"I mean, Ma Xiu, you have a beautiful smile."

"Such a beautiful smile should not be seen by too many people."

"Rare is more expensive, isn't it?"

Saying that, Bai Mo blinked at Ma Xiu.

"Humph!" Ma Xiu snorted proudly and coldly, but she felt much more comfortable inside.

Looking at Ma Xiu's appearance, Bai Mo thought of something and asked, "Ma Xiu, do you have the idea of ​​becoming a Pokémon? You don't wear fairy-like clothes to feel the magic. How are you feeling, baby?"

Although Bai Mo was asking, everyone could hear the certainty in his words.

"You can see that!?" Ma Xiu showed a surprised expression on her face. This was the first time she showed an expression other than a smile.

Although Bai Mo's performance earlier surprised Ma Xiu, these emotions did not show on her face.

But now, Bai Mo saw through some of her liking, which undoubtedly surprised Ma Xiu.

However, Bai Mo's attention was obviously wrong:

"I didn't expect Ma Xiu to have a beautiful expression other than your smile."


Ma Xiu's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment, she didn't expect Bai Mo to say such a sentence in the end.

"Hmm~" Touching his chin, Bai Mo looked at:

"As for how do I know what you are interested in, or you can find the answer yourself?"

"How am I going to find the answer myself?" Ma Xiu had a puzzled expression on her face.

"It's very simple."

"Travel with me."

Bai Mo finally revealed her purpose and invited Ma Xiu to travel.

And not only Ma Xiu, but also Ai Er and Serena.

"Ai'er, Serena, you were invited to Chengdu with Ma Xiu. Why don't you travel with me for the next time?"

"If it's time, it's tentatively scheduled for me to travel to the battle development area for this period of time."

"Traveling together?" Ai'er and Serena looked at each other tacitly, seeing the movement in each other's eyes.

But the girl's restraint made it difficult for them to agree directly.

"it is good!"

At this time, Ma Xiu made a very decisive decision. She is very interested in Bai Mo now. Traveling together for a while is a good choice in her opinion.

And Ma Xiu made a decision, Aier and Serena naturally agreed to this matter happily by borrowing the donkey.

So, during the next journey, there were three more girls beside Bai Mo.

Just at this time, Bai Mo's girlfriends all went back to their homes for a short stay, and there was no one else beside them except Shanaido and the other elf girlfriends.

Therefore, he does not need to enter the small world every day.

"Xiao Nai, get acquainted with them first!"

On the way to the battle against the water pipe, Bai Mo asked Shanaido and the three girls to establish a friendship first, so that the girls could get along better.

"Yes, Mo!" Xiaonai nodded obediently, she knew that if there was no accident, the three daughters would become her sisters!

"Master, why don't you ask me!" On the side, Minas stuck up and seemed a little dissatisfied.

But Bai Mo knew that this girl was simply acting like a spoiled child!

"Just take care of yourself!" Bai Mo stretched out his hand and slapped Minas's forehead in annoyance. This girl became more and more clingy after the divine beasts like Chaomeng and Dreams left temporarily because they had to face an unknown force. people!

"The ultimate alien beast!"

Thinking of the reason why Dream and the others left, Bai Mo has a vague guess, but there is still half a year before those ultimate alien beasts finally appear. Don't worry too much now, improving your strength is the most important thing!

Behind the two daughters Bai Mo and Minas, Aier and three daughters were actually curious about Minas and Xiaonai, because they knew that these two women were human beings incarnated by elves.

This is still a novelty for them.

In particular, Ma Xiu, who really wanted to understand the thoughts of the elf, was quite curious after knowing that the two beautiful girls beside Bai Mo were the incarnation of the elf!

Although there is a national highway from Ziyuan Town to Qianhong City, the national highway is connected in all directions, and the distance is quite long.

It happened that there were three more beautiful girls around, and the feeling of traveling and seeing the scenery was also wonderful, so Bai Mo was not in a hurry.

The group of people stopped and played, and it took a full week to arrive at the battle facility near the light red city.

This is against the water pipes.

The battle against the water pipe gives people an unspeakable force at a glance. The most striking part of the building is the huge decoration with the appearance of a spoon snake.

The decoration was like a living spoon snake, like a living creature lying on the top of the white building, looking down at the trainer who came to challenge it.

The crimson teeth of this spoon are the doorposts!

"Hey, Bai Mo, this time you arrived a few days later than I planned!" When Bai Mo was not far from the battle water pipe, the elusive Yahida rushed out of the forest beside him with teasing in his eyes. , and take a look at the three daughters from time to time, the meaning is self-evident!

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