There is also a guard who is a little farther away, but because he was not protected by Bai Mo's super power before, he is also unconsciously twitching!

However, Bai Mo could see that his chest was barely up and down!

As for the other tourists, I would also like to thank Huck for driving them away from the Canghai Crown before, because they were far away, so they just fell into a faint!

The symptoms of foaming at the mouth and convulsions in the first point of the eyes did not occur.

I want to come back to a complete recovery after accepting Xanadu's healing wave.

At this time, Bai Mo heard a swift siren from a distance!

Then, there was a puff, puff... a few heavy objects fell down!

This sound made Bai Mo understand that there was also smoke at the entrance of the museum, and the police lost their first battle.

Poisonous gas, everyone be careful!

Everyone wears a gas mask and rescues the tourists inside the museum first!

Inform the poor aunt at the Elf Center, ask the medical institution to come to rescue, and order a quick-acting antidote...

Miss Junsha's anxious shouting came.

Hearing this figure, Bai Mo shook his head.

There is no big problem with this.

Fortunately, he is there, otherwise I don't know how many people will die if you enter!

Let's all go back to the sky garden first!Bai Mo said to the girls who were safe and sound, but I want to investigate, who made such a good show!


Seeing Bai Mo's serious expression, the girls all nodded obediently!

As time passed, under the command of Miss Junsha, a large number of policemen wearing gas masks began to enter!

Although the tourists who were poisoned and comatose didn't have to worry about their lives because of Bai Mo's help, they all fainted now.

So you still need to rescue the museum often!

Soon, the police came to Bai Mo's side!

Several policemen were shocked when they saw Bai Mo and others who were intact.

But they moved very quickly, and quickly buckled the three gas masks on Huckha's other two comatose past regulars!

One of the policemen shouted loudly: Miss Junsha, Lord Bai Mo and their female companions were found here, including Lord Shirona and Lord Karuna!Awake!

Lord Bai Mo, Lord Shirona and Lord Karuna!

Miss Junsha has been devastated by this sudden poisoning incident at this time!

Suddenly hearing the names of the three big men, who have not yet been born, there is a tinge of hope in my heart!

You know, now is the eve of the Sea God Festival!

Ludonia has gathered tourists from all continents!

It is conceivable that if this matter of the Siya Museum is not handled well and cannot give satisfactory explanations to these tourists, she will definitely be in charge.

It's still a small thing.

The fear is that Ludonia's reputation will also be affected.

But now there are actually two regional champions and Bai Mo, who is more reliable than the champion, once again, then things have turned around!

Jun Sha was very excited, and rushed over in three steps and two steps!

Seeing Junsha, Bai Mo opened his mouth to explain the incident, and said that everyone will be fine!

Bai Mo undoubtedly brought great news to Junsha.

After all, there will be no casualties!

Then Bai Mo said to let his female companions leave first, and Junsha naturally had no opinion.

Soon, the ambulance came a lot!

A doctor wearing a white coat and a mask, led by a few Miss Joy, took a patient to the ambulance on a stretcher with a nurse!

At this time, Bai Mo, Shirona and Ka Lunai followed Jun Sha to the police station!

Shirona and Karunai are regional kings after all. When something like this happened, they still chose to stay, and Bai Mo didn't care!

The real Sea Crown and Orb will definitely not be broken so easily!

There will be no such toxins in it!

And look at Huck's performance! , Obviously, this Canghai Crown is fake, and it has been secretly stolen!

This man's intentions are very sinister!

If on the day of the Ritual of the Sea, this poison erupts...

Bai Mo sat in the police station and discussed the case with the three of Shirona.

Speaking of which, even Bai Mo himself can't imagine it!

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