"Damn, how could I be Lu Chi, why am I Lu Chi!"

"It must be the navigator that's broken, really annoying!"

"Forget it, huh, I can't find Bai Mo like this, let alone learn how to control my super powers!"

"Well, let's go to Caiyou City. This year's Fangyuan League Competition is in Caiyou City. I'll go there and wait!"

On this day, Bai Mo and his party came to Luling City...

Although there are quite a few islands between Shuijing City and Luling City, including the famous Referee School Island, the distance between the two is not far.

After continuing to sit on the passenger boat for a long time, one of the characteristics of Luling City, the red-brown-colored residential roofs are already in sight. It looks like an open black camellia, which is very beautiful under the sunlight.

In fact, on the way, the passenger ship also passed by the city of Larousse. In this city, Bai Mo knew that there was a crystal of Deoxys, but he didn't want to get it now, because he didn't have the strength yet.

Moreover, one Deoxys is boring, he prefers to pack two Deoxys when Ash arrives here three years later.

I just don't know if I will have the strength at that time, and I can just fight with the split empty seat.

When I arrived in Keluling City, the first thing I did was to challenge the gymnasium first.

The master of the gym in Green Ridge City is a pair of twins. It is said that they are also superpowers, so Bai Mo also took a look at it with great interest.

But in the end, Bai Mo found that these two so-called superpowers were not strong, and at most the two of them could play a similar role in telepathy because they were twins, giving them an advantage in doubles matches.

But even so, Mei and Touzi managed to win this badge!

After winning the badge, there is nothing to be too fond of in this place, Bai Mo and his party decided to move towards the next gym, Liuli City.

In addition to being a satellite launch center, Luling City also has an airport, which can lead to major cities. Bai Mo, who was tired of taking the boat, bought a plane ticket to Liuli City the next day after taking a day off. He and Meiyi and others flew directly to Liuli City by plane.

To be honest, on the plane, Bai Mo almost gave Minas to Fa-rectification on the spot, because this girl was very attached to him after she found out that Bai Mo and Monarch Snake had become very close recently.

And this kind of stickiness is actually provocative in Bai Mo's eyes!

Chapter 0256 Final Gym Tournament: Glass Gym!

Liuli City is a city built on a huge dormant volcanic crater. The entire island is made of white rocks. When you look down from an airplane, you seem to be looking at snow-capped mountains.

The plane landed, and after walking out of the airport, Bai Mo took Yayi and the girls straight to Liuli Gym.

On the way to the gymnasium, Tou Zi took out the navigator and explained the current situation of the Liuli gymnasium, "Mo, the current owner of the Liuli gymnasium is the Master of the Gorgeous Competition, Master Mikri, but this year it is said that In preparation for the challenge to the Fang Yuan League champion Daigo, the Liuli Gym is now being re-taken by his master Adam."

"Many people have said that the ranking of the gymnasium will change in the future. Although the water element restrains the fire element, Mula is the four kings after all, and it is very likely that he will become the new number one!"

"That's normal!" Bai Mo's expression was very indifferent, "When I was competing, Mu La couldn't have given all his power to command, it just doesn't meet the responsibilities of a gym trainer, and he has a champion elf! "

"But the gym ranking is to gain a reputation for one's own gym, and all parties will do their best, or Mura's chance of winning, after all, there are four heavenly kings with champion-level elves. A veteran of the Four Heavenly Kings, otherwise, he would not fail to become the Four Heavenly Kings."

"Yeah!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, the girls nodded. At the same time, they were not worried about this match. Bai Mo defeated Mu La, but it was not difficult to defeat Adam. Mickley on the front.

Then, under the guidance of the navigator's map, the group came to the Liuli Gym.

The Liuli Taoist Hall was built in a manor and manor. The appearance was imaginary, but Bai Mo did not pay attention to it. He has his own blueprint in his heart. In the future, he will have a building that will shock people all over the world. .

Of course, it's still too early to say this, and the most urgent task is to win the last badge first!

Opening a huge door, you can see a huge swimming pool with a lot of floating boards floating on the swimming pool.

At this moment, I heard the sound of the door opening, and a person walked down the stairs. The person who came had black and white hair and a blue-colored costume. Although the two beards were funny, they undoubtedly showed the imposing manner. The prominence of human identity.

This person is the current owner of the Liuli Gym, Adam!

"I didn't expect the challenger to turn out to be Dr. Bai Mo. This is really an honor for my Liuli Gym!" Seeing Bai Mo at the door, Adam obviously knew him, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"The owner of the Adam Pavilion is very polite. After all, the Liuli Gymnasium is the No. [-] Gym in Fang Yuan, so I will naturally come here to challenge it." Bai Mo also complimented.

"Well, since Dr. Bai Mo has this interest, then look forward to our next game."

Adam was also in a hurry. Seeing Bai Mo say so, he immediately arranged the gym competition.

After a few polite words, Adam came to his captain's position and made a please gesture to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo's original purpose was to challenge the gym. Adam was so unpretentious, and just in line with his intentions, he immediately followed Adam's instructions and stood in the battle position.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee immediately said loudly: "Now we will bet on the gym badge, and Adam, the gym trainer of Liuli Gym, will compete against the challenger from the Baimo Hall in Weibai Town."

"The number of Pokémon that can be used by both parties is 5 each."

"Please choose two elves for a doubles match in the first round. When two elves from either the gym trainer or the challenger lose their ability to fight, the first round will be over!"

"Then, the second round of the game, the second round of the game, will become a 1-on-1 duel, the elves used by the challenger in the first round cannot be used, when all the elves of the two sides lose the ability to fight. , the game is over."

"Also, only the challenger can change the elf during the competition."

"Among them, as long as the challenger loses any round, it is considered a failure!"

"What a special game rule." After listening to the rules read out by the referee, Yayi couldn't help but say.

"Yeah!" Tou Zi also sighed, "In the first round of doubles, if you lose, you lose directly!"

"There is still a second round after winning, but the elf used in the previous game can't be used. This game is difficult to handle."

At the same time, Adam's momentum changed, looking at Bai Mo seriously, "Trainers aiming to challenge the Fang Yuan Alliance must be as soft as water, no matter what shape they encounter, they can freely change their shape. , make the right response."

"Dr. Bai Mo, let me see what fighting level you can come up with!"

Saying that, Adam threw two Pokeballs.

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