"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The whole convoy was in chaos, and hundreds of fully armed Blood Wolf Corps members drew their weapons and guns to be on guard!

Hua Ying, the captain of the 13th squad responsible for the convoy's guard, got off the car with a gloomy face and spit out the cigar in his mouth, "Damn it! Bad luck!"

This happened when it was his turn to be on guard, which really annoyed Hua Ying.

Looking at the black shadow monster in front, "What are you doing? Come on, all of you!"

Humph, seeing that the black shadow was covered tightly, Hua Ying snorted coldly, pretending to be a ghost, hiding his head and showing his tail!

The ordinary gang members of the Blood Wolf Corps who received the order immediately opened the safety, raised their automatic rifles and launched a wave of long-range output at Jiang Chen!

The powerful recoil made their shoulders tremble constantly!

The hot flames sprayed countless stray bullets, and the bullets mixed with the heavy rain were like a death curtain covering the sky and the sun!

Everyone grinned. Such a big target must be a sitting duck.

Jiang Chen, who had his Observation Haki fully activated, watched the fast-moving bullets slow down countless times in his eyes like a turtle's speed!

Gently turning his head to avoid a bullet that was heading for his neck, Jiang Chen admired with interest the trail left in the air after the bullet circled. Hmm... it was pretty.

As the fight went on, the Blood Wolf Group could no longer laugh. The tall black shadow monster's eyes were full of scarlet light!

Then, as if it had predicted the future, it approached them step by step in the dense rain of bullets with ease! ! !

Some gang members swallowed their saliva, suppressed the fear that was gradually growing in their hearts, and poured bullets crazily! Hoping that the monster could be repelled!

"Damn! A bunch of trash!" Hua Ying, the captain of the 13th Division, grabbed the RPG rocket launcher in the hands of the guard beside him, raised his hand and fired at the black shadow!

"Bullets don't work! Let me see if this shell works!"

The guard on the side was shocked, "Captain! That monster is too close. If we use a rocket launcher, it will hurt our brothers!"

What he received was a slap from Huaying! "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

But the rocket that was shot at the black shadow monster was actually caught by the monster, and then it turned around and was thrown back to the direction of the convoy!

"No! Run!" The Blood Wolf Group members in the front row were scared by the incoming rockets and ran away!

Unfortunately, human legs can't run faster than rockets. The Blood Wolf Group members who were slightly weaker and had poor legs and feet were unfortunately swallowed up by the howitzer fired by the rocket launcher!

Dazzling flames and piercing roars!

Jiang Chen flashed into the crowd like a ghost! The bloody mace was swung violently! In an instant, the earth collapsed and corpses were everywhere! Flesh and blood flew everywhere!

At this time, the Blood Wolf Group's Admiral and a group of high-ranking officials, as well as Hao Niu Bi and others, also rushed over from the rear!

Admiral Duan Lang looked at the black monster that was constantly slaughtering ordinary members of the Blood Wolf Group, and narrowed his eyes, "Huaying, what's going on!"

"Admiral, this monster is of unknown origin and is blocking the way forward for our convoy! Judging from its movements, it has a sense of advance and retreat! It must have been premeditated!"

Hua Ying reported everything to Duan Lang.

"That is specifically targeting our Blood Wolf Group!

Damn it! Who of you is willing to step forward and test this person!"

Duan Lang shouted, looking at everyone with a covetous look.

"Admiral, I think this person is just some brute force! There is no need to worry, I am willing to take his head!"

The deputy captain of the 13th Division, Pan Long, stepped forward to ask for orders! As the animal-type bird-bird fruit spike-tailed swift form ability user, he has a perverted extreme speed!

The spike-tailed swift is known as the fastest flying animal in nature!

He, who thinks he is extremely fast, likes to play with those stupid people who think they have brute force!

"Okay! Pan Long! I toast you a glass! I wish you a victory!" Duan Lang raised the wine glass in his hand and filled it for him personally.

