
The thunderbolt beast just collided with this circle of sharp stones, and these sharp stones continued to dissipate under the destruction of thunder and lightning.

Just when the rock wall composed of sharp stones was about to be broken open by the electric light shrouded by the lightning beast, the blood-winged dragon raised its two front feet, condensed the ability of khaki in the sound of the front feet, and stepped heavily on the front of him. On the rock wall where the sharp stones gather!


The khaki-colored fluctuations were transmitted to the Thunder Beast along the rock wall, and a sudden explosion sounded.

The ground-type stomp skill doubles the damage to electric-type thunder beasts.

The thunderbolt beast was hit by the force brought by the khaki fluctuation and the blood-winged flying dragon, and fell into the hole previously smashed again, causing a cloud of smoke.

Sweeping away with his superpowers, he found that the thunderbolt beast was still struggling to get up, and Bai Mo immediately shouted, "Niscale!"


Hearing Bai Mo's order, a bloody color appeared in the blood-winged flying dragon's eyes. Originally, the blood-winged flying dragon was very angry because he felt a trace of fear when he saw the lightning around the lightning beast. Now this anger is amplified by the constant stimulation. There was a burst of fiery red on its body, and the dragon-type profound meaning also shrouded the whole body.

The next moment, the blood-wing flying dragon rushed into the pit directly through the smoke screen, directly pressing the thunderbolt beast under him.

Next, the Thunder Beast was ravaged nakedly.

The blood-wing flying dragon didn't give him a chance to react at all. All kinds of punches, kicks, and even headbutts came to greet him, and all the moves brought powerful strength and the bonus of dragon-type mysteries.

The thunder and lightning beast was beaten by the blood-wing flying dragon in a random manner. In the end, the blood-wing flying dragon instinctively released a mouthful of dragon waves, and the thunder and lightning beast was knocked unconscious!

"The Thunderbolt Beast lost its combat effectiveness, and the blood-winged dragon won, so the winner is the challenger, Bai Mo of Weibai Town." The referee saw the Thunderbolt in a coma and immediately announced the final result.

"Good job, come back, blood wing dragon!"

Bai Mo also took the blood-winged flying dragon back for the first time. At this time, it was already in a state of confusion because of the use of reverse scales. It would be better to take it back.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be defeated so easily by you." At this moment, Tie Xuan came over, opened his hand, and handed the badge to Bai Modao, "This is the power badge, it is you who defeated Zijin Gym. proof!"

"Thank you!" With a slight smile, Bai Mo naturally accepted his seventh badge.

Afterwards, Bai Mo walked away from the auditorium.

Yayi and Touzi discussed it, and finally chose to challenge Zijin Gym. Although Zijin Gym is a Heavenly King-level gym, the only Heavenly King-level elf has been solved by Bai Mo. That is to say, Tie Xuan is most likely to release the The king-level elf.

This has an urge to fight for Mei and Tou Zi, who have improved a lot under Bai Mo's training.

In the end, Touko and Meiyi played successively.

The process of the game was not as clean and neat as Bai Mo, but the result of the game was still gratifying. Both Mei and Touzi won the game in the end.

Although there is only one elf left in the two comparisons, this is also a manifestation of strength improvement.

Compared to Ya Yi and Tou Zi, Tie Xuan was a little speechless. He was awarded three badges a day, and he didn't know how many years he hadn't encountered such a thing.

Everyone got badges, which is naturally something to celebrate, so Bai Mo and Tou Zi and the three daughters all relaxed for a day.

Until the next morning, the three directly passed the bicycle road and came to Kaina City in one morning!

"Mo, where do we go next after arriving in Kaina City?" At the end of the bicycle path, Touzi asked lightly, stroking her hair that was fluttering in the wind.

"There is a luxury cruise ship to Shuijing City in Kaina City. Let's go to Shuijing City first. There is a quasi-Tianwang gymnasium of the insect system there. You can challenge it!"

"Then take a boat through the port. We can go to Green Ridge City, where you can also challenge the Green Ridge Gym!"

"Finally, let's go to Liuli City, where I will challenge my last gym!"

"After all these gyms are challenged, we will stop by Yinyu City. After all, we have made a reservation with Naqi, and we will go there and play for a while!"

"On the way, you can also collect all the gym badges you still lack!"

Riding a bicycle, Bai Mo casually said the route that he had planned for a long time!

"Okay, it's fine if you have an arrangement!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Tou Zi showed a smile, but there was indeed a strange light and firmness in his eyes.

It's good to enjoy Bai Mo's protection and arrangement. With Bai Mo's teaching, the elf really progresses faster, but both Yayi and Touzi understand that if this is the case, they can only have what they have behind Bai Mo, not in Bai Mo. around.

The two girls have made a decision in secret. This time, the trip to the Fangyuan area is over, and the two of them will travel together to the Shenno area!

As for the decision of the two girls, Bai Mo had inadvertently used his superpowers to know it, but he didn't say anything. It's good for girls to have their own ideas. What she wanted was not a vase that knew nothing.

Of course, as his own woman, Bai Mo wouldn't really trust them to stay out like this. So, when the two women left, he would give something. When the two girls were about to leave, he could take them out.

This kind of thing can make Bai Mo come to the two women's side in an instant!

However, in order to really catch up, Bai Mo felt that he really had to train his superpowers to reach the standard that Dream said.

When the time comes, give Tou Zi and Mei Yi a surprise!

The wound of parting does not exist!

Chapter 0249 A chance encounter on board, a rival from Shenao

Soon, Bai Mo and the girls came to Kaina City.

Kaina City is a major port city in the southern part of the Fangyuan area. It is one of the sea transportation bases. It has facilities related to the sea such as a shipyard and a sea science museum. There is also a battle park for trainers to do battle training.

Bai Mo had booked a ferry ticket to Shuijing City early in the morning, and immediately brought Tou Zi and the others to the Elf Center.

Bai Mo brought Yayi and others to the elf center. When Joey saw Bai Mo, he immediately took out the boat ticket he called and booked.

The departure time of the boat is the next day.

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