"Lord Jiang, I apologize to you on behalf of Xiao He. Please forgive me. Why do you have to bother with him?"

Sha Wuhen came with a dark face and brought his subordinate who had just woken up.

Jiang Chen said he didn't understand, "I don't understand. Why do you want to apologize to me? If you make a mistake, just admit it. If you lose an important item for the college entrance examination, what should you do? Qingying, what crime should the examiner be punished for making a major mistake during the college entrance examination that affects the candidates' exams?"

"Shoot him, Lord Lord."

Gu Qingying replied with a sweet smile.

"Did you hear that? Your subordinate lost the college entrance examination devil fruit evaluation form. According to the law, he should be shot. You respect the laws of the Han Dynasty so much, so you won't cover it up, right?"

"Lord, I don't want to die. It was Jiang Chen. He was the one who forced all the candidates present not to tell the truth!"

He Que cried loudly to Sha Wuhen.

Sha Wuhen saw a beautiful figure standing out from the crowd among the candidates, "Ms. Bai Qingxu, your grandfather is a famous silver master in Qingcheng, so he would not be confused about right and wrong. May I ask what happened at that time?"

Bai Qingxu remained silent. She saw with her own eyes that Jiang Chen's nails burned the evaluation form to ashes. She was shocked but could do nothing. Sha Wuhen looked at the students in the room without any words, and his heart sank.

"Defaming the city lord is aggravated!"

Gu Qingying spoke quietly.

"As the chief examiner, I have a backup of this devil fruit score sheet. I will take full responsibility for his mistakes!"

"Can I understand that you are protecting him in front of this city lord?"

"Let's not beat around the bush. City Lord Jiang, what exactly do you want me to let him go?"

Jiang Chen clapped his hands and laughed as he stepped forward, "Haha, what do you mean I let him go? Ask the candidates here. They have sharp eyes. If you saw that it was this examiner who hid the score sheet, stand behind me and tell me!"

"I, Cheng Dongqing, report in real name that I saw this examiner eat the score sheet!"

"I, Zhang Wei, report in real name that this examiner ruined our score sheet!"

"I, Lü Zibu, report in real name that this examiner ruined our score sheet!"

"I, Li Kuangtu, report in real name..."


As Jiang Chen's subordinates set an example, other candidates had to make a choice to stand on Jiang Chen's side and chose to report the examiner.

"I didn't! I didn't eat the score sheet! I'm not crazy! Xu Jun, you were beside me at the time! Don't speak nonsense!"

A trace of guilt flashed in Xu Jun's eyes, but he finally said against his conscience when he met Jiang Chen's deep eyes, "Yes, it was this examiner who ate the score sheet. I... I saw it."

Bai Qingxu closed his eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't see it at the time... I was asleep at the time..."

The examiner looked ashen, and looked at Jiang Chen with eyes that wished he would die with him.

Jiang Chen sent a voice message to Sha Wuhen, "Since you cheated on the college entrance examination first, don't blame me for being rude. Cutting off someone's college entrance examination is like killing their parents!"

"Of course, if you kneel down and beg me, I can give him a way out."

Sha Wuhen clenched his fists tightly, "You are cruel enough. I, Sha Wuhen, admit defeat today!

But I still want to ask you, what would you do if I don't have extra evaluation forms? Do you want to keep the scores of the devil fruit evaluation?"

"Yes, I don't want it. Even if I don't have the scores for the literary test, I can still pass the martial arts test and become the first."

"What about those ordinary students in Qingcheng who don't have devil fruit scores? You have to know that the college entrance examination is like passing the exam. Wooden bridge, one point kills a thousand people.

Have you considered those students? You are the mayor of Qingcheng!

Do you have to mess things up to this extent just because of you alone! "

"It's none of my business. You know how to blackmail me morally at this time. What were you doing before? Do you think I will fall for it? The person who used despicable means in the college entrance examination is your man.

The one who should repent and be condemned is you, the great and glorious Colonel Sha!"

Sha Wuhen closed his eyes and accepted his fate. He walked to the podium, "There were mistakes in the college entrance examination this time. As the chief examiner, I failed to do my duty. I apologize to everyone on behalf of examiner He Que..."

After saying that, Sha Wuhen actually knelt down.

"Stop!" He Que rushed to the podium with red eyes, "You are our leader. No one in Qingcheng is worthy of your kneeling!

It's not my fault, and I, He Que, will not bear it!"

He Que looked at all the candidates below the stage, and his anger made him burn like never before. He murmured, "They don't deserve it..."

"Didn't you say that I ate the score sheet? Well! I'll show you whether I ate it or not!"

He Que used the Crane Capture Dragon Technique to take a long sword with a cold light and stab it into his stomach!

"No! Xiao He!" Sha Wuhen shouted with bloodshot eyes before he could stop him.

The blood stained the podium red, and HeWhen Que opened his stomach, he found nothing but the food residue from Sha Xian's snack yesterday.

Sha Wuhen hugged He Que, his eyes red, "Silly! Why are you so stupid! It's just a provocation, how can you fall for it so easily!

I apologized for you! I apologized for you, why are you so impulsive!"

Sha Wuhen wanted to stop the bleeding, but the wound was too big and he had no place to start, so he frantically asked his men to call a doctor!

"Don't... Lord Sha, Xiao He has been with you for seven or eight years. You know me. I am afraid of death, but I am more afraid of dying with a bad name!

Is it me who did this... I can't eat the score sheet..."

"I know... I know... It's all my fault. I shouldn't let you suppress Jiang Chen in this exam. I underestimated him. You are my bravest subordinate. Remember that I won't allow you to die!"

"Just trust me... A man will die for his confidant, and I am willing..."

He Que smiled with satisfaction, but his eyes gradually became dull. As his last breath stopped abruptly, he died.

Sha Wuhen held his body for a long time without saying a word.

The whole venue fell into dead silence.

"No, he is sick, right? This, this is simply inexplicable."

Jiang Chen frowned and looked speechless, "I didn't want to kill him at all..."

Cheng Dongqing also shook his head, "This man is too impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil."

At this time, some of Sha Wuhen's subordinates came to see He Ba dead, each with a sad face, looking at Jiang Chen with hatred.

Sha Wuhen stood up and looked at He Que's body wrapped in white cloth.

"Are you satisfied, Lord Jiang!" Sha Wuhen's voice was as cold as cold spring water, as if it could penetrate a person's soul. His originally handsome face also became extremely gloomy at this moment, looking at the person in front of him expressionlessly.

However, only those trusted subordinates standing beside him understood what kind of surging anger was hidden under this seemingly calm appearance.

They knew that whenever Sha Wuhen encountered something that made him extremely angry, he would respond with this extraordinary calmness, which just meant that there might be a storm of revenge coming next.

"I feel sorry for this examiner. He could have done something to atone for his sins."

"Shut up! It's not your turn to speak on my people! The devil fruit score will be re-evaluated now!

Jiang Chen, you have sacrificed one of my generals and gambled my life. I will never let you pass the martial arts exam tomorrow!"

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