Looking at the device, Dr. Fire proudly introduced: "The crystal system will absorb all the power supply within a certain range, and then become its own energy."

"The crystal system will reflect back the electric attack in the area, and at the same time release energy, create a crystal area, and completely destroy the target in the crystal area!"

"So it is." Wu Village said with great interest, seeing the extremely destructive scene in front of him.

"No matter what kind of electricity-type elf, in front of this crystal system, it will be vulnerable." Yu Shengxian's martial arts village was much calmer, his hands crossed his chest, and looked at the scene in front of him lightly, "Very good, the next thing is Our work is over."

Somewhere in Chengdu, Duke Lei suddenly raised his head!

Another thing, before the battle against the palace!

Yahida, who was still there early, said to the old man, "Master Yukang, this is the trainer I contacted you yesterday who will come to challenge."

Yahida bowed his waist when he spoke, his tone was very light, and it was obvious that he respected Yukang.

But this is also normal. Yukang is a veteran champion trainer. If Jindai hadn't joined the battle development zone, he would probably become the strongest leader.

Of course, Yukang didn't use his real elf when he challenged him in the original book.

After all, that's not a level!

"Hello, Mr. Yukang, I'm Bai Mo, and I'm here to challenge the Battle Palace."

Bai Mo came forward with the three daughters, and the previous few times were not bad, and he had a trace of respect for Yukang.

This respect is given to Yukang's age, and also to the opponent's championship-level strength.

"Haha, the boss is humble, up and down the right side, this time, the old man will go all out." Yukang didn't recognize his identity without being polite to Bai Mo.

You must know that Bai Mo is a young sect leader.

When it comes to strength, he still has the qualification to hang him Yukang.

Seeing Bai Mo nodding, Yukang raised his head to the sky, and then said:

"The weather is good today, BOSS, how is it, in this cloudless sky, let's compete outside."

"Is there a battle field outside?" Serena, who was beside Bai Mo, asked curiously.

"Of course, there is a battle arena in the primeval forest here." Yahida smiled at this answer.

"Ah~ that's very interesting." Serena looked very interested.

Seeing her like this, Bai Mo nodded towards Yukang, "The battle arena, I'm free!"

"Then I'll tell you the rules!" Yaxida then said, "There are four Pokémon used in the game. When all the Pokémon lose their combat effectiveness, the game is over. I don't think you will change the Pokémon in the middle, Bai Mo, so This rule is not attached."

"No problem!" Bai Mo nodded.

The battle arena of the battle palace in the virgin forest is behind the battle palace, on a high rock platform, and a field is depicted on it!

At this time, Bai Mo and Yukang who came here stood at the two ends respectively, while Yahida was floating in the air in a hot air balloon.

With the help of Shanaido, Serena and the girls instantly moved to the back of the Blood Winged Flying Dragon.

Obviously, in this battle, Bai Mo did not intend to use the Blood Winged Flying Dragon!

"BOSS, from the coastline to that river is our combat range, so when the elf moves, the trainer must also move."

Yukang pointed to the entire playing field and faced Bai Mo.

"Okay, Mr. Yukang!" Bai Mo nodded, this kind of casual fighting is suitable for people of their level.

At this moment, a referee robot with a main body in the shape of a pixie ball, with propellers on both sides, and two short sticks on the top and bottom flew over.

The robot referee, calling itself Camega, announced:

"Now, the match against the Sky Garden BOSS Bai Mo and the Palace Yukang officially begins!"

The Battle Sky Garden was Bai Mo's battle facility. It had just been built recently, but it had not yet been put into use.

specific situation.

Bai Mo plans to announce it after playing the God Generation!

"The first one I sent out was..." Yukang shouted and threw a Pokeball.

"Cunning Tengu!"

"Fake!" The cunning Tengu with the peak strength of the Heavenly King appeared in front of Bai Mo!

"What about grass and evil?!"

"Then come out, Fire-breathing Dragon Y!"

Bai Mo also immediately threw his Poké Ball!

As the Poké Ball opened, the fire-breathing dragon Y appeared in the field and confronted the cunning Tengu.

"Ready, go!"

The referee robot stretched out the referee flag to announce the start of the game!

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, use hot air!"

Bai Mo first issued the order.


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