The red marks on the arm that originally belonged to Haoli have disappeared, but the biggest change is the addition of two hands!The feet are also divided into two toes.

This is the evolution of heroic power, strange power.

After the strange force successfully evolved, a trace of determination flashed in the brown-black pupils, and the two newly grown hands also stretched forward and grabbed the infuriating bullet!

With the strength of four hands, in the end, this infuriating bomb was blocked by the brute force of the strange force!

Seeing this scene, Teng Shu immediately called out excitedly:

"Good job, Haoli."

"No, it's a monster!"

Around, those in the audience also cheered.

The most exciting thing in the game is the evolution!

"Evolved!" Bai Mo was a little surprised when he saw the strange power in the arena. He didn't expect the opponent to evolve in the battle and become a strange power!

In this way, Leo Lu's opponent has suddenly changed from an elite-level heroic force to a quasi-king-level monster force! ! !

"Oh, it's really fun!" The corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and then he suddenly said loudly, "Leo Lu, evolve!"

"Leo Lu, evolve!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, everyone present was surprisingly quiet!

Evolution, an elf world, has not yet been fully understood the mysterious process, and at this moment, it was so easy to shout out, could it be that the youngest doctor even has a deep understanding of this process Did you realize it! ?

Or, just to be funny! ?

The next moment, Bai Mo told everyone with the facts that he, Bai Mo, was never funny!


After hearing Bai Mo's words, Leo Lu's eyes became firmer than ever before. In his body, it seemed that some kind of shackles had been broken, and a burst of white light appeared on his body!

Under the shroud of white light, Leoru's appearance has undergone an earth-shaking change.

When the light dissipated, a rather handsome elf appeared in front of everyone!

The whole body of this elf is blue, like a dog.Its legs and lower torso are black, and it has a blue tail.

Unlike Leo Lu, there was a white round block on the back of Leo Lu's front paw before, but at this time, after Leo Lu evolved into Lucario, this round block has grown into a nail.

In addition, Lucario has red eyes and black lines on his face that resemble a mask.

"It's Lucario!"

"So handsome!"

"Really evolved!!"

"Today is really a feast of evolution."

"But why does it evolve!?"

"How do I know, I'm not Dr. Bai Mo!!"

"I do know one thing, this Dr. Damu published an article saying that the strength of the elf itself is close to evolution, and has never lost a game, and in one game, it was extremely excited and constantly suppressed. If your opponent's aura has also risen to the peak, you can evolve at any time!"

"So, Lucario is in this situation right now?"

"definitely is!"

"No wonder Dr. Bai Mo knows that Leo Lu can evolve, Leo Lu must have never been defeated, and this time, the battle against a hero who is stronger than himself is completely under the command of Dr. Bai Mo. Suppressing the opponent makes it very excited, and its momentum has reached its peak, so it has evolved!"

"Yeah, so strong!"

The people around were constantly discussing, and they also guessed the reason why Leoru was able to evolve.

At this time, in the arena, Bai Mo's mouth twitched and said, "Lucario, let others see the power of the waveguide!"

"Use, wave missiles!"

"Lu!" Lucario's eyes narrowed, his left hand gathered the air waveguide, and then, an energy ball condensed by the waveguide was rapidly formed by him and threw it in the direction of the strange force.

"Monster force, stop it!"

Seeing Lucario throwing a wave missile, Teng Shu obviously had not seen such a trick before. He only thought it would be a powerful attack trick. He was very confident in the power of the strange force and chose to face it head-on.

Under the control of Lucario's fluctuation, the wave missile quickly came to the front of the strange force, and suddenly it rose to the head, and then accelerated when the strange force did not respond at all.


The wave missile hit him on the head with the strange force completely unexpected, and it flew out today and landed in the sea beside him.

This sudden change stunned everyone, and when they reflected, it was time for the strange force to appear in front of them as the waves lost their combat effectiveness.

"What, what's going on!?"

"Is the previous energy ball turning!?"

"Also, the speed can still be changed!?"

"is that a lie!"

"What a strange trick."

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