Above the sky, Liu Qiang's sword flashed fiercely! Every move and every style could take away a large piece of flesh and blood from the human-faced moth!

And the monster, as if tireless and painless, attacked swiftly and savagely, hitting Liu Qiang back again and again!


This monster did not dodge or evade the attack, which made Liu Qiang have no idea where to start!

After thinking for a moment,

Liu Qiang flew back and pulled away, and kicked from high above to accumulate power, hitting the monster's neck directly! With a crisp sound, the monster's neck broke!

His left hand flipped up and down, and a claw knife came out of his sleeve. He took advantage of the reverse grip and slashed hard with the powerful reverse impact when kicking!

He actually cut off the monster's head directly!

"Did we win!!"

The people of the demon hunting team on the ground cheered and jumped for joy, and were very excited!


Jiang Chen remained silent, secretly praising Liu Qiang's amazing skills in his heart! He is a master of physical skills!

Real physical skills are never as simple as simply knowing various martial arts skills. The grasp of timing in battle is more important to test the strength of a person's physical skills.

This is a power that can only be mastered after countless actual combats. When fighting against others, it is often just an ordinary move that can exert deadly power!

"It seems that blindly pursuing the gorgeousness of data is still not advisable!"

At this time, Liu Qiang watched the headless monster fall straight from the sky and smash a large hole in the ground, but there was no joy on his face.

The monster staggered to his feet, and the head rolled back to the side of the body automatically. The sharp bone claws grabbed the head and automatically merged with it. The whole palm of the monster was replaced by the hideous head!

The sharp teeth kept biting in the air!

The pale head suddenly turned in the direction of Liu Qiang, and then the monster instantly sprinted close to Liu Qiang, waved his arm, and the head opened its bloody mouth and bit Liu Qiang!

Seeing that Liu Qiang couldn't dodge in time, he knelt down to avoid the attack, and at the same time, he raised his knife and knelt up to slash diagonally, directly slashing at the monster's shoulder joint!

But it was stuck directly!

"Not good!"

Liu Qiang was about to abandon the knife, but the monster closed his hands and held him tightly!

Liu Qiang struggled hard, but it was difficult to break free for a while.

Seeing that the monster's bloody mouth was about to bite his head directly, Liu Qiang was desperate and was about to pull the grenade on his waist, wanting to die together!

At the critical moment, a bullet hit the monster's forehead directly, and blood splattered! Liu Qiang also took the opportunity to pull out, but his chest was also scratched by the claws with a deep wound!

It was Duan Wei holding a sniper rifle who saved Liu Qiang at the critical moment. At this time, Duan Wei's face was covered with fine beads of sweat because of excessive concentration.

There seemed to be poison on the claws. Liu Qiang gasped and his face began to turn unnaturally pale.

Looking at the poison spreading in his chest, Liu Qiang gritted his teeth and took out the dagger to cut open a large piece of infected flesh along the wound again! Then he took out the bullet and took out the gunpowder powder and sprinkled it in the wound. The sparks from the friction between the claw knife and the dagger ignited the gunpowder, and hot and bright sparks gushed out from the wound!

The severe pain almost put him into shock! Beads of sweat fell like rain.

If it weren't for the strong physical bonus brought by the animal system ability and his own strong willpower, I'm afraid I would really die of pain!

"I'm too arrogant. I'm afraid I can't take this thing alone!"

No, I can't fall here!

Liu Qiang wiped the sweat from his eyes and was about to prop himself up to continue confronting the monster!

Suddenly, a broad palm appeared with great power and firmly pressed Liu Qiang who was about to get up.

"That's enough, Captain Liu Qiang. You have tried your best. Your character has earned my respect. Go and rest and heal your wounds."

Jiang Chen came to his side without knowing when, and his gentle words rang in his ears at the critical moment like the sound of nature.

Those who carry firewood for the public should not be allowed to die in the cold winter.

Jiang Chen gave up his previous plan to watch the fire from the other side of the river and decided to save this man. There was no reason, just a trace of pity in his heart.

Liu Qiang looked up at Jiang Chen. Hearing the praise from this man who was only the same age as his son, his body did not feel ashamed, but instead inexplicably gave rise to a sense of pride.

"Then... please!"

After watching Liu Qiang leave the center of the battlefield, Jiang Chen looked at the monster. The human-faced moth actually wanted to continue chasing Liu Qiang.

"That won't do! If you catch me, I'll be so embarrassed!"

Dragon scales appeared on Jiang Chen's palms, and dark domineering aura wrapped around them. He dodged and grabbed the monster's thigh skeleton, swung it, and threw it over his shoulder to the ground, smashing many trees along the way! The monster howled for the first time!

"So... so strong!"

The demon hunters who were bandaging Liu Qiang's wounds were all stunned by the shock.!

"Is this the strength of the strongest genius in Qingcheng!"

"I heard that Jiang Chen is still Black Iron! This strength is too exaggerated!"

Duan Wei was depressed. "Why can't such a genius join the army?" Obviously, she was still upset about Jiang Chen's refusal to join the army.

"Father often said that the world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit. Could it be that I didn't give him enough benefits..." Duan Wei fell into deep thought.

Jiang Chen sensed the monster's wailing, looked at his dark palm wrapped in domineering, and thought for a while. He could clearly sense that the monster's breath had weakened a lot!

"Is it because of domineering..."

In order to verify the conjecture, Jiang Chen continued to use his domineering fists to beat the monster fiercely. The monster clearly caught all of Jiang Chen's punches, but his body was still constantly suffering invisible damage!

This is domineering, the invisible and overwhelming power from the mind, will and momentum!

"The rumors are really true! Qinglong Jiang Chen has mastered the domineering power!"

Liu Qiang took a breath, and as the wound was affected, he couldn't help but take a second breath, and then a third breath...

Duan Wei couldn't bear it anymore and stuffed the healing bandage into Liu Qiang's mouth, "Enough! Stop sucking!!"

"Woo woo~~"

Domineering power, the whole huge Qingcheng, even Minister Duan Tianya has never mastered the power!

Even if his mouth was blocked, Liu Qiang still wanted to complain...

Jiang Chen took out the Eight Fasts at this time, and the thick thunder wrapped around the mace crackled, and the dark domineering power spread and covered the entire shaft!

Swinging with one hand, a swift and sweeping blow hit the monster's waist!

"Enhanced Thunder Bagua!!!"

That's right, the difference between the enhanced version of Thunder Bagua and the ordinary Thunder Bagua is that Jiang Chen swings it harder...

The iron rod wrapped with domineering and thunder roared like a sonic boom and directly smashed the upper body of the monster! ! !

Ignoring the shattered upper body of the monster, Jiang Chen stared at the relatively intact lower body of the monster. Yes, in Jiang Chen's perception, the whole body of the monster seemed to have a source of power, which came from the root of its thigh! ! !

I'm not going to smash it! ! ! !

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