However, although the speed increase gives Iron Ninja an unparalleled advantage, it is also its flaw. When it uses skills to attack, the speed is too much beyond normal, so that Iron Ninja's body can't be as normal at all. Flexibility, in the end, it can only attack in a straight line, and it is not easy to change moves!

And this gave Fire-breathing Dragon Y a chance to counterattack!

Looks like I won this game!

Said, looking at the iron-faced ninja who was completely hit by the hot wind and couldn't break free, Bai Mo showed a smile!

Great, I'm going to take it down!Listening to Bai Mo's explanation, Ram and Crystal immediately took out a notebook and started recording.

It's not a loss to be the boss, the analysis is good, but...

When Shendai heard Bai Mo speak, he closed his eyes slightly.

After Bai Mo finished speaking, he turned on his acting skills again, suddenly turned on his acting skills, and shouted loudly, the speed of the Iron Mask Ninja also gave it the power to surpass all attacks!

As the words of the gods fell, Bai Mo's heart jumped suddenly, realizing that he seemed to have missed something.

Going to the field again, I saw that under the attack of the hot wind, the iron-faced ninja was still speeding up, his body turned into a spark of meteor, and it struck the fire-breathing dragon Y like lightning!


The huge force drove the iron-faced ninja to slam into the body of the fire-breathing dragon Y, and hit the ground all the way!


With a loud noise, smoke and dust were stirred up all over the place!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the piece of smoke that gradually dispersed.

As the smoke dissipated, the two elves fell to the ground, and the referee immediately announced the result that the fire-breathing dragon Y and the iron-faced ninja could not fight at the same time!

Chapter 0978 Red tyrannical carp dragon debut!

I didn't expect it to be a tie, the legendary Wei Kuai can't be broken!

Bai Mo showed a helpless smile, Shendai is not a weak player after all, I didn't expect this game to be like this, which is really good.

Shaking his head, Bai Mo took out the Poké Ball and took back the Fire-breathing Dragon Y, and said to the Poké Ball, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's have a good rest next time!"

Work hard, rest well!

Jindai also took back the Iron Ninja, and then took out the third Poké Ball and threw it.

Come on, Sun Rock!

Tyrannosaurus, it's up to you!

Bai Mo also threw his Poké Ball, and as the Poké Ball opened, a circle of golden light scattered, and the red body of the tyrannical carp dragon stretched out, and let out a huge roar at Sun Rock!

Sun Yan's body trembled and moved back slightly.

This bully...

A hint of surprise flashed across Shendai's face. He didn't expect that Bai Mo also had a flashy carp dragon in his hand.

But soon, Jindai regained his composure, but in his composure he added a sense of solemnity.

start!The referee announced.

Tyrannosaurus carp dragon, water tail!

Bai Mo first issued an order to attack.

After receiving the instruction, the red tyrannical carp dragon Mengmeng flicked its tail, wrapped a layer of rapidly rotating water circle on it, and shot it towards Sun Rock.

Sun Rock, Spirit Wave!


Sunyan's eyes emitted a blue light, and circles of blue fine light waves spread out, blocking the attack of the stormy carp dragon's water tail!


The mutual resistance of the two skills pierced the sound of collision, and the water circle wrapped around the tail of the stormy carp dragon was gradually defeated by the attack of mental waves!

However, the huge tail of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon is still gradually approaching the Sun Rock!


With a loud roar of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, its tail finally shot the Sun Rock out in one fell swoop!

But without the power of the water, Sun Rock suffered little damage and quickly stabilized again.

What a powerful force!

Minas and other girls showed a depressed look.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon slapped the Sun Rock with little power left, everyone was shocked by the attack that could break the super power.

Tyrannosaurus, bite it!

Bai Mo ordered the tyrannical carp dragon to pursue the victory!

Sun Rock is a rock type plus super power type, which is twice restrained by the evil type.

A black light appeared in the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, and Tyrannical bit towards the Sun Rock with the expansion and contraction of its body.


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