But now, after hearing Yaxida's explanation, they understood that Shils' tactics had long been created by Bai Mo, used and guided, and then used more perfect tactics to guide the other party, but the other party didn't know it yet. .

Bai Mo's battle is really strong!

"Thank you for your hard work, Snow Demon Girl, Wind Speed ​​Dog, the battle is perfect!" Bai Mo came to the two elves, stretched his arms around them, and praised them.

Both elves let out a happy cry, and a flush of blush crept up on the Snow Fairy's face.

"Bai Mo BOSS, perfect tactics and cooperation, thank you for giving me a battle full of ending performances, and don't let the water in the next battle field!"

Hills took back the two elves and walked over with applause. At the end of the game, he naturally realized his mistake and Bai Mo's tactics.

But all this is useless.

The outcome is determined, he lost very simply!

Bai Mo heard the words, nodded and said:

"Don't worry, I won't release water, like it is now!"

"This dome, you manage it well!"

Saying that, Bai Mo reached out his hand and held Sears' right hand together, and his implication was that Sears passed his assessment and could continue to serve as the leader of the Battle Frontier!

"I won't let you down, BOSS!" Hills nodded solemnly.


The picture of the two shaking hands immediately detonated the enthusiasm of the audience, and they cheered excitedly.

"Congratulations, Bai Mo, Hills, the symbol of tactics, has also lost to your tactics!" Yachida walked to the arena at this time and congratulated Bai Mo.

"Then, perfect audience, one more round of applause!"

Hills opened his hands and shouted loudly to the audience. The audience burst into enthusiastic cheers again, and then Hills turned and left.

Seeing Hills leave, Bai Mo also turned around and wanted to leave, but thinking of the next facility, he stopped and asked Yaxida.

"Yahida, where is the next battle facility?"

"The next word is to fight against the water pipe, near the light red city, which is the symbol of luck." Yachida told Bai Mo the address, and the latter nodded and was about to leave.

Upon seeing this, Yaxida asked suspiciously, "Bai Mo, don't you want your badge?"

"Didn't Hills give it to me?"

Bai Mo smiled lightly, and at the same time stretched out his left hand, with a badge lying in his palm.

This badge was placed on Bai Mo's head when Yachida walked to the field to speak, and when Bai Mo turned his head, Hills wanted to secretly put it on Bai Mo's head, but how could his small movements conceal Bai Mo's superpower perception.

It was because he was caught that this guy slipped so fast.

Ignoring Yaxida, Bai Mo returned to the dedicated channel, and the three daughters were still there.

"Brother Bai Mo, you are really amazing!" Serena excitedly approached Bai Mo!

"It's okay!" Bai Mo smiled humbly, and waved the badge into the small world without a trace.

His performance immediately made Serena, the little fan girl, even more excited, but Ma Xiu was between the two at this time, and her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity:

"Bai Mo, can you tell me now, how did you know me?"

Chapter 0934 Cameo reasoning, showing the face of three women!

Ma Xiu's voice was very pleasant, like the cry of a yellow spirit bird, and Bai Mo enjoyed it very much.

Turning around, looking at Ma Xiu's beautiful eyes painted with purple eyeshadow, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and pointed at his brain:

"Actually, it all depends on this!"

"???" Ma Xiu's eyes showed a puzzled look, and she didn't understand what Bai Mo meant.

Serena, on the other hand, seemed to feel it, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Bai Mo, do you mean to rely on your brain?"

"Smart!" In praise of Serena, Bai Mo nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I meant."

"What do you mean, you came up with this on your own?" Ma Xiu finally reacted, although Bai Mo said before the match with Hills that he understood himself by reasoning.

But Ma Xiu only thought it was the other party's joke.

But now that Bai Mo still said that, she was a little surprised!

"That's right, I said it, it's reasoning." Bai Mo smiled confidently, and without waiting for Ma Xiu to ask, he took the initiative to explain:

"First of all, I said it, because you speak an authentic Kyoto accent, you can know that you are from Chengdu."

Ma Xiu nodded. Bai Mo Xiangong had already explained this point. What she was more curious about was how Bai Mo knew that she was a model, now a professional designer and gym trainer.

At this moment, Bai Mo's eyes shifted to Ma Xiu's cry, and he chuckled, "Miss Ma Xiu, your high heels are really high!"

"!" A light flashed in Ma Xiu's eyes, and she understood what Bai Mo meant.

On the side, Ai'er followed Bai Mo's gaze and glanced at the shoes on Ma Xiu's feet, and understood.

It turned out that it was because of professional skills!

Of the three girls, only Serena didn't understand, so she glanced at Ma Xiu's shoes, but she never understood what Bai Mo meant.

Seeing Serena's cute appearance, Ai'er helplessly stretched out her hand to support her forehead, and explained, "Didn't you find that Ma Xiu has been wearing high heels? And it's high heels with such a high heel!"

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