Being embarrassed by so many people, he said to a few people, and now it is still a fusion of the energy of water, fire, and rock, which is really gorgeous acting!


At this time, there was a huge explosion in the field Rutan!

When everyone heard the sound, the huge tornado broke apart, revealing Regis Qilu, who was steaming all over!

At this time, Regis Qilu was standing in the field, motionless, apparently in a coma and lost the ability to fight!

Regis Kiryu~

Kamidai immediately shouted loudly, but Regis Kiryu obviously couldn't make any reaction.

Regis Quirrell can't fight!

The winner, fight against the BOSS in the pioneering area, Bai Mo!

The referee announced the result immediately!

Alternate attack of fire and water!

Caused by expansion and contraction, the damage to the steel system is much greater than that of using the two skills alone!Nanami did not forget to analyze Liza at the end.

Won!You did a good job, Bloodwing Wyvern!

Listening to the referee's announcement, Bai Mo smiled slightly, stepped forward and hugged the neck of the Blood Winged Flying Dragon, and touched its head!

After all, it is the boss that I recognize!

It has been a long time since I fought such a wonderful battle, and your strength has been recognized by me!

The Age of Gods had withdrawn Regis Qilu at this time. He walked up with a badge and handed it to Bai Mo, saying that this is the proof of defeating me against Pyramid!

I heard that BOSS your collection addiction, this song is heroic

I'll give you a symbol too!

it is good!

Behind Bai Mo, he took the badge in the middle of the square in the hands of the gods, which was divided into four equilateral triangles by two diagonal lines. Haha, congratulations, Bai Mo, my boss, you have now obtained all the A symbol that carries forward the tradition of the Battle Frontier!

This is the certificate process, you can also feel it!

At this time, Yashida came over, handed a certificate to Bai Mo, and then asked my boss, what do you want to start managing the battle development area with us?

By the way, your battle facility is ready! .

Chapter 0986 Battle facilities: Hanging Gardens, return to Fang Yuan!

Wow, Bai Mo, is this your battle facility?

This is too handsome, right?

Also beautiful!

The girls looked at the building in front of them and kept expressing admiration.

What appeared in front of everyone was a huge building that looked like a huge garden from the outside.

In the middle of this garden is a castle.

In front of the castle, there is a huge battlefield!

Bai Moweiwei, brought the girls into this battle facility!

The name of this setting is called Hanging Garden, or it can also be called ~ Labyrinth Garden.

In this garden, there are four entrances to the central castle.

There are actually three forks in each entrance, and there are three options.

Three forks, divided into two left and right.

Each one can lead to the final battle point.

But the difference is that in one of them, there is a champion elf that Bai Mo has placed there. The challenger needs to defeat it in order to move on, otherwise he will lose his full strength to challenge.

On the other side, there are no elves.

Therefore, in the frontcourt, those with good luck may not have to play the elves all the time, and those with bad luck need to play three games.

And after this level, it was the battle against Bai Mo.

Opponents are allowed to use up to six sprites before they enter the battle facility.

And Bai Mo can only use three.

Because he has already released three elves in the previous level, but those who are lucky can avoid it!

This battle setting is really creative!Ram couldn't help but admire.

Yes, it's still pretty!Cattleya nodded.

The girls love this beautiful thing.

After all, I designed it!Bai Mo's stinky smile caused everyone to stare at him.

Alright, now let's just use this battle facility to get back together!Bai Mo smiled at the girls and said that this battle facility can fly!

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