Ugly ugly fish, the conditions for evolution are really harsh. Except for some aptitudes that have reached the perfect level, they can evolve on their own. Others require beauty, confidence, and aptitude. These are all up to the standard, and sometimes they need to be exchanged through communication!

Minas is destined to be an elf that only very few people can possess.

But the girls in Yayi got the method for the Ugly Ugly Fish to evolve into Minas in Bai Mo, and if he is qualified, Bai Mo has his own method to distinguish, and will not do useless work.

Also a little surprised in his heart, Bai Mo reached out and took the remote control that Satoi handed over to open the door of the train.

What caught my eye were a thousand carp kings and a dozen ugly fish.

Seeing these elves, Bai Mo instantly swept away with his superpower.

After getting the data of these fishes, Bai Mo's eyes were filled with surprise.

Among the carp kings, there are no top-quality ones, but there are ten top-quality ones!

These ten are all cultivated beings that can evolve.

In other words, Satoi directly gave him nearly ten million alliance coins!

What also surprised Bai Mo was that half of the ugly fish in the past few days had top-grade qualifications, which was too strange.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo asked Satojing, "Where did you get this ugly fish?"

Chapter 0278 The flight contest begins!

"This!" Hearing Bai Mo's question, Satoi showed a smile and said, "I came across a water pool on the way here, and I saw a large group of ugly fish migrating towards the depths of the forest. Where are the water elves repelled?"

"But the ones I caught are a bit strange. Some of them dare to touch a few mosquito coils and tadpoles!"

"Although the result was still defeated, I admired them at the time, so I caught the rest of them, planned to treat them, and then found a place to release them."

"No wonder!" Hearing Satojing's explanation, Bai Mo also understood why six of these ugly fish had top-grade qualifications.

Ugly Ugly Fish are ugly, and they are rejected and disliked wherever they go, so they hide in some quagmire in the deep mountains and old forests.

And because they are often disliked, the Ugly Ugly Fish clan are very inferior. This time, these Ugly Ugly Fish dared to resist, obviously because of what happened, and then a few of them with high qualifications and strength stood up.

These six ugly fish, if Bai Mo cultivates them well, they can all become Minas.

"How many ugly fish were there at that time?" Bai Mo asked Satojing again.

Hearing this, Satoi smiled proudly and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, if you ask others about this question, you will definitely not get the answer, but I am an expert in catching fish, and you can count it at a glance!"

"About [-] ugly fish are all migrating in one direction, and the scene is still very spectacular!"

"This ratio is really pitifully low!" Bai Mo sighed in his heart when he heard Satojing's words. When the elves migrate, they are divided into two groups with the strongest strength, one half is the leader and the other is the queen. !

If you look at it this way, there are [-] ugly fish, even if there are still fish that slip through the net, but there are only a dozen of them with high-grade qualifications.

One in a million!

Even if it is assumed that there are one billion ugly fish in the world, there will not be one hundred thousand with high-quality qualifications, and these one hundred thousand are all in the deep mountains and old forests.

If you catch it, you also need beauty, confidence, and communication exchanges.

Can become Minas, how many can there be?

Minas, it's so rare! !

With a sigh in his heart, Bai Mo's face was still calm, and he took the car of fish without his face turning red.

Six future Minas and ten tyrannical carp dragons, this gift from Satoi is very good!

After that, Bai Mo saw that it was still early, so he directly found a place to sign a contract with Satoi.

After doing all this, Bai Mo sent the truck to Butler, who was supervising the construction company of the workers at Meteor Falls.

As for sending it over, it is naturally released, because the valuable carp king and ugly fish have already been found by him to put them into his own small world!

In addition, Mei, Touzi, and Ram all led a Ugly Fish and planned to cultivate it well. Minas, the value of cultivation is still very high.

After doing these trivial things, Bai Mo came to the Canyon of Wind outside Yinyu City again.

At this time, it was almost nine o'clock, and the game was about to start.

Bai Mo was the second group to set off, so he wasn't in a hurry, but the participating elves had to be registered in advance.

"Hello, Dr. Bai Mo, this is your Poké Ball, and its strength meets the standard!"

"You are in the second group, and the game time is ten minutes after the first group ends!"

"There will be a special person to inform you at that time, please be sure to pay attention to the time!"

"Okay, thank you Miss Joy." Bai Mo agreed with a smile, reaching for the Poké Ball with the fire-breathing dragon.

Soon, the game started, and because it was the second game, Bai Mo also watched the situation on the big screen of the live broadcast very seriously.

First of all, the starting point is a forest outside the Valley of the Wind. There will be traps that have been designed in the woods. As long as you enter the traps, the elves hiding in them will release unique moves to attack.

The second is a lake. On the lake, there are five tyrannical carp dragons, which have been creating tornadoes and creating obstacles!

The third point is to start spinning around a hill, and there is a badge on the hill.

The fourth point, with the badge, needs to start the journey back in the other direction, going through a swamp with a poisonous miasma.

Flying over the swamp is the final level. The wind forest in the Valley of the Winds is constantly facing headwinds, tailwinds, and wind blades. After passing here, it is the last [-]-meter sprint, and the badge crosses the finish line, which is a special moving mouth. Even if you win.

In the first game, Bai Mo was very bored. There were ten contestants, three trainers from Fangyuan area, who rode Da Wangyan, one trainer from Kanto used Bidiao, and two from Shenao In the region, one is a flaming arrow eagle, and the other is a booming pheasant!

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