Or the tip of the iceberg of the head-level trainer?

Not only take one step, but think three steps, even with guidance and various temptations, and have various follow-up procedures.

Guidance and process, or a number of prongs.

How can ordinary people deal with it.

"So it is!" At this time, Xiao Jin also completely reacted.

Why did Bai Mo let the hot beast make a big sunny day?

Because its hot beast is not afraid of fire at all.

In this case, although his Fire Beast also increased the fire-type attack ability with one move, it was useless, and even became the nourishment of the opponent.

Later, after Bai Mo's flaming beast absorbed the flames, its special attack increased by 1.5 times, and on a sunny day, it increased by [-] times.

In the case of increasing this much, Xiaojin's hot beasts were continuously hit, including the big character explosion.

It's really hard to keep going.

Even if you don't lose, you're just holding on for a while.

"You really lost from the start!"

Xiao Jin sighed, the gap between him and Bai Mo was too obvious, the two of them were using the same elf strength, and they were still the same kind of elf.

Although Bai Mo's fiery beast has the ability to ignite fire, his performance is too bad.

"I've been taught!" Xiao Jin solemnly bowed to Bai Mo. He deeply realized that when Bai Mo was dealing with him, it might really be no different from playing!

After the test with Xiao Jin, Bai Mo and others took a day off in the town.

Xiao Jin first left alone, saying that he was not enough, and planned to train specially.

Crystal did not stay, but went to Fengliang City, where the annual Wind Festival is being held.

It is said that there is also a gorgeous contest held.

After Bai Mo heard it, he decided to join in the fun after finishing the next facility!

Through the national road from Light Red City to Rainbow City, Bai Mo took the girl on a tour of the mountains and rivers, and finally came to the destination near the town of Xikimi after a few days.

Through the status given by Yahida, at noon, Bai Mo arrived at a place where he could see a tall building standing in the distance.

This is the legendary battle tower!

When he came to the front of the battle tower, Bai Mo saw Lan Yaxida standing with a man in his twenties with dark green hair.

"Yo, our boss Bai Mo has finally arrived!"

Yahida saw Bai Mo and greeted him very well!

"Cut!" Bai Mo smiled and rolled his eyes, then looked at the man beside Yahida, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and asked.

"Is this the head of the battle tower?"

"Hello, BOSS, my name is Ah Zheng!"

"I'm not the leader, I just work in this battle tower!"

"Please take care of me too!" Ah Zheng looked at Bai Mo with respect, and explained, "The leader is already waiting, please come with me..."

With that said, Ah Zheng immediately entered the battle tower!

Hearing this, Bai Mo nodded and walked into the battle tower with Shanaido and the other women.

After a while, the group came to a competition venue!

As Ah Zheng turned on the lights of the competition venue, he introduced: "Then, Bai Mo BOSS, let me introduce the domain leaders of the battle tower that are worthy of boasting!"

"She is the genius here, the head of the battle tower!"

"The King of the Tower, Lila!"

With Ah Zheng's voice falling.

A door on the side of the battlefield opened, and a marked girl wearing white clothes, purple trousers, with rare purple hair and purple eyes appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this person, Serena and the girls all blinked, because the first impression of this person was quiet.

Terribly silent!

"Sure enough, it's Lila?!" Bai Mo's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect that Yachida would actually be pulling her teeth in the world police camp, causing Lila to fight against the development zone.

In fact, Bai Mo didn't know that the success of this matter had a lot to do with him becoming the BOSS in the battle zone.

Moreover, Lila has a special sense of Bai Mo's body.

"Bai Mo, please take care of me!"

Lila came not far from Bai Mo and looked at him flatly.

But Bai Mo clearly saw the slyness in her eyes!

"Let's fight seriously!" Bai Mo nodded with a smile on his face. He didn't intend to show that he and Lila knew each other now.

Reminiscing about the old days, leave it for later!

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