On the way, La Ruguo did not forget to tell Bai Mo something about the celebration of the wind.


Hearing the key point, Bai Mo suddenly asked that, on the last day of the celebration, will Lugia appear?

That's right!La Ruguo responded, using Ken

Ding's voice said that on the last day of the celebration, it was the last to live.

verb: move!

Soon, some people walked to a cross entrance, and La Ruguo excitedly pointed to an elevated tower in the distance, and said, look, look, that is the holy fire!

Lugia, with that torch beacon, will bring wind to the city every year!

Really.Bai Mo smiled and pointed to a big shelf on the top of the mountain behind the elevated bridge, asking what was that?

That was the former power station!La Ruguo explained that according to the rumors, the place had been burned down by the mountain fire fifty years ago, and it is now abandoned!

That mountain fire was also extinguished by Lugia calling for heavy rain!

Oh, Lugia is amazing!Bai Mo smiled and glanced at Lugia, who was constantly eating potato chips, with some teasing eyes!


Lugia glanced at Bai Mo, as if she was saying two words boring!

Alright, here we go!

Between the words, La Ruguo stopped and pointed in one direction, Brother Doctor, you can go this way, you can go to the main venue!

I have to go somewhere else!

it is good!

Bai Mo waved to La Ruguo, and several people said goodbye.

Seeing the figure of La Ruguo leaving, the corner of Bai Mo's mouth evoked a strange arc.

Do you know what she's going to do?Lugia asked coldly.

... Bai Mo was speechless for a while, do these supernatural beasts have to be so sensitive?

But when it comes to perception, Bai Mo touched his chin and told Lugia that you can perceive the city yourself!

In this surrounding, you should be able to feel that presence.


Lugia's hand ate the potato chips, and her beautiful eyes flickered, obviously interested.


Lugia appears inside

An invisible wave shrouded the entire city in an instant, and then slowly spread outward.

Following this fluctuation, Lugia saw that Bai Mo was waiting to go to the main venue, and there was a man in a hat showing off something to a little girl.

And this little girl turned her body happily and accidentally bumped into a girl with dyed hair.

The girl sat on the ground with an unsteady center of gravity, and the Poké Ball in her hand fell out.

Then, a few seemed to start chatting about something.

At the same time, in an elf research institute, a green-haired researcher seemed to be very insecure, whispering something to others there.

Seems to be trying to find a speaker.


Then Lugia put her perception into the ruins of a huge building in the forest outside.

In this building, she sensed a powerful wave of violent and weak power.

At this time, La Ruguo, who was very separated from the white street, walked through the forest to this ruined building not far from the city, and then took out some biscuits and placed them on a small stone.

A wild baby bear and wild Variegator cautiously walked over to the stone and tasted the biscuits.

And La Ruguo took out two chrysanthemums, a moo milk and a sweet bread from the bag that he carried with him, and put them on the stone steps in front of the ruins.

After doing all this, La Ruguo whispered sorry towards the ruins of the building, because I hurt you!

I brought orange fruit and milk in a big milk tank. Remember to eat it to help you recover!

La Ruguo said, but she never got a response. She knew that the elf inside had prejudice against humans and people. A hint of disappointment flashed on her face, so she had to bow her head and turn away.

When she left, a figure appeared in front of the food.

At the same time, Lugia next to Bai Mo frowned and nodded.

It was Zeraora!

I remember him often appearing near Fengliang City, and I have seen him several times!

However, how did it get so badly injured this time?

It must be an accident.Bai Mo sounded the plot in the anime and shook his head. It is impossible for the existence of the divine beast to be so seriously injured because of these reasons.

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