monsters fell one after another like waves, Fang Rong's two swords flew, like indestructible reefs in the waves, blood bloomed in the killing.



He Wei stopped Maibahe, and took his younger brother and sister to a remote house in the suburbs. That was the ancestral home of their He family when they first moved to Qingcheng.

"Brother, where are you going?" He Ling grabbed He Wei's sleeve tightly, her eyes full of worry and anxiety. Her voice trembled slightly, as if she was about to lose something important.

He Wei turned over and rode on the back of Maiba Crane, with an indomitable momentum, "You stay here, I will go to support Grandpa."

He Ling, He Ling, He Lin, He Lin and several other brothers and sisters stopped him, "No, brother, you are going to die, you can't let Grandpa's efforts go to waste, if you want to go, it's better for us brothers and sisters, you are our family genius, the hope of the family..."

"Shut up, turn to hope, you all are!

No one with poor talent is a waste and deserves to be the shame of the family, and no one with high talent is the pride in the eyes of parents and deserves to be the glory of the family!

There is no such truth in the world.

No genius survives and grows up by living a miserable life and sacrificing the efforts of the family!"

For parents and relatives, what does it matter if the child's talent is mediocre? If the descendants are mediocre, then they will be happy to be in their laps. If the descendants are outstanding, then let them fly high!

The sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly!

He Wei looked far in the direction he came from, knowing that if he didn't go, he would regret it. If He Zhan had an accident, it would be a shadow that would never go away in his life.

"But brother, you have always been our role model. In our hearts, you are the only one who can take up the responsibility of the He family."

He Wei reached out to wipe away his sister He Ling's tears and pinched her face.

"Don't belittle yourself. Each of you is your own protagonist.

Brother, I will not seek death. I dare to go because I must have a trump card and support."

"But brother..." They still wanted to persuade him again.

"Enough! Don't belittle yourself. How do you know that the unknown people today will not be famous in the world in the future? Get out of the way. I want to go."

The Maiba crane cried excitedly, making a clear and melodious sound. As its arms flapped its wings, the strong wind pressure forced He Ling, He Ling, He Lin and others to retreat.

The Maiba crane carried He Wei up! With an indomitable momentum, it flew high into the sky and headed in the direction it came from.

"Hold on, Grandpa, I'll be there soon!"

He Wei's palms were sweating and he kept rubbing the black ring on his fingers.

"Grandfather, please lend a helping hand to your unworthy descendants!" A faint light flashed, as if in response.

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