If the agreed time cannot be salvaged before, I will not intervene.

It's said that eating people's mouth is soft, doesn't it exist?

Bai Mo glanced at the snacks in Lugia's hand, and muttered a little speechlessly, then he shook his head and murmured that it was just a shot.

Zeraora is still very strong and worth conquering!

Chapter 0971 The crisis of Zeraora

very good!

Live and dance!

I got this elf!

At a time when the whole city of Fengliang was worried about the loss of the torch.

When Bai Mo was about to set off to meet Zera and Ola for a while.

In the forest, two well-armed elf hunters believed that there were rare elf in the forest because they heard Kagaqi's nonsense, and started an illegal hunt.

They used weapons against the elves, forcibly subdued.

Unexplored nature and lively elves are the most valuable for hunting.One of the hunters held it and said, and at the same time grabbed a net.

This is a net made of special materials, and even elves below the elite level cannot break free.

In this net, a tail stand was caught at this time.

The two kept moving closer to the depths of the forest.

And in the direction of their progress, there is a dilapidated building. In front of the building, Shi Chang's daughter, La Ruguo, is sitting there with a look of frustration.

At his feet, the thing that was placed was the holy fire that Lugia sent wind.

Is the celebration over?La Ruguo looked up at the sky and sighed, not knowing what to think.

At its feet, there is a Variety Monster and a baby bear playing and playing.

Don't worry, this time there will be no problem, I will protect you.La Ruguo seemed to have made a decision, or in order to strengthen his heart, he grabbed his head and said something to the abandoned building.

And in the direction she turned to look, there was a golden-haired elf who looked like a standing cat sitting on a rock.

This elf is Zeraora!

Pure Electric Eudemons!

When Zeraora heard La Ruguo's words, she raised her head and her eyes were unusually bright.


Zeraora's eyes flashed suddenly.

At this time, a man's voice reached Bai Mo's ears.

Ha, I didn't expect such a place near Fengliang City!

Hurry up and find some rare elf!

It is said that after the person informed that there are rare elves here, many people are eyeing this place, and now many people are coming!

_Help the idiots, let's make a fortune and leave as soon as possible, everyone is here, the goal is big, really think Junsha is a vegetarian?


Rare Pixie! !La Ruguo hid in the dark, her heart trembled, she instinctively regarded the rare elves mentioned by the two men as Zeraora.

Never let them find it!La Ruguo's eyes were a little more determined.

Ah hoo~~, two big brothers!When the two middle-aged men walked to the abandoned building, La Ruguo walked out first and asked, are you here for an outing?


One of the bald men said with a smile, little sister, are you a child from Fengliang City?

Do you know of any good outing spots here?

Ah, I know!La Ruguo hurriedly nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction, and said that it was very good there!

Thank you!The bald man turned to leave, and La Ruguo breathed a sigh of relief.

But before she could relax completely, the bald middle-aged man's companion suddenly asked La Ruguo if you had seen any rare elves nearby?

what!La Ruguo was startled, but fortunately he had already thought of an excuse, and nodded quickly, "I know!"

Oh? !The two men suddenly lit up.

La Ruguo stretched out his hand again and pointed in one direction. There are a few elves, um, I can't even describe it.

Oh?Those two hearts were instantly excited, and the elves that ordinary people couldn't describe seemed to be rare elves.

Rare means rare.

The two men immediately walked in that direction.

But at this moment, an accident appeared, and the baby bear who was hiding in the dark accidentally hit a piece of gravel.


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