After all, people have used all this for hundreds of years for generations.

Look at the roof everyone!

Bai Mo stretched out his finger and pointed to the top!

Hearing this, everyone's eyes couldn't help moving upwards, and then their mouths opened involuntarily!

This this……

When they heard Bai Mo's words, everyone was mentally prepared, knowing that the roof must be extraordinary!

But I didn't expect it to be so extraordinary!

The existence of this roof is not a roof, but a night sky that is thought to be long ago!


Or the starry night sky!

Of course, with Bai Mo's eyesight and super power, and even Nazi, Cattleya and other puppets can read clearly, these stars are embellished with luminous pearls the size of a baby's head!

In addition to the night pearl as a star, there are 5 fossilized pterosaur fossils in the air, but maybe due to the light, there is no wire connection at all!

From a distance, this smear looks like the ancient sky overlord is roaming the sky and patrolling the field.

What a luxury!

Dangerous light flashed in the dreamy eyes, Dao is easy to be missed!

Seconded!Super Dream nodded.

I always feel that this museum is going to be bad!Bai Mo thought to himself.

When I first came here, I was also shocked by these!

She had been here once a long time ago, and Shirona, who asked Bai Mo and others to come here, sighed with emotion!

Then, some people continued to walk forward.

At some point, Bai Mo noticed that there was a body half the size of a fossil helmet in front of him. It seemed to be swimming in the sea water. After taking a few more steps, the political fossil helmet was displayed in front of him.

This effect...

Nanami fished it with her hands, but it turned out that she was fishing for the moon in the well.

Girls follow suit, but naturally the results are the same.

Look at the ground!

Bai Mo pointed to the deep sea bluestone on the ground.

Hey, it turned out to be a fossil.

Following the direction of Bai Mo's finger, the girls saw the deep sea bluestone not far away, and on it, the fossil of a fossil helmet was reflected!

This surprised the girls.

No one could have imagined that the night pearl stars on the roof could actually create such a three-dimensional projection effect.

There are so many fossils throughout the museum!

Shirona acted as a guide at this time, saying that except for the eight fossil pterosaurs on the top of the head and the fossils of the head cover dragon, warmaul dragon, shield armor dragon, moat dragon, etc. that we just arrived at, the rest are underground!

Standing in different directions, through the refraction of light, you can get the projection of these fossil elves!

This museum is in this way to let people appreciate the posture of these ancient elves inhabiting the sea.

Wow!The girls were amazed.

But that's all.

If they came before, they would definitely be amazed.

But not this time.

Because Bai Mo has now mastered the fossil resurrection technology.

Just like the blood-winged dragon, they have all seen the existence of it.

So, there is nothing shocking about these things.

The only thing worthy of their amazement is the whimsy of this technology!

Everyone, let's go up and see!

Bai Mo is still very interested, because he has not collected all the fossils of ancient elves!

He stayed with the girls changing positions in the hall!

Soon, fossil helmets, scythe helmets!

Ammonite beast, spiny ammonite beast!

Tentacle Lily, Cradle Lily!

Primordial Feather Bug, Primordial Armor!

and many more!

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