Jiang Chen's target was the Fang family of Fang's Grain and Oil. After killing their young master, he rushed here to clean up the mess.

On the street, a girl about five years old was crying helplessly.

Passersby walked hurriedly, and no one stopped for the little girl.

Across the street, the old man at the newsstand sat on a recliner, blowing an electric fan and drinking tea.

The old man kept shaking his head and chatting with customers who stopped to buy newspapers and magazines.

"Hey, this child is also a poor child."

The customer bought a newspaper, "What does it say?"

"Her mother got a serious illness for no apparent reason, leukemia, and it can't be cured.

Her father worked at Shanshui Group Mining Co., Ltd., and had an accident while working in the mine, breaking one of his hands.

Originally, the work injury company should have paid a large sum of money, but I don't know what tricks the mining company used, and in the end only gave him 10,000 Baileys, and then fired him.

You say 10,000 Baileys are useless, I heard that this child's mother has to spend 1,000 or 2,000 Baileys a day in the hospital.

The mother is seriously ill and lying in bed, the father is working, the little girl is only five years old, and she washes her own clothes for her parents. Cooking, cleaning and tidying up the house, so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

But this great Lord doesn't let people live a good life.

Her father can only beg under the overpass and barely survive on charity, but a few days ago, the city guards of the city lord's mansion and the inspectors seemed to be arresting someone.

According to the gossip I heard, it is said that they are arresting a master with martial arts secrets, and some people say that they are looking for a few young people. I don't know whether it is true or false.

Anyway, whether it is catching masters or young people, it is us ordinary people who suffer.

The whole city is under martial law, and all the small vendors, beggars and migrant workers are driven home and not allowed to come out.

This little girl's father can't do anything The family needed food and drink, and his wife needed medical expenses. Finally, he took a risk and was introduced to the evil forces in Tazhai Village to deliver hallucinogenic drugs.

As you know, these hallucinogens are addictive, and the Han people have always cracked down on them.

A few days ago, he was found in the stomach of the people from the Supervision Department while transporting hallucinogens, and he was killed on the spot.

After hearing about it, his wife jumped from the hospital and committed suicide. It is said that she bought insurance before her death, and wanted to fake an accident to defraud insurance and leave a little inheritance for the little girl, but unfortunately the hospital was full of surveillance.

Her mother died in vain.

This little girl, only five years old, knows nothing, and cries every day on the street looking for her parents.

She is illiterate, but Life is already dark."

The customer shook his head and sighed, "The hemp rope only breaks at the thinnest part, and misfortune only finds the unfortunate..."

The old man took another sip of tea, "We also want to help her, but we dare not. Contraband crime, insurance fraud, the descendants of criminals, no one dares to help her...

I heard that there are rumors now that the culprit of all this family is Fang's Grain and Oil. It is said that their oil has problems and will make people sick, but no one can provide evidence.

This kind of oil, the toxins are accumulated over many years before they will explode. Many people don't know that the oil they eat has problems until they die..."

The old man spoke mysteriously in a low voice.

"Well, the oil on the market is basically inedible now. My relative opened a small oil mill in the countryside. It's freshly squeezed, sold, and filled.

It's safe, green, pollution-free, and not expensive. Do you want it?"

The customer was very excited when he heard it, "Give me twenty barrels first!"


On the other side, the little girl was crying and bumped into a man's trouser leg.

The little girl shrank back in fear, "I'm sorry."

Jiang Chen squatted down and touched the little girl's head, his expression gentle and warm, making people feel like spring breeze.

"What's wrong, little girl, can't you find your parents?"

"Yeah! ~"

"Come, I'll go with you to look for them."

Jiang Chen took out a beautiful balloon and gave it to the girl like a magic trick.

Then he picked her up and hummed a little song all the way to Fang's Grain and Oil Building.


Conference Hall of Fang's Group Building.

All the well-known people in the food field from all walks of life in Jiangcheng gathered together.

"Mr. Chu! I'm here today to ask for justice. I've opened a hundred hotels in Jiangcheng. What kind of oil did you use to transport oil to me? You used gasoline trucks to transport oil to me!"

A man with a gold watch and a slicked-back hair took a puff of cigar, crossed his legs, pointed at Chu Sheng, the chairman of the Chu team and cursed.

