"I sincerely welcome you! Don't talk yet, and don't rush to transform, just give me the Bailey Mane!"

Jiang Chen opened the door, and it was Examiner Hu outside. Before he could speak, Jiang Chen grabbed the box from the examiner's hand, opened it, and saw the golden mane shining.

Examiner Hu was a little dazed, and his brain crashed.

Then he showed a cold smile, "Lord Jiang, if you take this money, it's corruption. You should know that Colonel Sha Wuhensha, who is far away in Qingcheng, has reported a lot of problems to you."

"How does Qingcheng have anything to do with you?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"Lord Hai Rui, the censor of the Censorate, requested to supervise all officials and sent a large number of officials to various cities to carry out work. I am fortunate to be selected as the inspector of Qingcheng.

There is no way. The current political ecology of the Han Dynasty is that the top leaders of various cities have almost absolute power. Lord Hai Rui wants to break this deadlock and launch reforms.

After the college entrance examination, I will have to make a living under your Lord Jiang."

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, "It is indeed dangerous to have power without supervision, but even Sha Wuhen of the same level dare not supervise me, where do you get the confidence from?"

Jiang Chen put his hand on the shoulder of examiner Hu, and his extremely powerful power pressed Hu Lao Ba tightly, as if a thought could wipe him out.

"Among the third-level strongmen I have seen now, only Sha Wuhen can barely fight with me back and forth. Others are not my opponents, and you are the same."

How strong is Jiang Chen now? I don’t know how his martial arts and domineering have been greatly enhanced since he killed 100,000 ordinary people infected with the virus.

The innate invisible sword energy that can break the body has reached the fourth level of sword energy. It is not limited to moves. With every move, he can release the ultimate life-killing sword energy by raising his eyebrows and eyes!

Ordinary third-level can't even withstand his attack.

Not to mention that Hu Lao Ba is now wrapped in Jiang Chen's sword energy. Although this Hu Lao Ba has transformed in his perception: there will be a small outbreak, but it is not to be feared and will not cause any waves.

The rules are really powerful. If every monster that opens the door is of this third-level strength, then the examinee is basically really dead after opening the door.

Of course, there is still a way to survive after opening the door, that is, to persuade the monster to leave while it is still rational through his own three-inch tongue.

"I don't care what you want to do. Once you come to my Qingcheng, you must abide by my rules. As an inspector, no matter who arranged you, you must listen to me. If you want to survive, I will give you a few requirements.

First, the anti-corruption work in Qingcheng must be stopped from today. Those officials who have not given gifts to me, Jiang Chen, will not be tolerated!

Second, are there any people who oppose me? For example, the army branch controlled by Sha Wuhen in Qingcheng is very disobedient. We must investigate them thoroughly until we find out the truth!

No matter who is found, no matter what level of official he is, there is no upper limit and no lower limit. As long as he is Sha Wuhen, he will be taken out and shot~

Do you understand?"

Jiang Chen flicked the examiner Hu's wooden head.

Under the huge pressure, examiner Hu stood up and expressed his position to Jiang Chen, "Yes, Lord Jiang! I will complete the task successfully!"

Jiang Chen felt that Hu Lao Ba was very sensible, so he sent him out of the room. After closing the door, Jiang Chen looked at the 200 million Baileys in cash and nodded with satisfaction. Even monsters are very reasonable!

One night passed quickly. After many candidates who survived the disaster found that many doors were empty, a large number of candidates including Zhao Ritian and Hu Qiche disappeared, and the familiar classmates disappeared. After whispering to each other and passing information, more than half of the students lost contact! Only then did they discover the weirdness of this city.

They also knew the importance of the candidate code!

Some candidates took out their mobile phones.

1. The waiting area for the candidates to take the exam is under curfew. Please do not go out after 12 o'clock at night.

2. Please check in at the guesthouse if your room number has your name.

3. Jiangcheng is normal during the day.

4. It is absolutely safe to live in your own room.

5. Do not open the door to anything after midnight.

6. The guesthouse will provide a small amount of food to each room between 6pm and 11pm every day. Please do not eat food of unknown origin at will.

7. When you are really hungry, you can go to Jiangcheng Market during the day to eat some instant dishes. It is not recommended to eat too much or you will have diarrhea.

8. The waiting area is a novice area. It is not recommended for candidates to explore other unknown areas.


"Candidates' rules! The people who disappeared last night more or less violated the above rules!"

"Will we not even reach Qingcheng! IAre we actually controlled by the fog monster! Were we dragged into the illusion?"

Someone calmly analyzed, "Maybe we can leave here by committing suicide!"

Someone stabbed himself and fell to the ground in pain...

"It's so damn real, it doesn't look like an illusion."

Everyone pointed at the examinee rolling on the ground.

"He looks like a clown."

Someone shouted, "We must have been kidnapped! Everyone, rush out with me!"

Many examinees were moved by him and walked out of the waiting area in a group.

"You city guards who have imprisoned us, don't think you can stop us from leaving! "

The city guard on duty yawned and looked at the examinees like they were idiots, without any intention of stopping them.

The group of examinees quickly disappeared from sight.

There were also many rational examinees who chose to stay and wait and see. After all, the rules said that it was best not to leave the waiting area and to successfully survive seven days.

Maybe there would be a turning point after seven days.

"Brother, should we leave here too?"

Cheng Dongqing suggested.

"For some reason, the food provided by the guesthouse is not enough, and it is not enough to eat. I see there are many hotels and restaurants outside. Let's go eat something?"

Li Kuangtu suggested while touching his stomach.

Jiang Chen's eyes swept around and quietly told everyone that this was a projection of Jiangcheng in the display world, which is the so-called inner world.

"There is food, but most of it is just for show. It is meaningless except for satisfying the taste buds and has no energy to sustain life.

If you want to find food that can really fill your stomach, except for this instant dish, it is basically like looking for a needle in a haystack or gold in shit. "

Everyone frowned upon hearing this, and a layer of gloom appeared in their hearts.

"What should we do? 50% of the people died on the first day. We are already hungry. How should we spend the remaining six days?"

Ye Zhen said, "It is already very obvious. To put it bluntly, this rule is that the room is a safe base and food is the source of survival.

If you want to successfully survive for seven days, you must find food during the day and compete with many people who are also trapped here for edible food.

At night, you must resist all kinds of mental interference or temptation and keep your heart!

Of course, you can also ignore the existence of monsters and go out to find food at night like the boss. As long as you avoid monsters and there is no competition from others, you can also get a lot of food! "

Everyone suddenly realized, and Gu Qingying drew inferences from one example, "So now that we have seen this hidden rule in advance, the first task is to get more food reserves before everyone else! "

Jiang Chen waved his hand, "Why bother with so much trouble? We can just block the entrance to the guesthouse and grab the daily quota of food from other candidates!"

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