Thinking of this, Shirona's eyes flashed towards Bai Mo, but when she thought about it, she was only taken advantage of by this hateful man in the name of teaching, and Shirona was a little unhappy.

"Hmph, wait a minute, don't try to appease me without more than five flavors of ice cream."

Bai Mo just smiled calmly at the compliments of the women around him, and planned to greet them to continue moving towards the valley.

At this moment, as if he sensed something, he looked up to the side of the sky.

There, a little black shadow is constantly enlarging, and soon, this black shadow came to the sky above Bai Mo and others.

It is a king swallow.

Sitting above Dawangyan was the girl with the winged hat.

Looking at the crowd below, she found that there was an armored bird on the ground in a coma. The girl's eyes lit up and she immediately patted Wang Yan who was under her, "Da Wang Yan, let's go down!"

"Tear off~~!" After receiving the order of his trainer, Da Wangyan immediately flew upwards, and finally landed not far from the fire-breathing dragon.

Falling to the ground, the girl on Da Wangyan's back fell directly to the bottom, and smiled politely at several people, "Hello, everyone."

Said, the girl looked at the fire-breathing dragon, the armored bird, and the person beside the fire-breathing dragon, Bai Mo, her eyes lit up, "You are Dr. Bai Mo, it's really my luck to meet you here! "

"No!" Hearing the girl's words, Bai Mo smiled warmly, "I can meet you, Miss Naqi, the gym trainer in Yinyu City."

"It's my luck."

Chapter 0195 Leader of the Valley of Steel: Big Steel Snake

"Dr. Bai Mo knows me?"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Na Qi looked at Bai Mo curiously, obviously not knowing how this famous youngest doctor knew her.

But the next moment, Bai Mo gave the answer.

"The master of Naki is the ninth trainer of the alliance gym in the Fangyuan area, and the first existence of the quasi-celestial king-level gym trainer, and it's so beautiful!"

"If I don't know, it's a little abnormal, doesn't it?"

Bai Mo asked with a slight smile.

"You're overrated." Na Qi smiled lightly, and was praised by others for listening to her a lot, but when the words came out of Bai Mo's mouth, the feeling was different, and she was still very satisfied. I have a lot of good feelings for Bai Mo.

However, this time Naqi gave up her responsibilities as a gym trainer, but she had her own business and did not waste time. After complimenting each other with Bai Mo, Naqi asked cheerfully, "Bai Mo. Doctor, don't you know that this armored bird is what you plan to conquer?"

As she said that, Na Qi stretched out her hand and pointed to the armored bird who had regained consciousness, but no longer had the will to fight after seeing the fire-breathing dragon beside Bai Mo.

This armored bird knows that it has good qualifications. Naqi has been paying attention to it for a long time. She recently got news that it appears near the Valley of Steel and can rush over.

As a civilian gym trainer, a elf with high-grade qualifications is actually quite good.

Needless to say, you don't even have to think about it except for the most important ones.

Hearing Na Qi's question, Bai Mo smiled freely and said, "If the owner of Na Qi likes it, please feel free to do so."

Bai Mo had no idea of ​​subduing this armored bird, and Ram, Mei and Touzi also had no interest in subduing it.

As for Shirona, uh, I believe that if it wasn't for a joke, she would definitely not subdue such a little elf and cultivate it.

Seeing that Bai Mo and others were so straightforward that they didn't need to subdue this little elf, Na Qi was a little surprised. In her opinion, this armored bird was very valuable for cultivation.

But Bai Mo didn't want it, it just happened to be cheap for her. Thinking of this, Na Qi directly took out the elf ball and said to the armor bird, "We met again. I let you escape last time. Now, I am willing to be my elf. Yet?"

Hearing the words, the armor bird nodded immediately. Although Bai Mo defeated her this time, it had met Na Qi before and was defeated, that is, it finally escaped with speed.

Now that it is subdued, it does not feel dissatisfied in its heart.

Seeing that the armor bird had no problem, Naki nodded and threw the elf ball. She asked the armor bird, she didn't really follow the other party's wishes, but just wanted to make sure that her elf would completely obey her.

After successfully subduing the armored bird, a smile appeared on Na Qi's face, and she immediately nodded to Bai Mo and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, thank you very much, I really don't know how to repay you."

"There is no need to repay." With a slight smile, Bai Mo's eyes suddenly changed, "I just don't know if you have the badge with you, Master Naqi, if you can, I hope to have a battle with you, using the badge as the bet."

"Gym Challenge?" When she heard Bai Mo's words, Na Qi was not surprised. It is recognized by the alliance that a trainer is challenged while traveling, but it can't be in the wild. In places like the gym, because the trainer's gym battle alliance needs to be recorded.

"I've brought the badge!" After thinking for a while, Na Qi smiled, "But you can't fight here. If Dr. Bai Mo insists, you can go to the nearby Elf Center for a fight."

"I remember that there is a gym nearby that is on the cliff, but it echoes the style of my Yinyu gym."

Hearing Na Qi's words, Mei's eyes lit up and said, "In this case, you can replace and restore the elf, then Touko and I can also play against each other."

"No problem." Naqi smiled and nodded.


Suddenly, just when Bai Mo and others were going to the nearest elf center, an angry roar came from the Valley of Steel.

"This voice is..." Ram showed a puzzled look.

Bai Mo's ears moved and smiled, "It's a big steel snake. When I was at the Dr. Oda Maki Institute, I studied this kind of elf, and I'm quite familiar with its sound."

"Big steel snake!" The women in Yayi showed shocked expressions on their faces, and they all guessed, "There is actually a big steel snake here, isn't it the leader of this steel valley?"

"It should be right, and he's here!" Dream had already observed everything with his superpower, and said lightly!

At the moment when the dreamy voice fell, the ground in front of the group suddenly rumbled, and then, a dragon's breath broke out from the ground in front, and then the huge body of the big steel snake was exposed. After looking at the surrounding situation, There was a growl immediately.

"It's really a big steel snake, but, Mo." Ram said with some worry, "I feel that this big steel snake is not ordinary, can the current fire-breathing dragon still beat it?"

Hearing Ram's words, Bai Mo didn't speak, and the fire-breathing dragon immediately spewed out a flame, indicating that he had no problem.

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