Bai Mo didn't go with the girls, but contacted Oda Maki by phone and asked him to send over all his little elves one by one, except for a few big wolf dogs.

Great wolf dog, Bai Mo intends to be led by that heavenly king, and take good care of his small villa and help take care of Dr. Odakimaki's research institute.

But for the other elves, Bai Mo plans to keep them in his own little world. Anyway, he has money, so he can spend a lot of money on buying a bunch of elves food, it doesn't matter.

After receiving the call from Bai Mo, although Odaki didn't understand his plan, he didn't ask any more questions and did everything. After all, Bai Mo has never disappointed him.

After getting the elves, Bai Mo put all of them into his own small world, and let them find suitable places to live. For elves food, he built a small warehouse with trees by the river and put a bunch of them there. , in the future, he will go in every day and give the right amount of food according to the situation of the elves.

At the same time, Bai Mo put the elf in his Poké Ball and the corresponding Poké Ball into the small world. He had already experimented, and he summoned the elf to the side of the Poké Ball and put it in him silently. The time on the elf belt will not exceed three seconds, which is very fast.

Of course, in order to avoid accidents, his strongest six will always be in his carrying position.

At present, it is Latias, Absol, Shanaido, Boscodora, Minas, and the blood-winged dragon.

After doing all this, Yayi and a few girls also came back, and the group disappeared into the small world again when they arrived at the house in the center of the elf, and began to dress up in their own home.

Bai Mo did not participate, but left the small world and flew to Luling City alone. This way, it was more labor-saving and time-saving.

Originally, Bai Mo wanted to get on the plane and go to the small world, but was scolded half-dead by Dream.

Well, everyone knows the story of carving a boat and seeking a sword. If Bai Mo really disappeared when the plane was halfway through, that was when it really appeared, and he had to fall to his death.

After reaching Luling City, Bai Mo found Shanaido, and the two of them rode their bicycles towards Yinyu City, where Na Qi was located.

When it was about to fall into the night, when Bai Mo was going to enter the small world to prepare dinner, he and Shanaido came to Yokodo Town, a small town known as the 'Crossroad of Wind'.

This town is famous for strong positive and negative cyclones, because now they are going to the small world to rest, so Bai Mo and Shanai Duo did not stay in the town and left the town directly.

Not long after leaving the town, I came to a place densely covered with stone forests, and this stone forest was clearly a wind-eroded stone forest that was repeatedly polished by a strong cyclone, which shows the mighty power of nature.

Only this time, in the whirlwind of the stone forest, there was a petite blue figure flapping its wings again and again in the whirlwind, fighting against the whirlwind.

Bai Mo's eyes lit up.

"Mo, I didn't expect to be so lucky to meet a green cotton bird here, and it's such a self-motivated elf." Seeing this elf, Xiao Nai's face got a smile.

She knew that Bai Mo had been looking forward to catching one after seeing Ram's Bluebird and Naqi's Qixi Bluebird. After all, the Dragon-type Bluebird was still very strong.

Now that I can meet a Qingmian bird that is obviously very good in all aspects, I am really lucky.

Chapter 0265 Subduing the green cotton bird, Zoroya evolves!

Hearing Xiao Nai's words, Bai Mo pinched her nose and said with a smile, "It is indeed a very good elf, from the perspective of its flying skills in the positive and negative cyclones, it should be here for a long time. Through life training, I already have steel-like wings and a strong will."

"I took a look at it, and it has the best aptitude, high-level strength, good aptitude, and training myself so hard, at first glance, it looks like a militant. When encountering such an elves, I have to say that our luck is indeed very good. "

"But such a elf, if you want to conquer it, you must defeat it, and it is the kind that is convinced."

With a hint of approval, Bai Mo ran to Qingmianniao, threw a Poke Ball, and chuckled, "Qingmianniao, let's fight one-on-one."

"I'm going to subdue you!"

As Bai Mo's words fell, Zoroja, who was summoned by Bai Mo from the small world, appeared from the Poké Ball and called out to the Qingmian bird full of fighting spirit.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, and then hearing Zoroya's provocative roar, Qingmian Bird immediately screamed at Zoroya and told Bai Mo the answer with her actions.

There was a metallic sheen on the wings of the green cotton bird, and it quickly rammed towards Zoroja.

"It's amazing, you even learned the Steel Wing trick, it's very good." Bai Mo immediately praised, and then ordered, "Zoroa, see through!"

After receiving Bai Mo's order, Zoroya's eyes became sharp, and after the green cotton bird approached him to a certain extent, the side of the body immediately avoided the collision of the green cotton bird.

But to Bai Mo's surprise, the Qingmian bird turned quickly with the help of the natural whirlwind here. When he could react, he hit Zoroya, and at the same time, a white burst of white was emitted from her beak. The rays of light rushed towards Zoroya again.

After being surprised by Qingmian Bird's agile attack, Bai Mo's eyes showed excitement. The better Qingmian Bird was, the more he liked it, and the more he wanted to subdue it. Immediately, he shouted at Zoroya, " Zoroja, don't lose to it, use your supernatural powers!"

At this time, Zoroya has adjusted his body shape after being suddenly hit. On his body, a blue ripple spread out, like a wave of light, hitting the green cotton bird one by one.

The speed of the supernatural power is extremely fast, and it hit the green cotton bird for a long time, hitting it and throwing it backwards.

At this time, Qingmianniao once again showed his firm will in front of Bai Mo. Every time she was knocked away by the supernatural power, she would fly back by the wind and quickly approach Zoroya, but in doing so The loss of physical strength was also great, and after a while, she was already showing signs of fatigue.

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately shouted, "Zoroa, Dark Blast!"

Dark blasting is a very special evil-type trick. It is not known for the time being, even Bai Mo, who only knows that apart from Zoroja and Zoroark, only Lunaila in the Alola region can do this. trick.

Among the few evil long-range attacks, it is the most powerful one.

Immediately, dark rays of light shrouded Soraya, and then, a black shock wave attacked the green cotton bird, shrouding it easily.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Noticing the appearance of the green cotton bird, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and pulled out an empty elf ball from the space ring and threw it at it. The smashed green cotton bird immediately turned into a ball of red light and was taken in.

But after shaking the Poke Ball twice, it opened again with a 'bang'.

Freed again, the green croaker flapped its wings quickly, and countless cotton-like feathers fluttered in the sky.

"Feather Dance!" Bai Mo shouted in a slightly surprised tone, a glint flashed in his eyes, "Zoroa, bluff!"

The function of the feather dance is to reduce the opponent's attack power, and it also has the effect of blocking the line of sight to a certain extent, but it is not difficult for Zoroya who was specially trained by Bai Mo. His body shuttled quickly and quickly came to Qingmian. in front of the bird.

Then, Soroya's momentum suddenly changed, and the green cotton bird was instantly provoked, but the anger confuses his eyes, and her eyes instantly became confused, and she slammed into the stone pillar on the side. go.

The trick of bluffing is to anger the opponent's elf, causing the elf to lose his mind and fall into chaos, but because of the anger, the elf's attack power will increase.

That is to say, the attack power of the green cotton bird has also increased now, and if it deals damage to Zoroja, the destructive power will be even more amazing.

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