The lock was successful, and the generation of gods quickly issued a new order!

At this time, although Reggie Locke fell and had not climbed up yet, he had already fired the electromagnetic gun.

Due to the existence of the lock, although the electromagnetic gun did not aim at it, it wanted to have a sense of self-consciousness, so it chased Latias and hit it accurately!


After the electromagnetic gun hits, it explodes!


Latiaston let out a scream of pain, and his whole body was wrapped in electricity and fell to the ground.


God's generation once again issued the order of a glance!

Regilock once again put a mark on Latias, and the generation of God saw this and ordered it immediately, Regilock, infuriating fist!

Locked again!Xiao Huang said worriedly.

If this blow was hit, even Elatias' physical strength would not be able to withstand it.Lisa was also very worried as Regilock rushed towards Latias.


Seeing that Reggie Rock rushed over quickly, there was no panic on Bai Mo's face. Instead, he calculated Latias' whereabouts and the distance that Reggie Lock was approaching, and then quickly issued an order!

Mind transfer!

Listening to Bai Mo's order, Latias, who was falling, suddenly opened his eyes, and circles of colorful rays of light appeared on his body!

This circle of colored light seems to filter the electricity that surrounds it!

Immediately afterwards, circles of colored rays of light suddenly rose from the feet of Regilock, spreading all over the body in an instant!

The next moment, I saw that Regilock's whole body was covered with electricity, and he stopped the attack due to paralysis before he was about to hit Latias...

sharp!Ma Xiu couldn't help but admire Dao's use of mental transfer to transfer his abnormal state to Regilock!

Affected by the paralysis, the infuriating fist stopped!

Latias, Wings of Steel!

Bai Mo gave an attacking order again!

Latias turned in the air, and the wings on both sides emitted a metallic light!

Bang! !

Latias slammed into Regilock, who was close at hand.

Destroy the dead light!

At the same time that Regilock was knocked into the air, Jindai issued an attack order again!

Regilock quickly gathered strength between his arms and launched a huge beam of light, chasing after Latias!

In the air, Latias circled in an instant to avoid the direct blow, but he did not expect to destroy the death light but suddenly made a turn of his own accord, completely hitting Latias!


Latias let out a scream and fell from the sky again.

how come?Ya Yi immediately exclaimed and asked.

The last round of True Qi Fist did not send out, so the locking effect is still there.Touko explained.

Latias, with Wings of Steel!

At this time, Reggie Locke had just finished destroying the death light and fell into a state of rigidity. Naturally, Bai Mo would not miss this good opportunity for an attack!

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Latias cheered up again, and with a flap of his wings to stabilize his body, a metallic light emanated, and he charged towards Regulus.

The legendary elf is really powerful, and it has such physical strength and speed after being hit twice.Suicune stared at Latias and exclaimed.


Latias was like a jet plane, and the super-fast speed directly knocked Regilock, who had not recovered, backwards!

However, at the same time that Regilock was hit by Latias, the Age of Gods performed the same trick again!

locking! .

Chapter 0983 Champion-level battle, tie!Final battle!


With the voice of the God's generation.

A red aperture was sent out by Regilock again, and a red mark was placed on Latias' forehead.

Reggie Lock is back!Xiao Huang couldn't help shouting out immediately.

And Latias is locked too!Nazi followed Xiaohuang's words and said the next blow, no surprise, it will definitely hit!

Recovery is so fast!

Looking at the situation on the field, Bai Mo frowned slightly, the key point of all elves is in the forehead!

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