Thirty seconds passed in a flash, and Liu Donglin fell to his knees with a thud.

Liu Yanxin's ability of the slow fruit ended, and the big moves of Li Kuangtu Ye Zhen and others were also settled on Liu Donglin at this moment!

Liu Donglin looked up and wanted to say something, but scars and blood splattered all over his body, and a blood mist exploded. The whole person became a bloody man as if he had been tortured to death.

"Hahaha, my good daughter, in the end, only you are really like me..." Liu Donglin trembled and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Chen took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the blood on his leather shoes. It was the blood that Liu Donglin had just sprayed on his shoes when he was injured.

Jiang Chen walked in front of Liu Donglin and looked down at him and threw the dirty handkerchief on Liu Donglin's head.

"You are like a dog now. I just like the way you hate me but can't beat me, haha."

Jiang Chen signaled to his left and right men, who immediately understood and pulled Dr. Crazy and Park Se-in together.

"Jiang Chen, a man can be killed but not humiliated! I ask you to give humanitarian care to the prisoners!" Park Se-in shouted.

"Jiang Chen, I am just a researcher. There is no right or wrong in science. I am an intellectual. You should respect me..." Dr. Crazy tried to argue.

Cheng Dongqing kicked Park Se-in's thigh and knee, and stepped on Dr. Crazy's foot, forcing them to kneel down to Jiang Chen with a plop.

"Strong will be strong, weak will die!

Three, have you thought about how to die?"

"Start with you, Master Liu." Looking at the shabby manor that turned into scorched earth, "You really caused me a lot of trouble."

Jiang Chen stepped on Liu Donglin's head into the hard concrete ground.

Liu Donglin raised his head tightly, his head was covered with blood, "Jiang Chen, I curse you to end up like me one day! Your family will be destroyed! Your wife and children will be separated! Will you be as desperate and unwilling as me at that time, haha."

Jiang Chen looked normal, and pressed Liu Donglin's head to the ground again with his foot.

"Scared, of course I am afraid, I am very scared.

Since my debut, only the Hao family almost succeeded in destroying my family, but fortunately I wiped them out. I learned a lesson, this time I killed your wife and son in advance and wiped out your whole family, you see, nothing happened."

"You bastard..."

"Goodbye, Master Liu."

Jiang Chen raised his fist covered with armed color domineering, pressed Liu Donglin's head like a pig, and punched him on the temple again and again!

The surroundings were silent, with only the sound of Jiang Chen's fist hitting bones echoing, blood splattered everywhere, Liu Donglin's blood splattered all over Park Shiren, Park Shiren looked stupid.

"Ah!" Jiang Chen pulled out his fist covered in blood plasma and shook his hand, blood plasma splashed on the face of the crazy doctor, and the crazy doctor trembled.

Liu Donglin's head was smashed, no longer in human form, he was dead, and his body was still twitching.

"Hey! You are the big boss behind the scenes, CEO of Shian, Park Se-ren who wants human rights and treatment!"

Liu Donglin's miserable condition was still in front of him, and Park Se-ren trembled and said to Jiang Chen, "Brother Jiang, Master Jiang, I didn't recognize the great man. I was coerced by Liu Donglin, the old man.

I actually don't know anything. The virus was developed by the crazy doctor, and it was Liu Donglin who ordered the release of the virus. I am just a poor worker. Don't look at me as the CEO of Shian Group. I am just a professional manager.

Let me go, I have a 90-year-old mother and a one-month-old son. Give me a chance, Master Jiang! Let me join your team, I am very capable!

If it doesn't work, I can be your son. I, Park Se-ren, will take care of you in your old age..."

Park Se-ren came forward with snot and tears and wanted to hug Jiang Chen's trouser legs.

Jiang Chen moved away in disdain, "It's okay if you want me to let you go! I have a few questions to ask you."

"Master Jiang, please tell me everything I know!" Park Shiren seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.

"I'm quite curious. Who gave you the courage to do such a crazy move close to massacre? If I didn't know, I would have thought that the Han Dynasty was destroyed?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Park Shiren's eyes rolled around, and the whole person was entangled. He looked up at the drone still flying in the air, and finally said, "Master Jiang, this matter involves too much, I dare not say, this is not something that ordinary people like you and me can speculate.

