"Blood-winged dragon, spray flames!"

"Xiao Nai, the voice of charm!"


The fire-breathing camel and the blood-winged dragon opened their mouths at the same time, and the two thick flames collided in the air and began to push each other.

But it can be seen that the jet flame of the blood-winged dragon is being slowly suppressed, but this speed is very slow.

Seeing this situation, Bonfire's eyes lit up again.

The fire-breathing camel is Jingjiang's trump card, and its strength is similar to that of Shanaido. He has already understood the third level of the fire-based profound meaning and the ground-based profound meaning, and the flame-based tricks he used naturally also brought the profound meaning.

Although the blood-winged dragon is also the king of heaven, it can be seen that it has just broken through, and its strength is slightly weaker than that of the fire-breathing camel.

But in such a situation, the jet flame used by the blood-winged dragon can even touch the fire-breathing dragon head-on, which is enough to prove that the blood-winged flying dragon is powerful as a quasi-god. Under the beast, it is almost invincible at the same level !

Jing Jiang's wolf dog looked at the blood-winged dragon and Shanaido fiercely, and an evil force began to spread out with it as the source, and shrouded in the direction of Shanaiduo and the blood-winged dragon.

But Shanaido also opened his mouth at this time and sang a series of wonderful notes. When these sounds reached the ears of the Great Wolf Dog, they had abnormal fluctuations, causing the Great Wolf Dog to roar in pain immediately. , the trick used is also interrupted.

The wave of evil could not be used. Bai Mo was not looking at the big wolf dog. He stared at the jet flames that were slowly approaching the blood-wing flying dragon and Shanaido, and said lightly, "The blood-wing flying dragon, the tail of the water column!"

"Xiao Nai, teleport!"

In the next instant, Shanaido disappeared with the blood-wing flying dragon again, and a layer of water had already shrouded the tail of the blood-wing flying dragon.

Although he didn't know where Shanaido would instantly move with the blood-winged dragon, Jing Jiang knew that it must be around the fire-breathing camel when he heard Bai Mo's order, so he immediately shouted, "The fire-breathing camel, hold on!"

"Big wolf dog, prepare, use the destruction of death light!"

A light curtain immediately appeared on the body of the fire-breathing camel, and the wolf dog on the other side shook his head, and finally began to gather orange light.

At this time, Shanaido appeared behind the fire-breathing camel with the blood-winged dragon.

The Great Wolf Dog's eyes condensed, and the long-brewed destructive light of death immediately shot out in the direction of Shanaido and the Blood Winged Flying Dragon!

However, seeing this scene, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and he spit out two words at Jing Jiang again, "Stupid!"

After Bai Mo uttered these two words, a blue light appeared in Shanaido's eyes. When the destruction of death came to him, he suddenly used his thought power to create a mental refraction barrier.

Shanai Duo's strength is stronger than that of the Great Wolf Dog, and the Great Wolf Dog uses a general big move, without the profound meaning. The super power after being compressed by Shanai Duo with the profound meaning is like a lever principle. , there is no stalemate, but under the guidance of the angle, it shoots towards the fire-breathing camel.

This time, the fire-breathing camel's ray of light was sturdily destroyed by the blow of the great wolf dog.

In this way, until the destruction of the death light disappeared, the light on the fire-breathing camel also disappeared.

At the same time, the blood-winged dragon's long-brewed water column slapped towards the fire-breathing camel, just in time to catch the fire-breathing camel's body to keep the light from disappearing.


The fire-breathing camel ate the blood-winged dragon firmly, and its bulky body was overturned and swept across the ground by the huge power of the blood-winged dragon.

Seeing this scene that he couldn't react to at all, Jing Jiang finally understood why Bai Mo said he was stupid. Bai Mo was a superpower. He knew that if he really wanted to use teleportation to cause irreversible damage, he didn't need to. Calling out the name for the blood-winged dragon to use, this is obviously a trick for him!

At the same time, Bai Mo's voice sounded again:

"Blood-winged dragon, water cannon!"

Chapter 0232 Obliterate Jing Jiang, hit the bonfire ass

"Blood-winged dragon, water cannon!"

"Damn!" Being beaten by Bai Mo, Jing Jiang couldn't accept the result. At this time, the Great Wolf Dog was in a state of rigidity because of the destruction of the dead light, but Bai Mo didn't want to deal with it at all. It means, instead, it repeatedly attacked the fire-breathing camel.

You must know that the fire-breathing camel has the attributes of fire and ground. It is not afraid of anything except the water-type trick, but the water-type restraint it four times, which is simply deadly.

If you eat the water cannon of the blood-winged dragon, you will definitely kneel.

In this regard, Bai Mo said that he has not used Minas yet, if he did, he would abuse the rhythm.

At this time, Jing Jiang could only passively command the Fire-breathing Camel.

"Fire-breathing camel, fire-breathing!"

"Hey, not bad!" Bai Mo's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard Jing Jiang let the fire-breathing camel use fire-breathing.

However, this did not change the final result.

"Xiao Nai, teleport!"

As Bai Mo's order sounded, Shanai Duo once again teleported with the blood-winged dragon, but this time, Shanai Duo's teleportation was obviously a bit laborious. Although teleportation would not cause any loss or consumption of physical strength, it would consume spirit. force.

A guy as big as the blood-winged dragon was transported, and it still consumed Shanaido's mental power.

However, it all came to an end at this moment.

The fire-breathing camel shot in the direction of Shanaido and the blood-winged flying dragon, and the blood-winged flying dragon's mouth had already prepared a water column.

At this time, Shanaido disappeared with the blood-winged dragon, and then appeared in the direction of the fire-breathing camel. At the same time, the blood-winged dragon spewed a water column in its mouth!


The water column directly hit the fire-breathing camel!

When the figure of the fire-breathing camel disappeared along with the water column, it was already unconscious and obviously lost its combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, Jing Jiang clenched his hands fiercely, but his heart was filled with fear. He knew that he would never die for Bai Mo, but he didn't expect Bai Mo to judge him in the same way.

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