After thinking about the information about Miyano Ming's remaining pokemon, Bai Mo threw the third pokeball, "Minas, come out!"

"Heruga, another punishment!" Miyano Ming also knew that Heeruga wouldn't last long, and planned to consume as much Minas as possible.

Hei Lujia's limbs exerted force, and he accelerated towards Minas, and his tail also glowed with black light.

"The fluctuation of water!" Bai Mo responded immediately.

In the arena, Minas quickly gathered his strength, formed a water-blue light ball in front of him, and shot it directly at Heruga, while Heruga avoided it with a single jump and continued to move towards Mei. Nas approached.

"The fluctuation of water." With a slight smile, Bai Mo calmly gave the order again.

This time, Minas' attack was even faster, and a purple wave shot out in an instant, hitting Heruga in mid-air without giving it a chance to react and taking it away.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or an accident, He Lujia directly hit the wave of water that he had avoided before, the water ball burst suddenly, and the powerful water flow exploded and immediately wrapped He Lujia's body.

Heluga let out a scream, and misfortune did not come singly. It suddenly glowed with purple light again, and the highly toxic reaction also occurred again. It fell directly on the grass and fainted.

"Heluga lost his fighting power, and Minas wins!" the referee announced.

"This time, it was replaced by a fast break controlled by Minas. Heluga can't fight!" The commentator's voice passed along with the cheers of the audience.

Miyano Ming's expression turned slightly cold. Now that he lost two elves, it seemed that the situation was not good. After thinking about it, he took out his third Poké Ball and threw it out:

"Shell Ninja, it's up to you!"

Chapter 0329 Tricky tasteless elf

"Miyano Naruto's third elf is the Shelling Ninja!"

"Shelling Ninja is the newly discovered elf. It is the product of the evolution of Doi Ninja. In fact, it is a cicada shedding." The commentator introduced.

Shelling Ninja is the existence of ghost and insect type. Its body is brown, and its hollow body is very light. Its abdomen is dark brown, its back and wings are light brown, and a white 'halo' is born on its head.

is the latest to be discovered elf.

"Although the racial value is terrifyingly low, it is indeed a troublesome opponent!"

"Or, if it doesn't have features, it's rubbish. If it has special effects, it's okay, but it's a tricky chicken rib."

"I hope it doesn't have characteristics." Bai Mo sighed and ordered, "Minas, give it a try, the voice of charm!"

The characteristic of Shelling Ninja is, "Mysterious Guardian!"

This feature is very good. For example, Shelling Ninja is of two types, insect and secluded. In addition, it was originally only a general immunity type, a fighting type.

Has the following weaknesses, flight type, rock type, ghost type, fire type and evil type!

In addition, the rest of the line can still cause damage.

But with the feature of "Mysterious Guardian", in addition to restraining its attributes, all other attack moves cannot cause attack damage to Shelling Ninja.

Simply perverted.

Now, Bai Mo is asking Minas to try out the goblin-type voice skills. If it can cause damage, it means that this shelling ninja has no characteristics, which is better, otherwise, Minas can only have a limited number of A skill attacked.

"Hold on!" Upon hearing Bai Mo's command, Miyano Ming, who didn't know much about goblin skills, immediately commanded the defense.

As Minas raised his head and sang a wonderful rhythm, everyone in the audience showed expressions of enjoyment!

And the strange power contained in the rhythm is also fired at the shelling ninja.

But at this time, a white protective film immediately appeared around the Shelling Ninja's body, directly blocking the attack.

The sound of charm can be blocked by guarding!

"I knew I should try the water skills!" I didn't expect Miyano Ming to use it directly because he didn't know the effect and power of the sound of charm. Bai Mo was a little helpless. Just when he planned to change the use of skills, Miyano Ming took the lead in ordering.

"Shell Ninja, Shadow Claw!"

Immediately, as Miyano Ming's voice fell, the audience saw that the light on Shelling Ninja changed, and the whole body emitted a black light, which directly connected to the ground, forming a black claw shadow, rushing towards the position of Minas. go.

"Jump up!" Seeing this, Bai Mo hurriedly called out. Minas heard colorful rays of light all over his body. With a flick of his tail, he flew into the air with the anti-vibration force, but she still couldn't escape. The attack of the shadow claw was caught by the tail that finally got up, and it flew upside down and fell to the ground.

"Sunshine flames!" Miyano Ming once again issued an order after a successful blow.

Shelling Ninja heard the words, the half-moon-shaped thing above his head like a halo immediately stood up, quickly absorbing the power of the sun, and soon, before Bai Mo let Minas respond, it was quickly launched, and it was directed towards Go to Minas.

"Sacrificing some power for speed!"

Bai Mo judged at a glance that the Sunshine Flame didn't absorb enough sunlight, and had already launched it. However, this is a great trick of the grass element, and even if it is incomplete, it is also a great move for the water element Minas. huge damage.

At this time, Minas had used mental interference to stabilize his body again and landed on the ground. Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately ordered, "Minas, mirror reflection!"

After receiving the order, Minas immediately moved his body, and a pink light curtain suddenly formed, facing the oncoming sunlight and flames directly on it.

The flames of sunlight hit the special energy mirror formed by Minas, quickly stopped, and bounced back with twice the power, but Miyano Ming turned a blind eye to this and ordered. "Use continuous cuts!"

As soon as Miyano Naruto's voice fell, the Shelling Ninja passed through the blazing sunlight that bounced back, heading straight for Minas.

"How come this shelling ninja hasn't been attacked?" Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao suddenly asked in surprise outside the arena.

As for this question, even the other girls are not clear, so they all turned their heads to look at the elf authority sitting next to Xiao Sheng, Dr. Oda Maki!

Noticing everyone's gaze, Odaki scratched his head and said, "I heard this from Xiao Mo."

"That's because of the characteristics of Shelling Ninja: Mysterious Guardian!"

"With this feature, Shelling Ninja only suffers damage that restrains its attribute attacks, that is to say, only five attacks of flying, rock, ghost, fire, and evil, as well as other special states, weather, characteristics, etc., can also cause damage to it. Damage, other attacks are invalid!"

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