Hearing this, Bai Mo's mouth twitched and he asked with a hint of playfulness, "Our Miss Champion, you seem to want to hold hands with me?"

"You're thinking too much." Shirona immediately denied it, and then her face turned solemn, and she said, "Bai Mo, it's almost time for me to return to Shen'ao, since it's possible to master that power, come seriously! "

"Okay!" Seeing Shirona getting serious, Bai Mo nodded seriously.

But the two people who were in the state did not realize that in the shadows on the side, a pair of eyes appeared!

Chapter 0207 snake venom, lewd poison, detoxification

"How is it, this time feels good, right?"

"Well, the power output is very good and stable, and it should be successful."

"Actually, what is needed is resonance. The mind is close enough. What is needed in the heart is to run in, find the most suitable point, and become a line."

"You mean, when the time comes, the mind will be united, right?"

"Well, of course, after all, it is the fusion of the power in the body. Sigh, don't stop your power output, this kind of feeling is not good, it will not be enough to maintain!"

"It has to be stable in a rhythm, so that it can resonate!"

"Well, is that so?"

"Bigger, bigger!"

On the grass, feeling the release of Hirona Shanedo's superpower and Hirona's supernatural power with her superpowers, Bai Mo is constantly giving both of them the most adaptable and most stable point that they can maintain.

After more than a month of training, Shirona has faintly resonated with Shanaido. As long as the supernatural power can enter Shanaido's body at a suitable point, it can help her evolve.

"Okay, let's go here today!" Seeing the cold sweat on the foreheads of Shanaido and Shirona, Bai Mo took out a tissue and wiped them thoughtfully.

For a moment, both Shanaido and Shirona were slightly absent-minded, and then an elves turned their heads in tacit understanding.

Before she knew it, Shirona felt that she was very comfortable with Bai Mo's mode of getting along with her. When he challenged her in a measured way, took advantage of her in a measured way, made delicious ice cream every day, and even, with her elf. In the battle, if the difference in the strength of the elves is not too great, it must be difficult to solve.

To be honest, Shirona is almost used to such a life.

Taking out the Poké Ball and putting away Shanaido, Xirona said sternly, "Let's go, Bai Mo, if it's a little later, the little girls in Yayi will talk nonsense again."

"Su! Su!"

Just when Bai Mo was about to answer Shirona's words, a voice suddenly sounded in the bushes on one side, and a sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded. At this time, it was Bai Mo and Shirona who had just finished their training and took back the elf's voice. when.

It's the most relaxing time.

Fortunately, unlike ordinary people, Bai Mo has super powers. When he felt the situation beside him, he reached out and grabbed Shirona's hand and made a teleportation.

The next moment, Bai Mo and Shirona came to a place ten meters away.


The sound of a trick hitting the ground sounded.

Hearing this voice, Bai Mo and Shirona Qiqi looked towards the direction of the previous battle strength, their eyes narrowed, and there was a trace of killing intent in their eyes.

Hearing the same voice, Ya Yi on the side of the woods said to Tou Zi, "Finally there is movement, I thought that Sister Shirona and Mo didn't have any training this time."

"It's up to you to think too much." Tou Zi immediately patted Mei's forehead.

"Yeah, ugly, you dare to beat me, I want revenge!"

"Che, stupid Yayi, you can't hit me."

Seeing this scene, the little elves around were all irrelevant, hanging high and sleeping comfortably there, only Shanaido glanced in the direction of Bai Mo and Shirona, but she was noticing the dream After that relaxed look, he stopped worrying about it, and instead helped Bai Mo to wipe the elf egg.

On the other side, looking at the elf in front of him, Bai Mo's eyes became cold, and he directly used his superpower to cover the other party.

But the next moment, as the elf swung his body, his super power was thrown away.


His own super power didn't work, Bai Mo's pupils shrank, and he immediately used his super power to observe the other party's situation.

"Extreme aptitude, Heavenly King-level strength!!"

"Sure enough, it seems that this rice spoon snake should be the leader of those rice spoon snakes!"

What appeared in front of Bai Mo and Shirona was a rice spoon snake, and it was a rice spoon snake with the strength of a king. At this time, it was constantly spitting out snake letters and staring at Bai Mo. and Hirona.

"I'll do it." On the side, Shirona also saw through experience that this snake is not simple, Bai Mo's elf was not with him, and the super powers didn't work, so she could only come.

A brisk walk came to Bai Mo, Xirona's eyes narrowed, and then she bumped into a pokeball on the left.

But at this moment, just when Bai Mo was about to see the female champion's style, the Snake Snake suddenly turned his head and left, making Shirona's gesture move.

But the next moment, the escaping Rice Spoon Snake suddenly sprayed a pink smoke screen from its mouth. With the help of this smoke, its figure disappeared into the bushes in an instant.

Just when Bai Mo was about to use his super powers to catch up with Shirona, the flowers around them all started to bloom miraculously after they came into contact with this pink smokescreen, and they also began to emit smokescreens.

This is like a signal, the flower bushes under Bai Mo and Shirona's feet began to spread smoke continuously.

The smoke instantly enveloped Bai Mo and Shirona.

Bai Mo held his breath with superpowers at the first moment, then came to Shirona's side, reached out and grabbed her wrist and planned to take her back to the camp.

But the moment Bai Mo grabbed Shirona's wrist, with a "hum", Shirona actually lost her strength and fell into his arms.

"Hirona, what's wrong with you!" Bai Mo immediately looked down when he felt the strangeness of Hirona in his arms. What caught his eye was a pretty face full of cholera beings. At this time, this face There was a strange flush on it, and his eyes became blurred.

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