Noticing the dragon-type meteorites in the sky, Ice Ghost Protector instinctively wanted to avoid them. Originally, it wanted to avoid these light bombs by relying on its own speed, but after it avoided two or three of them, it was caught by one of them. The bullet hit it, and then more light bullets fell and hit it.

At this time, the entire Ice Field made a 'bang rumbling' sound, ice debris splashed everywhere, and the high heat of the falling dragon star group also spread at this time, and the ice quickly melted.

When the high temperature hits the hard ice, it melts and evaporates, all in one go, and the entire venue suddenly becomes covered with white fog, making it impossible to see the specific situation inside.

"Player Bai Mo asked Bloodwing Flying Dragon to use the dragon-type ultimate trick, the Dragon Star Cluster, and the Dragon Star Cluster exploded. Looking at the power, it definitely has a profound meaning. The Bloodwing Flying Dragon is a heavenly king-level elf!"

"This fierce move enveloped the entire venue, can the Ice Ghost Protector escape?" the commentator shouted in a timely manner.

However, his words did make the audience laugh, joking, you said it yourself, this blood-winged flying dragon is of the heavenly king level, and the ultimate move also carries profound meaning, and the skills used are still dragon-type big moves. Keep an eye on it, don't kill it directly unless the opponent is a champion.

But is this possible?

The answer is obviously no.

Gradually, the white mist dispersed, revealing an ice field full of potholes, and the Ice Ghost Guardian fainted in one of the giant pits.

"Ice Ghost Protector loses its combat effectiveness, and the blood wing dragon wins!" The referee immediately announced, "Miyano Miyano has three elves lost their combat effectiveness, and the game has entered a five-minute break!"

Hearing the referee's words, Bai Mo immediately turned calmly and walked towards the lounge.

"What a terrifying trick, it even ruined the entire venue." In the audience, Xiaoyao's face turned pale, but then he said happily, "However, if it's Brother Bai Mo, this strength should have have to."

"Brother Bai Mo, he is so handsome!"

Seeing Xiaoyao like this, the girls all smiled slightly. This one can be said to be their sister, and the girls are very fond of them.

"This is not the most terrifying place yet." Xiaosheng said what he had observed just now, "It seems that the snowstorm protected by the ice ghost doesn't have much effect at all. Logically speaking, the ice-type trick is not effective for Bloodwing. For Feilong, it has 4 times the strike force."

"There is damage, but the blood-winged dragon adjusted its body before it was hit, and blocked the attack with the white hard shell on its abdomen. The key should be there." Ram explained.

"Ram is right." Tou Zi also smiled, "The white hard shell is the protective shell left by the blood-winged dragon after it evolved from the crustacean. It can be seen from the fact that it can withstand even ice-type tricks like blizzard. , the defense has been tempered to a very high level by Mo."

"However, why did Brother Bai Mo send out such a strong elf in the first place!" Xiaoyao suddenly asked at this moment, "Brother Bai Mo, doesn't he like the opponent to train his elf?"

"That's not because of the other party's own fault!" Yayi's face full of gossip, she came to Xiaoyao and talked about what happened yesterday.

After hearing Yayi's explanation, Xiaoyao immediately said, "What, I knew I wouldn't call my parents yesterday, and I missed such a good thing!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyao suddenly looked at Ram and said, "So, Brother Bai Mo is doing this to vent his anger on Sister Ram, that's great!"

"What, how can there be!" Ram's pretty face suddenly turned red, but his eyes were locked on the end of five minutes, and he came back to Bai Mo in the arena. His eyes were full of inseparable friendship, and he also did something in his heart. a decision.

Chapter 0303 The Powerful Blood Winged Dragon

"Everyone, the five-minute intermission is over, and the venue for the second half has been confirmed as the grass field."

The five-minute break had passed, and Bai Mo had already arrived at the opposite battlefield. Among the commentators, he continued to release the blood-winged dragon.

"After Nido, come out and fight!" After defeating three elves in a row, Bai Mo's blood-winged flying dragon looked like nothing at all.

Miyano's cold face had long since turned into ice, and as he spoke in a deep voice, he threw his fourth Poké Ball, a Nido Empress.

"Oh, Empress Nido, it's a bit more popular, but the aptitude is not bad, the strength is also good, and it has the intermediate level of the quasi-king!" Seeing that Miyano Leng did not continue to bring out the evil spirit, Bai Mo did not. Surprisingly, after all, there are only so many elves with evil elements, and if they have good aptitude, Miyano Leng can't get enough of Miyano's sideline, and there are always some elves that are not evil.

Of course, as the children of aristocratic families, the aptitude of these elves will not be weak, and no matter how the family has been educated, their strength will not be too bad.

However, this still does not change the situation.

"The game starts!" The referee saw that the two sides were ready and immediately announced that the game would continue.

"After Nido, one hundred thousand volts!" Miyano Leng first issued the order.

In the arena, Nido roared loudly, trembled all over, flashed yellow electric lights, and then launched a powerful [-] volts towards the blood-winged dragon.

However, looking at this [-] volts, the blood-winged dragon does not frown, just watch it!

"Why didn't the blood-wing flying dragon hide?" Xiaoyao, a curious baby, immediately asked when noticing the situation of the blood-wing flying dragon in the audience.

Hearing Xiaoyao's question, Tou Zi explained patiently, "Although the blood-winged flying dragon has the attribute of the flying type, it also has the attribute of the dragon type, and the power of the electric type is only normal damage."

"I think the blood-winged dragon should not be afraid of electric shock, so Mo thinks there is no need to avoid it."

"And it also knocks down the confidence of the opponent."

"So it is!" Xiaoyao immediately showed an expression of sudden realization. In the venue, the blood-winged dragon flapped its own wings at this moment, and directly shook the [-] volts on his body, as if confirming the words of Tou Zi. .

"After Nido, use the angle drill!" At this time, Miyano Leng obviously realized that [-] volts was useless, and immediately changed the order.

Nido got the order, and immediately stopped his [-] volts. The sharp corners of his forehead spun rapidly, the two developed hind limbs moved vigorously, and the cumbersome body jumped up quickly and went straight to the blood-winged dragon.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo just calmly gave two words!


As Bai Mo's order reached his ears, the blood-winged flying dragon's eyes narrowed, his wings flapped, and he left his original position, avoiding Nido's attack.

Afterwards, he sprayed a jet of water with a powerful impact, which directly hit Nido, who could not be avoided in mid-air. After Nido was hit, he suddenly let out a scream, and was charged by the water jet, straight out of the air. It fell and finally hit the ground with a loud bang.

"After Nido loses his fighting power, the blood-winged dragon wins!" After the smoke cleared, Nido, who had been stunned by the water column, appeared, and the referee announced immediately after making a judgment.

"Wow, so cool!"

"Break through, come on, Bai Mo!"

"So handsome, swept, swept, swept!"

"Player Bai Mo wins another round! Facing the mighty blood-winged flying dragon, what will be the fifth elf of player Miyano Leng?" The commentator's voice sounded amid the cheers of the audience.

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