"Yes, I contracted the canteens of schools, construction sites, and hospitals. The chefs I hired would catch fire when cooking. I always thought it was because they were good at cooking, but it turned out that they mixed gasoline. Director Chu, what you did is not authentic."

The team owner named Chu ShengChairman of the company, with two bodyguards wearing black sunglasses standing behind him.

Chu Sheng threw away the cigarette in his hand and came to the hotel owner.

He slapped the boss's face crooked! The hotel owner fell to the ground unexpectedly, and the big gold watch on his wrist broke.

Chu Sheng stepped on the hotel owner's head.

"TM, barking as soon as you come, isn't it cheap and low-cost to use my fleet to transport oil for you bosses here?

When something goes wrong, why are you all pretending to be noble?

Today I asked you to come to solve the problem, not to ask questions, understand?!"

"Is it great to open a hundred chain hotels, Xia Laosan? The fleet drivers under my command are law-abiding drivers when they are honest, and they are bloodless madmen when they are dishonest. Xia Laosan, do you also want to live in Xilin Reservoir for half a year? I heard that it is haunted recently."

Xia Laosan was scared and dared not say a word.

Chu Sheng looked around, and his killing of a chicken to scare the monkey finally calmed the place.

Chu Sheng snorted coldly and returned to his seat with his legs crossed.

The embarrassed hotel owner sat back in shame, pretending nothing happened, and dared not say anything.

Everyone present knew that Chu Sheng was not easy to mess with, and many of his motorcades were desperate criminals.

Not long after, the real boss appeared, the head of the Fang family walked into the meeting room, and everyone sat upright.

Fang Jinlong glanced at Chu Sheng, who was still crossing his legs, and sat down in the main seat silently.

"Patriarch Fang, tell me how to solve this problem. Now the people in Jiangcheng don't want to use our oil. I ordered hundreds of tons of grain and oil products from your Fang family, but now I can't sell them. I'm going bankrupt.

"The people in Jiangcheng have learned to be smart. Now they don't come to our store to eat, for fear that we will feed them kerosene to cook..."

"I bought the oil from your Fang family and sold it under my own brand. I'm afraid that those people will get sick and sue me. Chief Fang, please give me some advice."

A large group of people seemed to have found someone to talk to, and they talked about their difficulties one by one.

Fang Jinlong was overwhelmed and asked everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, I know you are anxious, but don't worry, we will solve the problems one by one. "

"Solve? How do you solve it? Patriarch Fang told me to return the oil to you and you return the money to me..."

Chu Sheng, who had been sitting with his legs crossed, threw the pen in his hand at the man's face, and the tip of the pen scratched the man's face.

"Patriarch Fang said that we should take it slowly. Why are you so anxious? Now your face is scratched."

Chu Sheng spread his hands provocatively.

The injured man slammed the table and stood up, "Chu Sheng, you beast, Patriarch Fang didn't say anything, but you still acted so arrogantly! You stinky rickshaw driver! "

Chu Sheng's eyes turned cold, and the bodyguard behind him came to the man like a ghost, and broke the man's neck with one move.

"I hate people making fun of my name the most in my life. No matter how bad the name given by my parents is, I have to bear it. Don't you think so, Mr. Fang?" No one expected Chu Sheng to kill people directly.

The men brought by the dead man got up from the audience and prepared to take out their pistols, but they were instantly slashed in the neck from behind.

Fang Jinlong shook his head and a group of people came, some carrying the corpse and some wiping the floor and disinfecting.

"Haha, Brother Chu is still so decisive in killing."

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Fang Jinlong ordered people to bring a man who was tied up.

"This is this person, a reporter who spread rumors, undercover in our Fang's grain and oil summer job, what do you think should be done with him?"

Chu Sheng said, "That's it, leave it to me, I know there is a construction site that is driving piles, throw him in and pour cement. ”

“Times have changed. Cement can’t hide the stench of corpses. I would say just take it to the crematorium.”

“Makes sense.”

“I seconded.”

And so the fate of this young man was determined by them lightly.

“Regarding the transportation routes of our fleet, we have stopped the receiving software and the route map of the tanker truck transportation trajectory, and ensure that others cannot find out that my fleet vehicles have been to the industries of everyone present.

You don’t have to worry too much that people will find out about you.”

Chu Sheng also spoke.

