What's more, Karuna is already used to this kind of star effect.

It's just that Karuna obviously didn't expect anyone to stand out, she turned to the questioner with a hint of surprise and curiosity.

Because there were a lot of people around, there were also a lot of girls standing in the direction of the Howler Whale King!

Karuna looked and couldn't find out who the girl was!

However, in order to attract her attention, the boy stood out from the crowd at this time, and Karuna said it was obvious.

At this time, Xiaoyao was speechless and said that I forgot, it's time!

Chapter 0987 Goodbye Karunai, Xiaosheng: Bai Mo, my brother-in-law!

On the boat, Karuna looked at the boy in front of her at this time!

He has dark teal, almost black hair!

The face is immature, and he looks pretty good. He wears a pair of glasses, which adds a bit of style to him!

His upper body is wearing a blue hooded shirt, a pair of common trainer fingerless black canvas gloves, and a pair of blue trousers, with the trousers rolled up to reveal a small half of his calf!

Wearing a pair of obviously not cheap travel shoes on the feet, carrying a yellow space travel bag on the back!

On the shoulders of this young man, there was a shy, but he seemed to be full of curiosity about everything. Lalulas, who did not use red eyes to check the situation through his hair, was standing there.

Huh? !Karuna glanced at the boy, and felt a sense of deja vu in her heart. She couldn't help but take a few steps forward and looked at it carefully again.

Karuna-sama is here!

it's me, hers is me...

Lord Karuna, oh my god, I'm so lucky that I got to Karuna at such a close distance...

That boy was over his head, thinking that Karuna-sama can be disturbed at will...

Wait, how will Karuna-sama teach you a lesson...

Karuna was not affected by the whispers of the crowd around her, her eyes were focused on the boy!

From the situation where the boy takes Laluras, the boy is a trainer!

However, looking at his immature outside, and his lack of the capable aura of a general trainer, it can be judged that this is a rookie trainer!

Plus, even if the boy tries to keep himself steady and serious!

But the anxiety, nervousness, and anticipation in his eyes could not be hidden!

This convinced Karuna that the boy was a rookie trainer who had just set off on a trip.

As the Champion of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Carlos Region!

In the eyes of many trainers, Karuna is a mysterious, high-level, star-like existence.

It is an inviolable existence, like a goddess!

Therefore, the people around take it for granted that Karuna will not pay attention to herself.

And no one dared to come forward and chat up!

But is this really the case?Obviously not!

Even though Karuna became the champion of Carlos, she has never been proud of it!

She didn't have any arrogance because of this, because she knew that she was also started by a commoner, a rookie trainer!

Therefore, she paid more attention to the rookie trainer who came forward in front of her.

Seeing that the boy seemed to be shaking nervously, Karuna smiled slightly, nodded slightly, and said lightly!

That's right, the average size of the Whale King is indeed the largest among ordinary elves.

So, let me ask you a question, do you know what the average elf with the largest weight is among the common elf?

It's Kabizeng!The boy answered immediately!

Then, what is the smallest elf among the common elf?Karuna asks again!

It's a little electric spider!The boy answered confidently

Oh, so what kind of elf can become two different kinds of elf after evolution?

If it is ordinary evolution, it is Doi Ninja, which can form two kinds of elves, Shelling Ninja and Iron Ninja after evolution!The boy said seriously but if it's hyper-evolution, it's a fire-breathing dragon.

In my brother-in-law's paper, it is written that a fire-breathing dragon can evolve into a fire-breathing dragon X and a fire-breathing dragon Y!

Oh~~ brother-in-law?In the sky garden, the girls immediately looked at Xiao Yao with teasing eyes!

Ah, Xiaosheng is true!Xiaoyao suddenly blushed, and the boy's identity was finally revealed, it was Xiaoyao's younger brother Xiaosheng!

Brother-in-law?Super evolution!Karuna looked at Xiao Sheng with a surprised look.

The super-evolution was announced by Bai Mo, so the brother-in-law in the boy's mouth is Bai Mo?

Which girlfriend's brother of Bai Mo's?Karuna made a judgment in her heart, smiled slightly, and asked again what kind of elf, can it change its form according to the weather?

Floating Bubbles!Xiaosheng is confident that in sunny weather, the floating bubbles can transform into the form of the sun!

Wait for the rain to be a good day, and you can transform into the rain form again!

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