


Abo Snake was completely hanged.


Xiao Zhi took out a special Poke Ball and retrieved the Abo Snake.

After doing all this, Ash moved on.

At the same time, Bai Mo took a leisurely walk, and in front of him was Pokkis.

Bai Mo did not use his first or even second team, but chose to use Pokkis.

Pokkis' power has reached the quasi-king level, which is not bad!

Wave missiles!

Bai Mo directed Pokkis to use a wave missile, and the wave missile flew past the name and sent an electric shock beast.


Dazukimon was hit by a wave missile and flew out backwards.

Bai Mo threw a pokeball.


The Poké Ball successfully retrieved the Electric Beast.


Bai Mo calmly passed away.

At this time, at a place around the audience, a Bangira slammed his chest and rushed forward.

This Bangira is the strongest existence in this subjugation competition, a king-level elf.

Unlike other elves hiding in various places, Bangira rushes to places where there are trainers and elves. It is the confidence of being a king-level elves, and the pride of a quasi-god elves.

This Bangira can be considered to know that he is in the town now, and he did not use any destructive skills such as earthquake or destruction of death light. He used ordinary skills such as iron head and iron tail.

But even so, many trainers are afraid to avoid it.

While Bangira is a huge point number, these most average trainers don't want to bother with it either.

It's better to find other spirits than fight Bangira.

More and more, many trainers who encounter Bangira are meaningless.

But at this moment, an accident happened. Bangira used an iron move to slam it forward, but did not find a small pothole on the ground below.


Bangira, who was sprinting, was accidentally hooked by a pothole, weightless, and rammed forward uncontrollably, hitting a power cable!

Originally, with Bangira's strength and thick-skinned physique, there was not much difference between a fall and a tickling.

But at this moment, an even more coincidental thing happened. When Bangira got up, because the movement was too big, he wrapped a cable around his neck!

The material of this cable is very good, and Bangira struggled a few times but did not break free, which caused the cables to wrap around her body a few more times, and even tightened them even tighter.

For a while, Bangira fell into a situation where it was difficult to breathe.


Physical discomfort puts Bangira into

Furious, he rushed out of the store to the street, and began to sprint,

Earn piles and piles of stuff.

At the same time, the live broadcast is being done on the big screen at the game venue.

Congrats, Mr. Kagaki is now leading the way, let me see if he can make persistent efforts!The host's voice spread throughout the venue.

At this time, on the screen, Kagaki with Haixing and panting on the road, all kinds of pictures of subduing the elf!

Come on uncle!The little girl with purple hair called Li Li shouted desperately.

The characteristic of starfish is to emit light, and if you give full play to this characteristic, you can attract elves to approach actively!The host's knowledge is very good, and he tries his best to explain and tell everyone what Kagaqi is doing now.

A good feature to use is the flash point.

But what these people don't know is that the reason why Kagaqi can be so fast is partly because of Starfish's knowledge, and more because there is a professor in the dark who uses computers all over the town to guide him...

Clearly know where there are elves, and use the fastest speed to take the nearest way to conquer the elves that have not been conquered.

This is the reason why Kagaki's points have been going up all the way.

Of course, if Bai Mo wanted to, he could unleash super powers, and then use teleportation to subdue the elves.

That points absolutely exploded.

But it's also boring and abusive.

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