“I admit that in order to reduce costs, the tanker trucks that have pulled manure, gasoline, kerosene, waste water, waste oil, and hazardous chemical raw materials have been pulled to edible oil.

After all, it’s cheap. I, Chu Sheng, only took 30% of the 100% profit and the remaining 70% is all given to you.

Of course, don’t worry that the people will get sick and cause trouble to you.

Waste oil wastewater contains a variety of toxic substances, heavy metals, lead, mercury, etc., which can easily cause kidney cancer and liver cancer.

There are also some dangersChemicals can easily induce bone cancer and leukemia. "

"Then why are you buying it?! Don't talk to me about the cost, I didn't ask you to do this."

Someone shouted.

Chu Sheng smiled, "Don't get excited, this cooking oil is a fat-soluble substance that can efficiently dissolve and absorb a large amount of chemicals, which cannot be seen on the surface.

After people eat it, toxins and heavy metals accumulate, and it takes years of accumulation to induce various diseases.

Remember, it's just induction. Why do all those people dare to believe that they got sick because they ate our oil?

Let's change the direction of public opinion a little bit, and lead the people's illness to staying up late, eating takeout, not exercising, irregular work and rest, and playing with mobile phones with radiation. It's guaranteed that people can't find fault with it!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized, "High! Chu Sheng is still smart."

"Yes, if it weren't for Chu Sheng, this idea is clear! ”

“Chu Sheng is Chu Sheng. He can always find the key to the problem quickly and accurately.”

Everyone gave Chu Sheng a thumbs up.

Fang Jinlong sat in the main seat and watched Chu Sheng show off.

After they finished speaking, Fang Jinlong took out a document.

“Everyone, no matter what, this incident has caused a great impact on the reputation of my Fang family and everyone.

I specially issued an announcement on behalf of Fang’s Grain and Oil.

Now it’s better for everyone to see it. ”

“First of all, in response to the recent rumors on the Internet, our Fang Group conducted self-inspection and self-verification as soon as possible, fully fulfilled its regulatory responsibilities, and safeguarded the food safety of the people.

Second, our Fang Group has carried out strict inspection procedures for oil transport vehicles to ensure the safety and peace of mind of customers.

Third, our Fang Group has never let a third-party fleet contract our oil transport tasks.

All vehicles are Fang’s own fleet.

Fourth, in response to netizens’ doubts that a kerosene truck was seen going to the oil factory, the chemical raw material factory, and our Fang’s grain and oil factory.

After investigation, it was found that the driver did transport our oil when he first bought the car, and then he was excluded and prohibited from transporting our Fang's edible oil.

In short, in order to protect the lives and safety of the people in Jiangcheng, our Fang's grain and oil have always done their best to do their duty..."

Everyone looked at the notice in front of them with a strange look.

Chu Sheng's face was a little ugly, "Master Fang, what do you mean? Leave our Chu's fleet aside? Haha, I have transported your oil for more than ten years, how come I don't know that your Fang has its own fleet?"

Fang Jinlong smiled, "It doesn't matter whether it was there before, it will be fine after this statement comes out."

"You want to kill the donkey after it has done its job!"

Chu Sheng slammed the table, staring at Fang Jinlong with murderous eyes.

"Hahaha, don't get excited, we were poor before, mosquito legs are meat, money can be saved, and there will be no benefit if you scrape it clean.

Now I am a little rich, but I have to pay tribute to my superiors and feed my subordinates. Every morning when I open my eyes, I think about money. After all, there are thousands of people who rely on the Fang family for food.

I have to find a way out for them. "

"So what do you want to do? Do you think I am important enough and want to sell me to the superiors to appease the public anger?"

"Hehe, how dare I do that? After all, you are the boss of the Chu Transportation Group. Everyone in Jiangcheng knows you. But don't say that you are really important."

Chu Sheng flipped the table.

The others saw that things were not going well and seemed to be going to fight, so they hid aside in fear.

Fang Jinlong sat motionless on the chair, with a large number of his men guarding him.

Two expert bodyguards behind Chu Sheng protected Chu Sheng tightly.

"It is better to die than to die, Fang Jinlong. In terms of weight, you are the biggest.

I paid a lot of money to hire these two priests, both of them are half-step gold.

Humph, Fang Jinlong didn't expect that he had been on guard against you for a long time! "

Chu Sheng lay down on the chair and spoke to the two priests.

"Then I'll trouble you to do it."

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