In mid-air, if you use Hold, you may not be able to play left and right, so he chooses to hit hard!

"The elves on both sides have chosen to use their big tricks!" The commentator was also excited at this time. While mobilizing the atmosphere, he also waited with all the audience for the collision of the two great tricks.

The coal tortoise was on the ground with its shell and did not move for a while, but it still used its short tail to turn itself around. Then, its body once again emitted a red light, and a strong three-color flame was ejected from its mouth. .

And Lucario also stretched out his hands in mid-air to quickly gather the power to destroy the death light, and finally launched it against the overheating, the two forces collided but did not explode immediately, but the power to destroy the death light slowly Propelled by flames used for overheating.

After all, the coal turtle is stronger than Lucario, and overheating is a fire-type trick.

"Coal turtle, use all your strength to overheat!" Seeing that his side has the upper hand.

Chida also fought hard at the moment, and ordered loudly. Hearing Chida's order, the coal turtle roared loudly, and a thick black smoke was sprayed from its back, causing its body to take the opportunity to come over.

Then, the originally strong overheating actually doubled in size at this time, pushing back the destructive light of death.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo was naturally unwilling to be weak, and directly shouted, "Maximum power!"

When Lucario heard the words, the power that directly mobilized the waveguide gathered in his chest, and the power surged out.

It also increased the output of power in an instant, and the destruction of death light also became stronger at this time.

In the end, the two forces collided, and it exploded with a bang, and a strong light bloomed, stabbing everyone to the point where they couldn't help but close their eyes.

The two closest to the arena, Bai Mo and Chida, who were at both ends of the field, also instinctively stretched out their hands to block in front of them, blocking the strong wind attack mixed with broken stones, but Bai Mo still used his superpower to observe the people on the field. Happening.

Noticing the situation on the field, Bai Mo secretly screamed badly.

At this time, the light subsided and the strong wind disappeared. Chida looked at it for the first time, and immediately noticed the situation in the arena. With a smile on his face, he shouted, "Coal turtle, spray flame!"

"Roar!" The Coal Turtle spewed out a jet of flames and immediately hit Lucario, who had apparently been in a rigid state for a long time due to overuse to destroy the Death Light.

However, due to the use of overheating, the special attack of the Coal Turtle was greatly reduced, and the jet flame that was used did not make Lucario lose his combat effectiveness at once.

When the flames dissipated, Lucario also regained his mobility, and Bai Mo immediately shouted, "Waves of water!"

Lucario, who was directly burned, was obviously very unhappy. After getting the order, he stretched out his hand and condensed a water polo and threw it.

"Iron wall!" Chida shouted in a panic at this time.

The coal turtle immediately locked its limbs and head inside the shell, and a metallic luster appeared on the shell!

At this time, the water ball of the wave of water attacked the coal turtle, and it was bounced out, and then burst into a water wave without causing any impact on the coal turtle.

Seeing this, Chi Da's heart flashed a hint of joy and immediately shouted, "Coal Turtle, this time, use hot air!"

The Coal Turtle quickly stretched out its limbs and head, and opened its mouth to expel a hot wind, but at this moment, another water ball with water fluctuations flew back, and luckily flew into the Coal Turtle's body. In the mouth, it finally burst open.

"What!?" Seeing this sudden scene, Chida was instantly stunned. In fact, he didn't realize that Lucario used the two waves of water condensed with his hands to condense two.

But the two were stacked together at first, and when Lucario threw the water wave, he threw them one by one with one hand, which caused Chida to only notice the water polo in the former's hand.

It also made Lucario drill a gap.

The most important thing is that the luck of the coal turtle is not good, and it directly eats a wave of water.

This time, the wave of water exploded directly in the mouth of the coal turtle, and the powerful water flow knocked it out.

Seeing that the coal turtle fell to the ground after being lifted by the water waves, and fainted directly, the referee immediately announced:

"The Coal Turtle is out of combat, Lucario wins!"

Chapter 0313 Successfully advanced to the top four, company name W · T

"The Coal Turtle is out of combat, Lucario wins!"

It was not until he heard the referee's voice that Chida reacted from the previous series of changes. He did not expect that the Coal Turtle, who had a slight advantage before, would fail in such a situation.

This is really bad luck.

"Good luck!" Bai Mo shook his head with a smile. He was lucky enough. Although he never thought Lucario would lose, he didn't expect to win so easily!

Reluctantly, he took out the Poké Ball and took the Coal Turtle back. Chi Da could only take out the Poké Ball of his last Pokémon, the Snow Fairy's Poké Ball and threw it out:

"Snow Maiden, I'll ask you one last time!"

Seeing Snow Maiden appearing, the referee immediately announced.

"Game start!"

"Snow Maiden, use the freezing beam!" Chi Da gave the order first.

After receiving the order, the Snow Demon Girl, who had recovered a lot in the Poké Ball, quickly gathered the energy of the ice element, and then a freezing beam of ice with cold air was launched towards Lucario.

Facing the Snow Demon Girl's trick, Lucario seemed very calm, and jumped to a rock pillar to avoid it.

Seeing this, the Snow Fairy immediately turned her head, and the frozen beam also followed Lucario and started to move, and Lucario was also keen to avoid it.

The field immediately became a situation of chasing and fleeing.

"Shadow Ball!!"

"Control with volatility!"

Snow Maiden is an ice-type and a ghost-type. The skills of the general and fighting types are ineffective, but Lucario's steel-type and some other skills that he has comprehended can still give a strong blow.

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Lucario's eyes narrowed, his body suddenly stopped on a stone pillar, and when he reached out, he condensed a shadow ball and threw it forward at will.

The shadow ball's flight direction was obviously not towards the Snow Demon Girl, but when it flew directly above the Snow Demon Girl, it suddenly made a sharp turn and went straight toward the whereabouts.

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