I can only say that if Liu Donglin succeeds in what he does, if Qingcheng is destroyed, it will definitely not cause much trouble in the Han Dynasty and will be calmed down soon.

In the eyes of the top leaders, the lives of the lower-class people are not worth mentioning at all, sometimes I am really curious about how the Emperor of the Han Dynasty could give you a title so easily, it's outrageous.

Lord Jiang, I am doing this for your own good, don't ask anymore..."

Before Park Se-in finished speaking, Jiang Chen's iron-clad palm had already pinched Park Se-in's neck tightly and lifted him up in the air.

"Whatever I ask you, just answer it! Don't dare to say it? That means you want to die, na na na, satisfy you."

Jiang Chen's palm was like a knife, and the terrifying sword energy gathered in his palm and stabbed directly into Park Se-in's heart with a bang! The sword energy ravaged Park Se-in's internal organs and mixed Park Se-in's body into a mass of muddy mixture.

After killing Park Se-in neatly, Jiang Chen stared at the crazy doctor with a devilish look.

The crazy doctor was trembling with fear and sweating, as if he had been soaked in water.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... I'll tell you everything!

I am a subordinate of the King of Beiliang. I am a scientist who was ordered to hide my identity and conduct secret research on the development of human potential and large-scale war biological weapons in this remote town of Ancheng...

I am the King of Beiliang's man... You really can't kill me, I don't want to die yet, Lord Jiang Chen!"

"The Seven Kings of the Han Dynasty, the King of Beiliang!"

Jiang Chen's eyes became solemn, and the people around him took a breath of cold air when they heard the news.

Each of the Seven Kings of the Han Dynasty is a super strong man at the top of the world!

Each of them is a king-level existence! At the center of the world's power, they are as famous as the three generals of the army and the eight top generals in the world.

Each of them has stepped on the peak of the king, and is called the strongest king, dominating the world.

Now that these little Karamis of black iron and bronze suddenly heard the name of the King of Beiliang, they all felt a great pressure that made them almost unable to breathe.

Among them, only Ye Zhen, Ren Qianxing, and He Wei , Jiang Chen and the other three were relatively calm.

Ye Zhen and Ren Qianxing had extraordinary backgrounds and were well-informed. They would not be too surprised to hear the title of King of Beiliang.

King of Beiliang was even the murderer of Ren Qianxing's father and had a hatred of exterminating his clan.

He Wei was simply too sad and kept sobbing while holding He Zhan's head.

Jiang Chen was pure and generous, and had nothing to say.

"I have another question. How did you create this killer weapon, the zombie virus? It's only thanks to the fog and monsters that the world is now fragmented. If it were eight hundred years ago, this world would not be called the spiritual revival, but the doomsday wasteland."

Jiang Chen leaned close to Dr. Crazy's ear, "Give me the manufacturing data of the zombie virus, and I can spare your life. ”

This weapon is too powerful, just like the nuclear bomb of the old times. Jiang Chen’s idea is very simple. He can do without it, but he must have it!

The Crazy Doctor swallowed a spit.

“Is it true, sir? This technology was created by me extracting the blood of Fang Rong, the animal-type Bat-Bat Fruit Fantasy Beast Vampire Form Ability User, and the half arm of the human demon Hao Se who was killed by you, combined with the technical results of my previous decades of research on the human body.

I found that Fang Rong’s blood has gained unimaginable vitality because of the fruit ability, and the remains of the human demon Hao Se still contain the terrible power of alienated sentient beings!

The half arm and the original mutant serum are left in the underground research institute of the Shian Group. ”

Hearing Hao Se’s name again, Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, “It’s really interesting. It’s worthy of being an unprecedented human demon who can still stir up the world after his death. "

Just then, a drone in the distance automatically landed in front of Jiang Chen and Dr. Crazy.

A cold and arrogant voice came from the drone, as if speaking to Jiang Chen and the others was a gift to them.

"Dr. Crazy, you dare to violate the confidentiality agreement and openly leak the king's plan. You deserve to die! Considering that you are a project developer and researcher, take all your scientific research materials back to Beiliang to confess your crime!

In addition. "The drone changed the subject with a condescending tone.

"You young people are not wet behind the ears. There are some secrets that you can't understand! Quickly commit suicide and avoid the disaster of exterminating the nine clans!"

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