"I think it's the performance of respecting the opponent to play seriously with the opponent, what do you think?" Asking Hua Wu, Bai Mo didn't wait for her to answer and released her two elves!

"Go, Hu Di, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, Hu Di and Fengsugou appeared on the field.

Seeing Hu Di and Feng Sugou, the surrounding audience were all having a heated discussion, because Hu Di and Feng Sugou were both flashing elves.

Bai Mo suddenly took out two flashing elves!

And as we all know, the video uploaded on the Genie forum at the beginning shows that.

Bai Mo, there is also a flash Shanaido!

Chapter 0292 Sweep all the way

"It's actually Hu Di and Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

Seeing the elf sent by Bai Mo, Mei and Tou Zi's eyes lit up. Although the conference stipulated that the elf to be used for the competition should be registered before the competition, it would not be announced until the contestant ended. People were still asleep in Bai Mo's arms, but they held back and didn't ask this question!

Therefore, only now did the two know that Bai Mo would use these two elves.

"It's a combination of super energy and fire elements!" Tou Zi's eyes flashed, "Windspeed dog is very qualified, Mo helped her evolve with the best flame stone that is priceless, and her strength suddenly reached the elite intermediate level. Although it is good, its strength is also mid-level!"

"Hu Di has been following Mo for a long time, and now he has the strength of an intermediate-level quasi-day king. His strength is at the forefront of this competition, but he is not too strong in Mo's hands. This arrangement is just in case Mo is ahead of schedule. Just met a master!"

As Tou Zi said, after all, it is a regional competition. If there are not hundreds of millions of trainers, there are tens of millions, but less than 256 people can get badges, and only [-] people can enter the official preliminaries. These people are absolutely None of them are weak, and it is inevitable to have elite-level strength, but most of them are like this, and quasi-king-level ones are very rare.

And the girls know that Hu Di can still complete the Mega evolution with the help of Bai Mo, obviously because he is afraid of encountering a strong enemy and an accident!

"The game begins!" The referee immediately waved the flag when the two were ready.

"King of Super Power, rush up and use a shove on Hu Di, nose to the north, and use a sharp stone attack on Fengsu Dog!" Seeing the dinner plate waving the flag, Hua Wu took the lead in issuing the order.

"Hu Di, have a strong mind, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Sunshine Flame!" Bai Mo commanded indifferently, Wind Speed ​​Dog has a special flashing effect, that is, it can quickly gather through the hair, and the speed of the Sunshine and Blazing Sun is very fast, mainly by Bai Mo. It is used for the spirits of the rock type, the water type, and the ground type.

Inside the arena, a blue light appeared in Hu Di's eyes, who was holding two spoons. He slowly raised a spoon and waved it directly at the two elves on the opposite side!

The two elves, Chaoli Wang and Chao Beibi, immediately emitted blue rays of light.

"This kind of mental strength, my little elf is not afraid, super power king, break away from the north nose!" Hua Wu did not think that Hu Di's strength would be very strong, and felt that it would be elite if he died, and immediately ordered loudly.

The north nose and the super power king who got the order immediately began to break free.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's expression was flat and did not speak.

In the arena, Bai Mo's orders were completely unnecessary. He felt that the two elves under his mental control began to struggle continuously, and their strength began to increase. Hu Di waved the other hand, and the two spoons touched each other.

Mental strength is also enhanced.

Afterwards, Hu Di slowly raised his arms, and Chaoli Wang and Chao Beibi were also controlled by their spiritual power to leave the ground.

At the same time, the wind speed dog is bright and rapidly gathering the power of the sun!

"What a strong mental force, and actually controlled two such powerful elves in an instant!" In the audience, Qingzhi couldn't help shouting in shock, and he inexplicably began to pay attention to Bai Mo's every move!

"It's really not easy, let's not say that the two elves are heavier elves. Among them, the super-power king is more famous for his strength, and unexpectedly, he was firmly blocked." Qingzhi was sitting next to him. Qingquan, who was with him, couldn't help frowning, obviously feeling the pressure.

"Sunshine flames, launch!" Soon, the wind speed dog had gathered his strength, and under Bai Mo's order, a huge beam of light was sent out in an instant. submerged.

The powerful force of the Sunshine Sun directly knocked them to the ground, and then directly slammed into the wall behind Hua Wu, causing two large-scale explosions.

"King Chaoli, you can't fight in the north nose, Hu Di and Feng Sugou won, so the winner is Bai Mo!" The referee immediately announced.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, Dr. Bai Mo, oh, no, it's a contestant, contestant Bai Mo just let his elf make a move to defeat the opponent's two elfs, and successfully advanced to the next level. A round of competition..."

"The gap is too obvious!" The narrator's excited voice also came from Guangbo.

"So strong, as expected of Dr. Bai Mo!" Chiye on the side of the auditorium looked solemn.

But in a private room for watching the game, a purple-haired man looked at all this but smiled disdainfully, "It's just a big weak chicken who bullies weak chickens!"

"I heard that you stole my blood-winged dragon, this competition, you have to look good!"

The speed ended the first game, Bai Mo withdrew his elf and calmly exited the stage to join the three girls of Yayi, and then hurried towards the B venue, which is the venue where Yayi was going to compete!

Mei's game also ended quickly, as did Touzi's.

On the second day, the second round of the preliminaries was still the same as the first round. There was a half-hour game and five venues started at the same time. Bai Mo seemed to have been hit by some kind of magic spell, and it was still the first match in venue A. Contest.

This time, Bai Mo's opponent is a little girl. At first glance, she looks like a newcomer who has been traveling for a few years. The elf she uses is the positive electric pat and the negative electric pat, which is very suitable for doubles.

In this match, looking at the girl's persistent and serious face, Bai Mo did not choose to end the battle with one move like in the first round, but slowed down the rhythm a little.

Positive Electric Paip and Negative Electric Paip are a pair of little sprites, they cooperate seamlessly with each other, and there are many coordination skills.

The time has come to the third day!

The preliminaries are also in the third game!

"Dear viewers, the Fangyuan League Caiyou Conference finally won the third round of the preliminaries. Now the first match of Group A is being held. The two players are Kikuha from Larousse City and from Bai Mo contestant in Weibai Town!"

"The game is about to start, so who will advance to the final in this game is Ju Ye or Bai Mo?"

"Go, Feather-winged Moth, become a hidden dragon!" Ju Ye released two of her little elves as soon as the commentator finished, and looked at Bai Mo, "I think you used the same elf for the first two games. Elf, it shouldn't change this time!"

"That's right!" With a faint smile, Bai Mo threw two Poké Balls, but Hu Di and Fengsugou still appeared in the field.

"The game begins!" the referee immediately announced.

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