Saying that, Bai Mo took out a Poké Ball and said with a smile, "If your strength is not the Heavenly King, you can take a chance and send you an Elf who is not a Heavenly King!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Qingquan's eyes changed. In the end, he didn't say much. Instead, he threw a pokeball and released his third pixie!

When the elf appeared, the narrator immediately shouted, "It's the giant pincer mantis!"

"For the time being, it's just an evolution of the flying mantis that appeared in Chengdu and the Shenao area."

"It's the existence of insects and steel."

"This little elf is restrained four times by the fire element, but it is not afraid of any other elements!"

Seeing Qingquan take out the giant mantis, Bai Mo's expression became a little weird, and then he threw out the Poke Ball that he had already held in his hand!

"Bai Mo contestant's third elf is a flashy wind speed dog!" The commentator introduced when he saw the elf appearing, "It will be a very rare elf again!"

At this time, the corners of Qingquan's mouth twitched. Today is really unfavorable for a fleeting year, but remembering that Bai Mo had already made the move to withdraw the fire-breathing dragon, he really had no shame in withdrawing the giant pincer mantis.

However, Qingquan is not without a chance of winning, because the giant pincer mantis is the intermediate level of the quasi-king, and the wind speed dog is only the elite intermediate level.

All in all, it's an evenly matched battle.

"Fengsu dog, it seems that I made a wrong decision to use the giant mantis." Looking at Bai Mo, Qingquan suddenly smiled, then his eyes changed, and he directly ordered, "Giant mantis, show your speed. , Yan Hui!"

The giant pincer mantis spread its wings on the back, and several white light bands appeared around the body due to the high-speed movement, and rushed towards the wind speed dog.

"Feng speed dog, move at high speed, avoid it!" Bai Mo also shouted immediately, his expression indifferent.

The wind speed dog is the champion of sprinting and long-distance running in the elf world, and it has the talent to understand the speed. The speed is not generally fast. Now, with the help of high-speed movement, even the giant pincer mantis can't keep up with the speed of the opponent for a while.

Even if Yan Hui is a must-hit skill under normal circumstances, it is useless if he can't catch up with his opponent.

"Fengsugou, use the jet flame!" Seeing that while running, Fengsugou strangely played the giant pincer mantis round and round, and Bai Mo immediately issued an order to continue the attack.

While running, the wind speed dog, who seemed to be at ease, opened his mouth immediately after receiving the order, and a fiery flame shot out at the giant pincer mantis.

"The Giant Claw Mantis, stop and use the sword dance!" Qingquan immediately responded when he saw that the wind speed dog suddenly used fire-type skills.

In mid-air, the giant mantis using Yanhui's tweezers immediately paused, then placed the pair of tongs in front of his chest, and spun quickly in the air. Mantis does any damage.

"Huh!" Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's eyes had a hint of surprise. This method seems to be the method used by someone in the anime using the Flying Mantis. I didn't expect Qingquan to think of it, should it be said that all smart people are the same?

However, Bai Mo was not giving any instructions, but smiled, "There is a clearing effect, how can Jian Wu stop the flames?"

But the next moment, Bai Mo's smile froze on his face. He underestimated the defensive blessing brought by the speed. He didn't expect that the giant pincer mantis could really prevent the flames of the wind speed dog, but the expression on his face soon changed. After regaining his calm, his eyes flashed, "Choose, since it's useless to spray flames, what about this trick?"

"Wind speed dog, use the flame vortex!"

"No, Bai Mo is trying to use the rotation of the sword dance to suck in the same swirling flame, which not only achieves the effect of severely injuring the giant pincer mantis, but also prevents me from taking back the giant pincer mantis!" Hearing Bai Mo's order , Qingquan immediately reacted, and he was shocked at the same time, and he also quickly shouted, "The giant pliers mantis, directly use the split tile!"

"Feng speed dog, use the flashing flame charge!" Bai Mo also immediately shouted loudly to respond.

The running wind speed dog suddenly stopped, and a swirling flame spurted out, and instantly surrounded the spinning giant pincer mantis, and then the flames of its whole body rose sharply, completely turning into a fireball, It charged at the giant pincer mantis, which was directly splitting tiles.

The two elves, the wind speed dog and the giant mantis, belong to the kind of elves that are very fast, so a fireball and a whirlwind of flames quickly collided with each other.

Immediately afterwards, with a sound of "Boom", due to the reaction force brought by the explosion caused by the collision of powerful forces, the two elves flew out at the same time.

The two little elves stopped after breaking several rock pillars behind them. At this time, the flames disappeared, and the giant pincer mantis had lost its combat effectiveness, four times the power, not to mention.

However, the wind speed dog was also injured by the reaction force after standing up, and gasped violently.

"The giant pincer mantis lost its combat effectiveness, and the wind speed dog won!" The referee raised the red and green flags.

"The giant pliers mantis can't afford to fall to the ground. Since the Qingquan player has lost three elves, the intermission is now 5 minutes."

Soon the break was over, and the two players of the game reappeared amid the shouts of the audience.

After reappearing, Qingquan did not rush to release the elf, but looked at Bai Mo seriously and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, I wonder if you remember the last duel!?"

"Of course!" Bai Mo smiled lightly. He still remembered a heavenly king-level match.

"Okay!" After pondering, Qingquan suddenly threw the Pokeball in his hand, and took the lead in releasing the crow head, and then looked at Bai Mo and said, "Bai Mo, I have to admit that you gave me a big blow in the last game, But I'm not that easy to admit defeat."

"My fourth elf is this guy."

"We have been training for a long time, if you don't mind!"

"I hope to give Raven Head a chance for revenge!"

Chapter 0319 Boss Cordola fights the crow again!

"Oh, interesting!" Hearing Qingquan's words, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth twitched.

Qingquan sent a crow head in the fourth game. If Bai Mo guessed correctly, recently, he has broken through to the heavenly king level again.

From this point of view, the last three battles are all the battles of the kings, which is interesting.

Bai Mo was naturally not afraid of Qingquan's invitation, so he took out Boscodora's Poké Ball and threw it out. He clearly carried nine Pokémon, as long as all nine Pokémon were registered for the competition, Which six are used in the game is still very arbitrary.

Originally, in Bai Mo's plan, Bosco Dora would not be allowed to play, but since Qingquan mentioned it, he also wanted to see the progress of Qingquan and Crowtou with Bosco Dora!

Seeing the two elves appearing, the commentator immediately said, "Come on, in the first game of the second half, the player Qingquan sent Crow Touto, while the player Bai Mo sent Boscodora."

"Look at the appearance of these two elves, they are both very powerful!"

Hearing the commentator's words, the audience cheered, but more people believed Bai Mo's previous recruitment conditions to Chida.

Coco Dora is very rare, but it is obtained by ethnic group. Bai Mo took out such a strong Boss Coco Dora, and it is very likely that he knew or even controlled a Coco Dora ethnic group.

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