As the attacked party, the snow demon girl suffered even more damage, and the shadow clones dissipated one by one. In the end, the location of the deity was revealed.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the stored-energy flame attack!" Bai Mo ordered immediately upon seeing this.

The fire-breathing dragon immediately wrapped flames again, and slammed into the direction of the Snow Demon Girl.

"Come back, Snow Demon Girl!" Seeing the situation on the field, she immediately took out her Poke Ball, and put it back before Snow Demon Girl was hit by the fire-breathing dragon's energy-storing flame attack.

"Huh, it's so dangerous, I almost lost my combat effectiveness." Chi Da was also sweating for himself after successfully taking back the Snow Maiden.

"Chida player chose to take back the Snow Fairy Girl, what will be the second elf?"

"Iron claw lobster, come on!"

"Iron-clawed lobster, top-grade aptitude, quasi-celestial-level mid-level strength, not bad." Bai Mo waved his big hand to understand the situation of the iron-clawed lobster in an instant:

"Do you think it's enough to take out the water system?"


"Fire-breathing dragon, use lightning fist!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, everyone immediately saw the fire-breathing dragon's wings quickly approaching the iron-clawed lobster. On the left hand, there was also a fist flashing with electricity, and it swung directly at the iron-clawed lobster.

"Iron claw lobster, quickly slide up on the ice and fight back with foam light!"

Facing a formidable opponent, Chida also responded quickly.

The iron claw lobster is also quick to respond, using one of its own pincers to control the direction and begin to slide on the ice.

And its other pliers cast a foam light in the direction of the fire-breathing dragon.

Suddenly, the fire-breathing dragon failed to hit the iron claw lobster, but suffered a blow of foam light instead.

After that, I was a little irritated by the iron claw lobster circling around.

"Fire-breathing dragon, make an echo!" An expression of interest suddenly appeared on his face, and Bai Mo gave the order again. He didn't expect Chida to use the iron claw lobster to such an extent, and what a random feeling. Feeling a bit like Ash?

"Right now, use the crab claw hammer!" Chida also suddenly waved his fist and gave the order.

The fast-moving Iron Claw lobster immediately flipped with its tongs, then flew into the air with a curved ice rock, and punched the fire-breathing dragon with a punch.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth twitched.

With the mobility of the iron-clawed lobster on the ice, the fire-breathing dragon can't play a powerful trick, but it jumps into the air, but it is the world of the fire-breathing dragon.

Seeing the iron-claw lobster flying, the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and one flew sideways, easily avoiding the blow of the iron-claw lobster. On the other hand, the iron-claw lobster was instantly unstable because of the empty punch.

At this moment, the echo of the fire-breathing dragon reappeared, hitting the iron claw lobster at close range, and the latter's face suddenly showed a painful look.

Echo this skill, but the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

At this point, Bai Mo directly pursued the victory, "Fire-breathing dragon, Dragon God swoops!"

The fire-breathing dragon suddenly retracted its wings, and after a blue light shone from its head, it enveloped its entire body, and then directly hit the body of the iron-clawed lobster in mid-air, and slammed its body towards the ice surface with its body.

Seeing this scene, Chida also shouted anxiously at this time:

"Iron claw lobster, use the crab claw hammer!"

Chapter 0308 The reason why the king and the champion are strong, the true meaning of the mystery

Inside the arena, the Iron Claw Lobster, who had closed his eyes in pain due to being hit, immediately opened his eyes, and the two pincers glowed together, and swung it towards the fire-breathing dragon that was holding its body.

Feeling the opponent's move, without getting Bai Mo's order, the fire-breathing dragon instinctively patted its own dragon claws!

The dragon claw appeared just to catch the crab claw hammer swung by the iron claw lobster.

Seeing this situation, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he said loudly, "Right now, shoot flames!!"

"Roar!" Upon receiving Bai Mo's order, the fire-breathing dragon opened his mouth fiercely and spewed out a mouthful of flame.

The flame spewed out, instantly covering the iron-clawed lobster. When the flame disappeared, the iron-clawed lobster that had become coke and passed out appeared in front of everyone!

"The iron claw lobster loses its combat effectiveness, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!" The referee announced immediately upon seeing this.

"After a series of fierce battles, Chida player's iron claw lobster can't fight, Bai Mo player temporarily gains the lead, so what is Chida player's next elf?" The commentator's voice also accompanied at this time. Cheers from the audience spread out.

"Why is the power of flames so powerful?" When the audience cheered, Xiaoyao, the curious baby, asked Touzi about his doubts.

This time, Xiao Sheng also cast a curious look.

"Well, I learned about this recently." With a slight smile, Tou Zi explained, "Mr. Qianli has the potential to become the Four Heavenly Kings. He must know the reason. If I don't tell you, I'm afraid that you will be too ambitious."

"Now that you are going to travel, it's okay to know!"

"Image point explanation."

"Take the fire-breathing dragon to speed up. Assuming that he is still a quasi-king level, the attack power of the fire-type skills used is 100, and its own special attack ability is also 100, that is, the damage value of 200."

"If the opponent's defense is 100 at this time, the subtraction of the damage caused is 100!"

"If the elf on the other side is grass, the effect will be doubled, which is 200."

"If the opponent is a water system, the effect will be halved, and it can only cause 50 damage."

"After the fire-breathing dragon becomes the Heavenly King level, its own attack will be produced to different degrees due to different qualifications, and when it understands the skills of the Profound Fire and Flying systems, its power will be doubled!"

"That is to say, at this time, when the fire-breathing dragon is dealing with elves below the Heavenly King level, even if it is a water element, the attack is just not weakened, but against ice and grass elements, it is equivalent to four times!"

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