"Thank you, Admiral! Leave the wine here, wait for me to cut off this man's head, and then drink it!"

After saying that, Pan Long glanced at Hua Ying with a provocative look, the captain of the 13th squad must be mine!

"Okay! Return triumphantly, I will definitely record your merit!"

Upon hearing this, Hua Ying's face suddenly darkened, looking at the black shadow in the distance with hatred, when can't he attack! Why did he choose me to be on duty.

Pan Long took a mountain axe from his subordinate, his whole body changed, and the wings behind him spread out to become a monster with a bird's head and a human body, and soared into the sky in the blink of an eye!

In the blink of an eye, he arrived above Jiang Chen!

"Hmph! Who are you, thug? Tell me your name! I, Pan, will not kill an unknown person!"

Pan Long said arrogantly, holding a heavy axe in his arms.

"Dead man, you don't need to know my name."

The monster Jiang Chen with scarlet eyes spoke indifferently.

Fuck! You are even more pretentious than me. Pan Long was angry, and his wings fluttered. His figure suddenly turned into a trail of afterimages circling.Around Jiang Chen!

"How shameless! Did you see it? Did you see the extreme speed I have?

There is nothing invincible in martial arts, only speed can't break it!

I am the natural nemesis of you clumsy big guys!

You will pay for your words! I will cut off your flesh piece by piece!"

Pan Long's ghostly voice kept coming from all directions!

Jiang Chen held the mace and stood still, sneering, "Stupid, since you are pursuing extreme speed, why do you use heavy weapons like the mountain axe?"

"What do you know! Speed ​​is power! With my extreme speed and the sharp heavy weapon of the mountain axe, I am the perfect combination of power and speed! I will have no weaknesses!"

Hearing Jiang Chen's ridicule, Pan Long was furious!

"Non-descriptive things!" Jiang Chen whispered, comprehensive means mediocrity, of course, he is an exception.

"You're looking for death!" Pan Long flew to an infinite height in anger, holding the axe in both hands, and turned into a stream of light, swinging a fierce slash from top to bottom with unmatched potential energy!

The speed of the fruit ability was brought to the extreme by Pan Long!

He changed his mind, he wanted to kill the rat who dared to mock him with one blow!

The swift black shadow turned into a swift phantom, and the heavy axe emitted sparks in the fierce friction with the air! ! !

"Swift Mountain Slash!!!"

"That is the famous skill of Lord Pan Long! I didn't expect to have the honor to see it today!"

"Great, that monster killed so many of our brothers, and it's finally going to die!"

Countless ordinary gang members of the Blood Wolf Group cried bitterly, many of their brothers died at the hands of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen under the mask revealed a bloodthirsty edge, his whole body aura condensed, and the black robe moved without wind!

The rain around him seemed to have been paused! The ground cracked under his feet! It made a creaking sound as he couldn't bear the weight!

Black air covered his whole body! The golden-red light in his eyes was shining brightly, which was the external manifestation of Jiang Chen's fruit power and domineering aura being pushed to the extreme! ! !

Jiang Chen held the Eight Fast Rings in both hands and made a brutal attack on the Swift Phantom from bottom to top! The Eight Fast Rings made a series of sonic booms when they were swung!

"Full power!

Great Mighty Thunder Bagua!!!"

The heavy axe and the mace slammed violently!

The ground cracked and shattered! The terrifying air wave rolled back! The people who were closer were blown by the strong wind and couldn't open their eyes at all!

The dazzling shock wave rushed straight into the sky, and even the rainstorm was temporarily stopped to avoid its edge!

"How...how is it! Master Pan Long should have won, right?"

Some gang members swallowed their saliva.

"Sorry, your peerless general Pan Long seems to have only a head left!"

In the center of the explosion, a black-robed monster with a mace in his right hand walked out of the fire, and in his left hand, he was holding a hideous head!!!

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