Bai Mo also felt troublesome at the moment, and quickly issued an order.

Lucario, wave missile!


Only a loud bang was heard, and Lucario in the ice layer was glowing with light blue light, and then the entire ice layer was shattered.

Break free!Lisa exclaimed excitedly.

Lucario, Fire Kick!Bai Mo gave a new order again.

Hearing this order, Lucario pushed hard on the shattered ice layer and jumped up, his legs were burning with a layer of raging flames!

The flames dispelled the frost on his body, causing him to quickly kick towards Regais!


Lucario hits right in front of Regais!

But at this moment, Regais woke up.

Regais, infuriating fist!

The Age of God immediately seized the opportunity and launched a counterattack. Immediately, Regais' right fist sent out a dazzling white light, hitting Lucario who was close at hand.

Can it be avoided?

With such a wonderful game, Mei seemed to have already substituted herself, and shouted nervously and excitedly.

Lucario, kick it down!

Bai Mo sent out a new power. At such a close distance, Lucario could not avoid it no matter how he avoided it, but his original plan was not to let Lucario dodge!

Following Bai Mo's order, Lucario moved quickly, grabbing Regais's shoulder pockets with both hands, and turning his waist forcefully!


With the strength of his waist, Lucario drove Regais' huge body into the air, and smashed it onto the ice!

boom! '

A loud noise appeared, and the ice layer of the entire site was shattered by the shock.

What?Kamidai was startled, and instinctively shouted out.


So strong!Lisa exclaimed and asked curiously, what kind of trick is Nanami enchantment? !

Kicks are a unique skill of the fighting department. The power of the skill is determined according to the weight of the enemy.Nanami is also a little excited at this time!

The kick that Bai Mo let Kanji use just now is really a stroke of genius. If it wasn't for this move, I'm afraid that Lucario would have been beaten by Regais' Qihe fist and lost his combat effectiveness!

Regais, Freeze Light!

Seeing that Regais was still in danger, Kamidai immediately issued an order!

Regais quickly activated the freezing beam, and instantly erected a large number of icicles around him, protecting himself!

Then, under the command of the Age of God, it went to sleep again.

Okay, I'm going to sleep again!Cattleya immediately shouted out.

Can it be protected? !Bai Mo shouted, Lucario, close combat!

Although it took a lot of strength for Lucario to kick down just now, there is more of a kind of extreme excitement in battle!

Now hear Bai Mo's new order.

Lucario rushed out at once, and quickly used a close fist!

Hands, feet, and tails were used everywhere, and the powerful attack instantly broke the icicle and attacked Regais!


Regais was beaten back and forth, and was finally thrown by Lucario to the wall of the field!

boom!With a loud bang, Regais finally collapsed.

Upon seeing this, the referee immediately announced.


Regais, you can't fight!

Defeat Regais, what a wonderful battle!Crystal couldn't help but exclaimed.

I'm on fire too!Ahida said expectantly!

However, the next two generations of the Age of Gods are Pokémon stronger than Regais!

I don't know what kind of elf Bai Mo will use to fight?

Rest well!The generation of gods took back Regais, took out the fifth fairway, and finally it's your turn to play, come on, Regilock!

The fifth elf of Mr. Kamdai is indeed Regilock, so will Bai Mo continue to fight with Lucario, which is more advantageous?Serena said with some anticipation.

No, according to Bai Mo's habit, his battles are usually one-on-one!Nazi was so sure that she would change the elf in the face of Regilock.

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