With a hint of strange thoughts, Dream remembered the girl's taste.

Bai Mo doesn't know about these things, and now he is getting acquainted with the venue with the girls in Yayi!

The venue of the Caiyou Conference is very large. In addition to the main battle venue, there are also various shopping malls, restaurants, cinemas and other entertainment venues. The manual issued by the alliance has these introductions. The three of Mei Yi walked towards the food area together.

"There are so many things to eat, what should I eat first?" Seeing the delicacies in the streets, Yayi, the number one foodie, didn't know how to choose, because she felt that she wanted to eat everything.

"Okay, let's go eat the main meal first. You still have room to put these on when you pass by." Also tempted by the smell of the street, he swallowed a few saliva, thinking that it would be rare for him to leave it for a few days. When the fake came, Bai Mo quickly took the hands of Ya Yi and Tou Zi and walked towards the contestants' special restaurant.

"Wow, I'm so full! Okay, let's continue the special training!" As soon as Bai Mo and the others walked to the door of the restaurant, the automatic glass door had already opened, and they saw Qingquan patted his belly and burped away. come out.

"What a coincidence, Qingquan!" Bai Mo took the initiative to greet him when he saw Qingquan.

Qingquan fought with him at the beginning, and he showed very good qualities. He is a very good civilian trainer, and he is also one of Bai Mo's future recruiting targets!

"Bai Mo, did you just come here?" Hearing the voice, looking forward, Qingquan saw Bai Mo, his eyes lit up and asked.

"That's right, I have something to deal with, so I'm only here today." With a slight smile, Bai Mo said seriously, "Qingquan, I look forward to a good match this time!"

Chapter 0290 The preliminaries of the Caiyou Conference begin!

"Will do!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Qingquan's eyes flashed with a hint of war. He is also a civilian. Although Bai Mo is very good, he will not admit defeat.

"Yeah!" Nodding, Bai Mo reached out and patted Qingquan's shoulder, "The game is over, don't rush to leave, I have something to discuss with you!"

"Okay!" Although he didn't know what Bai Mo was going to do, Qingquan was willing to give Bai Mo, a commoner who had risen to such heights on his own, a face.

"There will be an appointment later!" With a slight smile, Bai Mo walked into the restaurant with the three girls in Yayi.

After entering the restaurant, Bai Mo unexpectedly met Chi Ye again, the young master from the Hezhong area didn't say much after seeing Bai Mo, just said seriously, "Dr. Great game!"

After saying that, Akano walked out of the restaurant!

After encountering two trainers who Bai Mo thinks will definitely make it to the top 8, Bai Mo sighs a little funny that his luck is good!

Without thinking too much, Bai Mo and the three girls in Yayi had a beautiful meal. The next day, the three of them were deployed separately for the elf battle.

After all, it is a game, and the three of them may meet randomly. Although they have a close relationship, they don't want to be so.

Of course, this is actually due to the fact that Yayi and Touzi have had the experience of the last competition. To talk about Bai Mo, based on their understanding of him, they are very clear that they have no chance of winning!

In a blink of an eye, it was the day before the start of the game. Like the previous league conferences, there were preliminaries before the official game, and there were also auditions before the preliminaries.

However, in order to adapt to the layout of the fifteen small venues, five medium venues and one main venue of the Caiyou Conference venue, the number of people selected from the audition plus the number of trainers with more than eight badges has reached more than 600, and will be allocated. Preliminaries are held in 15 small venues.

There are many ways to audition, for example, Tianwang-level trainer submission, elf school submission, and so on.

Trainers who have won eight badges only need to play a preliminary match, while the players selected from the sea will play two games. Finally, 256 people are selected to enter the 5 middle venues and start the official game.

After Bai Mo registered the elf used in the preliminaries on the computer in the dormitory, he began to look forward to the next day's game.

Bai Mo's competition venue was the first game in District [-], No. [-]. When he first learned about this, Bai Mo felt that his luck was really not bad. After hundreds of games, only five people could get the same result. The arrangement of the game of numbers, I didn't expect myself to be one of them.

The most important thing is that he is the first one among the contestants to participate in the competition. Bai Mo feels that this also seems to herald the outcome of this competition!

On the second day, because the game was the first and earliest game, and Mei and Tou Zi also had a game, only Ram followed Bai Mo to the competition venue early.

"The first game of No. [-], District [-] is about to start. Players A Xiang and Bai Mo are invited to play." After the second game, it was immediately called out on the radio, and it was repeated twice.

"Come out, it's time for your show!" After arriving at the opposite battlefield and taking a good position, Bai Mo took the lead in releasing his elf, that is, after being trained by Bai Mo for nearly four months, he used the best evolution stone. Evolved wind speed dog!

The Wind Speed ​​Dog is a small elf that resembles a large dog in appearance. It has fluffy flaxen hair covering the face, brown eyes, black and orange stripes on the body like a tiger, hair around the feet and long tail. Tail, when running, the body seems to merge with the wind, quite majestic.

But this wind speed dog is different, the hair on its body is golden yellow!

"So handsome!"

"It's the wind speed dog, the opening flash of the wind speed dog, Dr. Bai Mo's elf has never let me down!"

"It can be so handsome!"

"You said that people are still elves!"

"Of course people and elves are handsome!"

At the moment when the wind speed dog appeared, the attention of the surrounding audience was all focused on this arena and started to talk about it, that is, the dozen or so on duty Jun Sha's beautiful eyes flashed continuously, considering whether to discuss something with Bai Mo.

"Come out, big-billed gull!"

In the field, a player named A Xiang also threw the Poke Ball. At this time, he really felt very sad, because his first opponent turned out to be Bai Mo. Although Bai Mo has only traveled for a year, according to some Everyone knows from the news uploaded from the Elf Forum that Bai Mo is very strong, unusually strong.

Looking at the purple badge on Bai Mo's clothes, it means that [-]% of the people are afraid of encountering Bai Mo, and even the remaining [-]% will not be able to do so. I don't want to meet it now.

The only thing that makes A Xiang more fortunate is that perhaps Bai Mo sent a wind speed dog, and he sent a big-billed gull with a water system.

"Then start the preliminaries between A Xiang and Bai Mo, and the game begins!" Seeing that both sides sent elves to prepare, the referee waved the flag.

"Wind speed dog, sunshine and flames!" Bai Mo immediately issued an order.

"How to use such a trick that needs to be brewed right away? Grass is overpowering water, but it is restrained by the flight system. Dr. Bai Mo is also underestimating the enemy!" Hearing Bai Mo's order, A Xiang suddenly laughed.

"I'll kill you in one go, gull, water cannon!"

The big-billed gull immediately opened its mouth and sent a huge water column towards the wind speed dog.

But just when the water cannon was about to hit the wind speed dog, the wind speed dog used its limbs to retreat, and the water cannon rubbed the wind speed dog's body and flew over.

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