"Really, an excellent and somewhat excessive man."

After staring at Bai Mo for a few times, he picked up his thoughts and said with a smile, "Then Bai Mo, just call me Naqi!"

"This match was great, I learned a lot!"

Although it was unilaterally abused, Na Qi really felt that she had grown a lot, and the most important thing was that Bai Mo's tricks were gorgeous.

Thinking of this, Na Qi suddenly looked up at Bai Mo and asked, "Bai Mo, I don't know, what do you think of the gorgeous contest, I think your elf looks very good, and the tricks are very gorgeous, it should be very good Suitable for participating in the gorgeous contest!"

Hearing Na Qi's words, Ya Yi and the others who came over were also looking at Bai Mo curiously.

"Gorgeous competition!" After whispering a few words, Bai Mo shook his head, and his eyes suddenly became brighter than ever before.

"My goal has always been to become the strongest trainer. Everyone has their own pursuits, there is no good or bad, but I think that to become the strongest, we should be single-minded..."

"Maybe when I am interested in the gorgeous competition, I will go to play. That is just an interest. What I want to do now is to become the most powerful trainer in the shortest possible time!"

Bai Mo spoke very lightly, but everyone present heard the firmness in his words, and even, for some unknown reason, they didn't even suspect that day would come.

Perhaps, there are such people who are born to be the brightest star!

Na Qi's heart was also greatly touched. Thinking about Bai Mo's words, she suddenly felt that she was a little wrong. Maybe she shouldn't prioritize her liking, but the focus of her career should be divided according to her own ability and mentality. Primary and secondary, in this way, is to become a better being.

"I've been taught!" Taking a deep breath, Na Qi's eyes suddenly became brighter than ever before. She smiled and said, "Bai Mo, do you want to be a guest in Yinyu Town?"

Hearing this, Bai Mo smiled lightly and said, "I collect badges very quickly. When I collect all of them, it should be a few months before the start of the Alliance Conference!"

"At that time, I will definitely go nag!"

"Okay!" Na Qi nodded happily after receiving Bai Mo's promise. She felt that Bai Mo's strength was very refreshing, and she was very satisfied with the pursuit of gorgeous and practical tricks.

Seeing that Bai Mo and Na Qi made an agreement, Yayi and Touzi finally interjected at this time, and the two also wanted to compete in the gymnasium.

In this regard, Na Qi naturally has no opinion.

But the next game became a three-on-three.

Although the game had some twists and turns, it was Mei and Touko who won the game after all. Of course, this was part of the reason why Na Qi didn't use all her strength.

Gym trainers have never existed to win, and Mei and Touko are fully eligible for her badge.

After the gym competition, Na Qi, as the gym trainer, immediately said her goodbyes, and the swift ride on the transportation Wang Yan set off in the direction of Yinyu City.

Bai Mo and the others continued to move in the direction of Meteor Town, planning to go to Fuyan Town to challenge Mu La, who was the second in the Heavenly King Gym!

Chapter 0205 Hirona and Bai Mo's little secret

Because of the existence of Yantu Mountain, a perennial volcano, the Fangyuan area is much hotter than Kanto and the city, not to mention the Shenao area with a colder climate.

Yantu Mountain is located in the middle of Qiuye Town and Puyan Town, and is located in the north of Fangyuan. Therefore, when Bai Mo, Yayi Touzi and others moved towards Qiuye Town, the trees in the forest gradually turned into broad-leaved forests. , The elf that likes the cold in the species of elf is almost invisible.

At noon that day, due to Bai Mo's decision to traverse the forest to Meteor Town, the food that Bai Mo and Tou Zi and his daughters had purchased in Zijin City, who had traveled in the forest for a long time, finally ran out.

Ram looked at the navigator at the moment. Although he didn't say anything, his frown and resentful eyes perfectly explained all the meanings.

"Alright, alright, even if you wrinkle your forehead, we won't be able to walk out of the forest now." Under a tree, Bai Mo put down the elf egg he wiped clean from Jing Jiang's hand, and stretched out his hand with a smile. Smoothing out Mei's wrinkled brows.

On the side, Ya Yi, who was suffering from the heat, was helpless, "Mo, it's not that I want to complain, but this endless forest has always been with us for so many days, is it really numb?"

"No TV, no computer, no snacks, no water for bathing, sleeping bags at night, and protection from ubiquitous mosquitoes and wild elf attacks."

"Well as a trainer, I can overcome all these, because these problems encountered during the trip are a valuable experience and a good memory in the future, but now there is no food, we can't suffer Get hungry."

Saying that, Yayi looked at Bai Mo with a speechless look and said, "I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place, we should go to Qiuye Town first, at least this way, we can still buy ingredients!"

"Yeah!" Several women around nodded again and again. For foodies, the biggest resentment is that after traveling for so long now, they suddenly know that there is no good food to eat.

"Hehe, it looks like it's really my fault." Bai Mo smiled a little embarrassedly, and then comforted, "But now it's not far from the Meteor Town over the Meteor Falls, all we have to do now is to think about it. How to spend the time before reaching Meteor Town, instead of complaining here."

"Hmph, that sounds nice, what does it mean not far? According to me, it will take us at least a few days to get there." Ya Yi muttered while looking at the navigator who had brought it from Ram's hand, and then turned to lying on the ground. The fire-breathing dragon taking a nap beside him suddenly lit up and said to Bai Mo, "Mo, why don't we fly directly to Meteor Town!"

"Hmm!" Several girls nodded tacitly.

Bai Mo indeed glanced at Xirona who was eating ice cream speechlessly, Miss Champion, are you really okay with this?

"That's not good, we're here to do training, how can we give up halfway." Bai Mo immediately shook his head and vetoed, "If you run into trouble and want to get rid of it, then in the future, you can't use tricks. How to do it?"

"This situation is the time to hone our willpower. We must know that what a trainer, coordinator, breeder, etc. needs most is a heart with a firm will!"

"To be honest, if you really want to arrive soon, I will let Shaneduo use teleportation, won't it be faster, it probably won't take an hour."

"Mo..." Hearing Bai Mo's words, Ya Yi and the others fell silent for a moment, then took a deep breath, and then asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Food is not a problem. When I went to the forest with Dr. Oda Maki for research, we often encountered food shortages. We are in the forest, which is the natural source of food, and I can easily find it." Bai Mo said To all the elves who were lying around and taking a lunch break after today's lunch because the training consumed too much energy, "It's good to have a good rest now."

After speaking, Bai Mo looked at Shirona and said, "Sirona, let's train the Mega Evolution method for a while. I already felt it very much last night. I will use my super power to take you."

"Oh." Hearing Bai Mo's words, Shirona pushed down the mouth of licking the ice cream, her face suddenly turned a little red.

Noticing Shirona's expression, Bai Mo couldn't help feeling a little proud.

Because the use of super power Mega is the first thing he created, how to train is naturally what he says.

At the beginning of the training, Bai Mo was not very abrupt, just dictating, but after getting to know Xirona, his bad thoughts started to arise. For example, he touched the opponent's hand and used his superpower to simulate power in the opponent's body to move around. of.

What does it feel like to be walked all over the body by a superhuman, Shirona said that it is no different from being watched by herself.

Of course, there is a reason why Shirona is so taken advantage of by Bai Mo, and it is because of this method that it is indeed effective.

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