Bai Mo also uses telepathy to convey commands.

A pure super-power elves like Hu Di have a weak point in terms of physical strength. Just a few tricks with enough attack power can make Hu Di lose his combat effectiveness.

Of course, Hu Di has the trick of self-recovery.

But this move and the time it takes are also opportunities!

Following Bai Mo's order, several super brains helped to accelerate and quickly absorbed the power.

The shadow ball was launched, without the control of the giant gold monster, and shot directly at Lila.

At this time, the giant gold monster used his mental strength again.

"Hu Di, use your full strength to use your mental strength!"

Lila remained silent, but there was a look of shock on her face.

Hu Di quickly ended his self-recovery, put the two spoons on his chest and crossed them, his eyes and the spoon together glowed blue!


Hu Di let out a dull cry, first forcing away the shadow ball that was approaching him, and then, just like before, the colored light and the blue light clashed violently!

Suddenly, with Hu Di roaring loudly, his hands parted, and the blue light burst out, finally dispelling the mental strength of the giant golden monster!

"Signal beam!" Bai Mo's voice sounded in the giant golden monster's heart.

Inside the arena, before Lila was happy, the giant golden monster emitted a golden beam, which arrived in an instant, enveloped Hu Di, and knocked it out!


Hu Di flew out and slammed into the wall behind him, and finally passed out!

"Insect-type signal beam!" Lila responded, but it was already too late!

"Hudi can't fight!" Ah Zheng immediately announced: "The winner is the giant gold monster!"

"The battle between superpowers, Bai Mo, you are the best!"

Lila couldn't help but praise Bai Mo.

This man is indeed much stronger than her.

As she said that, Lila took back Hu Di, her expression still calm, and threw a second Poke Ball:

"Then, my second elf!"

"Go! My friend!"

As Lila's words fell, a huge elf appeared in the field.

It was the giant golden monster that Bai Mo had seen!

The two giant golden monsters met, and the momentum suddenly rose.

However, Bai Mo didn't have the idea of ​​battling the giant gold monster. He adhered to his usual habit and took the giant gold monster away and took out the second Poké Ball at the same time:

"Feng speed dog, you go!"

Seeing this, Lila did not speak!

At this time, the cross on the forehead of the giant golden monster emitted a blue light, and the thought force activated, instantly grabbed the wind speed dog, and threw it away.

"What a quick attack!" Bai Mo secretly said in his heart.

Looking at the wind speed dog that was thrown away, he ordered:

"Using earthquakes!"


On the way of flying upside down, the wind speed dog quickly adjusted its body in the air, and a khaki power appeared on its four feet, and it landed heavily!

Immediately, the entire venue shook violently. Although the giant golden monster could use the magnetic force in its body to fly off the ground like a maglev train.

But the giant golden monster is not a flying elf. Under the invisible attack of the seismic wave, there is a painful look on his face!

Chapter 0956 The battle continues, the appearance of the ghost Ibrahimovic


When the wind speed dog's earthquake trick continued to act on the giant gold monster, a metal light suddenly flashed across its body, blocking these fluctuations.

The giant gold monster made an iron wall trick.

Seeing this, Bai Mo's mind moved.

"Big character flame car!"


The attacking skills of this combo are already too familiar to the wind speed dog.

At the moment when the earthquake attack ended, the wind speed dog spit out a large flame in advance, and then orange-red flames burst out from the whole body, and quickly slammed into the giant gold monster!


The big character Goblet of Fire was absorbed by the wind speed dog, and the flame on the wind speed dog's body turned blue and purple, and it hit the giant gold monster directly without any accident!

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