But at this moment, an inexplicable pressure came from one side of the sky, causing Bai Mo and others to look in that direction with wrinkles.

As his eyes focused on a point that was slowly getting bigger, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed and he directly released his super power.

"What's that?" The most lively Ya Yi asked the girls, their eyesight was not as strong as Bai Mo's, and they didn't have any superpowers, but instinctively, they knew that something had happened in that place.

"That's a chance for a hero to save the beauty!" The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Bai Mo whispered to the girls, "It's Naqi who is in some trouble, you guys are waiting here, please pay attention to the dream!"

"I'll do a favor, and I'll pick you up when I'm done."

After speaking, Bai Mo took Xiao Nai's hand and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the air, in front of a trainer riding on Da Wang Yan.

This trainer is a man. He wears special glasses, a red vest, and a black cape. In such a symbolic dress, no one in the world does not know him. It is the Alphabet of the Elf Hunters.

The Elf Hunter Alphabet Group has twenty-six strongest Elf Alphabet Hunters. Each of them has advanced equipment and countless subordinates. The worst of the Alphabet Hunters is the quasi-king-level strength. Strength has nothing to do with alphabetical order. The letters are only codename.

There are hunter cadres and hunter leaders on the alphabet hunters. Bai Mo doesn't know how strong they are.

Now, the person who appeared in front of Bai Mo was obviously a letter-level hunter, and Bai Mo speculated when Bai Mo noticed that Dawangyan had the advanced world of Quasi-Tianwang.

This is a king-level letter hunter!

Chapter 0269 Heroes help beauty!

"Boy, get out of the way!" The elf hunter H, who was running away from Da Wangyan, immediately called out when he realized that there was one more person in his path.

If an elf appeared, Elf Hunter H would not be so nervous, but if a human appeared, it meant that things were not simple. You must know that this is in mid-air, and it must be superpowers that can appear out of thin air.

Such a person is not suitable for provocation in the current rhythm of escape.

However, the next moment, the elf hunter H changed his mind and saw Shanaido, who had changed back to the elf state beside Bai Mo when he used teleportation, the corner of his mouth had a sinister smile, "I didn't expect such luck. Fortunately, I met a flashing Shanaido here!"

"Although it's not caught and used or killed to turn into crystals, it's still okay to use it to pass down the lineage to cultivate high-quality Laluras!"

Saying that, the elf hunter H stretched out his hand. On his arm, there is a curing device newly developed by the Hunter Alliance. As long as the elves are below the king-level elves, they can be forcibly cured.

On top of this device, there is a stronger device, which is expensive to manufacture, and uses some body materials that move the super beast, and can even cure champion-level elf. Of course, the elf hunter H does not have it, but he I think it's enough to deal with Shanaido.

But at this moment, when Bai Mo heard the words of Elf Hunter H, the faint arc that had been hanging on the corner of Bai Mo's mouth disappeared, and his eyes became cold.

Originally, when Bai Mo saw Da Wangyan in the cage under the elf hunter H, Da Wangyan was holding her feet, she knew that this was an opportunity for a hero to help beauty, because the one in the cage was Na Qi's. That Flash King Yan.

With the idea of ​​capturing Elf Hunter H and sending him to the police station, Bai Mo didn't stop him, but at this moment, Elf Hunter H's words angered Bai Mo.

Taking Shanaido as a production machine, isn't that just giving him countless green hats?

Since the elf hunter H has such an idea, Bai Mo said what price he needs to pay.

Without thinking much, Bai Mo directly stretched out the Poké Ball that threw the Blood Winged Dragon.

"Blood-winged dragon, destroy the death light!"


Appearing in mid-air, the blood-winged dragon instantly emitted an orange-yellow light.

The destruction of the quasi-god elf at the primary level of the heavenly king was dead. The powerful elf hunter H did not dare to touch it, and immediately let the king Yan fall to the ground. Several of his heavenly king-level elf could not fly, so he planned to Increase your advantage by doing this.

But the next moment, the elf hunter H wanted to cry. When he landed, and before he could release the elf, Bai Mo took out a bunch of elf balls and threw them out, then shouted:




"Xiao Nai!"

"Blood-winged dragon!"

Give him a good lesson!

The next moment, the five Heavenly King-level elves all started to move!

Faced with five heavenly king-level elves all at once, and each of them is a highly qualified, high-race existence, the elf hunter H is completely powerless, and can only watch all kinds of skills greet him. The idea of ​​releasing the only two Heavenly King-level elves that he had.

In a face-to-face, Elf Hunter H immediately knelt down!

"Who are you?!" Controlled by Shanaido's superpower, the elf hunter H couldn't help but ask Bai Mo a question.

"You don't know me?" Bai Mo asked curiously, "The news of your Hunter Alliance shouldn't be so backward, right?"

"Huh?" The elf hunter H had a look on his face when he heard the words, and then after taking a look at Bai Mo, his pupils shrank sharply, "You are Bai Mo!? The elf doctor Bai Mo!"

"It's me!" With a faint smile, Bai Mo squatted down slowly, stared into the eyes of Elf Hunter H and said, "You had bad thoughts about my Shanaido before, so you need to pay the price."

Saying that, Bai Mo looked at Shanaido and said, "Xiao Nai, get everything on him, and then you can send him on the road to vent your anger."

Bai Mo could feel it. When the elf hunter H said that he wanted to make Shanaido a training tool, she was very angry.

If so, let her vent her anger with her own hands.

"Okay, Mo!" With a light nod, a blue light flashed in Shanaido's eyes, and in the next instant, she and the elf hunter H disappeared from front of Bai Mo.

Without taking care of Shanaido's practice, Bai Mo came to the trapped Da Wangyan, stretched out his hand and opened the cage with a smile, "Da Wangyan, we met again, long time no see."

"Tear it off!"

With a soft cry, Da Wangyan, who is different from ordinary Dawangyan, took the initiative to stretch her head and drill into Bai Mo's chest, with a hint of joy in her eyes.

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