At this moment, the black smoke gradually dissipated, and through the thinned smoke, a shadow could be seen flying out of the ghost elf, penetrating instantly, and entering the body of the sun elf who had fallen asleep due to hypnosis on the ground!

When the black smoke completely dissipated, everyone saw that the sun elf had lost consciousness.

"Cut, in the end, Xiaoyou still won!" The Fire Elf pouted angrily!

"Just right!" The ice elf smiled gently!

"What should I do if I'm very upset?" The Sun Elf pouted!

"Okay, don't talk about it, it's good to win!" Ibrahimovic said, and the elves immediately shut their mouths obediently!

These elf personalities are also divided into sisters and sisters. Although they were born on the same day, the order in which they acquired their bodies was different, so they used this to distinguish the size.

Speaking of which, Ibrahimovic was the first ontology, and other personalities were born after it, so the other personalities recognized her as her sister and were convinced!

"The sun elves can't fight, the ghost elves win! The winner is the leader of the sky garden, Bai Mo BOSS!!"

Azheng announced the result after checking the situation of the sun spirit!

"It's dangerous and dangerous, I didn't expect that sun elf to be so agile!"

"One more time, and I won't have the face to see those sisters."

The ghost elf gasped and floated to Bai Mo and started spinning!

"Oh, well done!"

"They all see your record this time, you can show off."

Bai Mo smiled slightly, reached out and touched the ghost elf's head!

"Bai Mo!" At this moment, Lila came over and said to Bai Mo, "What a wonderful game, this is the symbol of ability, the proof of defeating the battle tower."

Saying that, a badge appeared in Lila's hand!

This middle part looks like an angular raindrop.

"It was indeed a good match!" Bai Mo smiled and took the badge from Lila, "Thank you, Lila!"

"My Bai Mo BOSS, congratulations!"

Ahida came over and said, "The next is the final battle, the match against the Age of God!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"Champion-level battles, there are also divine beasts!"

"Then you need to wait for a while!" Bai Mo smiled, stretched out his hand and took out the navigator Yahida and took a look:

"I'm not in a hurry to fight against the gods. I need to go to the festival of the wind first, and I may go to another place at that time!"

"The game with the gods, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

Saying that, Bai Mo suddenly smiled and said, "Yahida, you don't need to inform you when the time comes, I think you are well informed!"

"No, no!" Yahida waved her hand quickly, "I'm definitely watching your game, I'll just come by myself!"

"Yeah!" Bai Mo nodded slightly, and then sent an invitation to Lila, "Lila, how is it, it's all right, do you want to join me in the festival of wind?"

"Fengliang City is a good vacation spot!"

"Okay!" Lila's face showed a faint radian, "It's rare that you don't have to be a world policeman now. It's also a good choice to go to Fengliang City with you!"

"Quan is on vacation!"

"Okay!" Bai Mo nodded, then took out his phone and called Shendai, first notifying him of the approximate time of the battle, and at the same time asking him to send a helicopter.

Waiting for Bai Mo to hang up the phone, Yahida asked out of curiosity, "Bai Mo, you and Lila have known each other for a long time?"

The way Bai Mo and Lila chatted really didn't look like they just met.

Moreover, Bai Mo directly invited others to play at the Festival of the Wind. He was not afraid of being rejected at all. He was completely a friend!

"That's right!" Bai Mo put on a puzzled look, "Don't you know?"

"I thought you knew that!"

"At the beginning of the Asia Island incident, you should have known about it with your connections!"

"I met Lila at that time, and Lila was the police of the world back then!"

"I really, I really don't know!" Yahida showed a wry smile. If he had known this, he would have used Bai Mo's signboard.

God knows how much he has spent in order to get Lila from the World Police Organization. After all, although Lila was disappointed with the World Police Organization at that time, she still has feelings...

Lila and Bai Mo exchanged glances in secret, a smile flashed in their eyes, and the former suddenly said:

"Actually, I also heard you say that Bai Mo was the boss behind the development zone before he decided to agree. Otherwise, I would still prefer to be a policeman!"


Ahida felt a sword in her heart.

He worked hard for a long time to co-author, but still couldn't match Bai Mo's name?

Why did you know he had put so much effort into it?

You know, because of this, he lost five pounds, and it took two days to replenish it.

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