Seeing Bai Mo take out the fire-breathing dragon, Miyano Ming suddenly laughed and said something that made Bai Mo inexplicable. The next moment, he threw his fourth Poké Ball.

"Come out, Bangira!"

As Miyano Naruto's voice fell, a green body, Hattori's light blue, and black stripes all over appeared on the field!


Bangira's heavy body fell, and the entire venue felt a shock.

"Roar, Ban!!" The moment he appeared on the stage, Banjira's fierce gaze swept Bai Mo and let out a roar.

Seeing this little elf, Bai Mo's pupils shrank sharply, causing waves in his heart.

"That's it, the champion elf of Miyano Naruto that I felt!"

"I didn't expect it to be the quasi-god of Chengdu!"


Chapter 0331 The tip of the powerful iceberg of the top family

"Come on, the fourth elf used by Bai Mo is a fire-breathing dragon, and Miyano Ming is Bangira!" the commentator introduced.

"Bangira, the quasi-god elf in the Chengdu area, is the same as the blood-winged flying dragon in the hands of Bai Mo in the Fangyuan area. Rare and powerful, they are synonymous with them!"

"This time, what kind of wonderful game will be played?"

When the commentator spoke up, many people in the auditorium saw that the Bangira in the stadium was not simple, and the dream was also a bit unexpected at this time, "It's a champion Bangira!"

"Looking at the situation, he still completely obeys Miyano Ming, which is interesting!"

"Champion-level elf!" The girls were not calm when they heard Dream's words, and Xiaoyao stood up directly and exclaimed, "How is it possible, this is cheating!"

"Miyano has only traveled for a year, how can he conquer the champion Bangira!"

Tou Zi and the others also looked puzzled, and agreed with Xiaoyao's statement in their hearts.

However, at this time, Oda Maki sighed and said, "What's the matter, it's normal!"

"Miyao Ming, the family heir of the top family, when he was young, Bangira should have grown up with him when he was still an egg. This strength is also normal, and because we grew up together since childhood. Because of this, the bond is very deep, and you can command!"

"Isn't it stipulated that you can't be subdued before you become a trainer?" Yayi asked stupidly, or Touzi was a sensible person, looked at her and said, "It's just being together, not subduing, it can be done on the day before the trip. Put it in the Poké Ball and conquer it!"

"Isn't that the case with Mo and Shanaido? It's just that they started earlier, and elves are also very rare!"

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng on the side also nodded, because they also have such treatment!

"However, the championship level is too unfair, isn't it?" Ram asked with a frown.

Hearing Ram's words, Oda Maki explained, "This is also one of the foundations of a top family!"

"Actually, it also depends on the way the family is cultivated. If there are many family heirs, these families will adopt the competition mode, that is, after giving them the initial champion-level elves, they will not care about the rest. In the end, whoever is the best will inherit the family. You can use family resources and even head-level elves!"

"There is another kind, such as Dawu and Miyano Ming, the only heirs of the top family, then most of them will be given a champion-level elf on the basis of getting the worst five top-level qualifications at the very beginning. the spirit!"

"The Zvoch family is a steel family, while the Miyano family is an evil family or some ghost family!"

"And this is already the case of alliance checks and balances, otherwise, the gap between civilians will only be greater!"

"Like Fang Yuan champion Zfuqi Dawu and Yulong family Yulongdu, which one was not cultivated since childhood, there is a champion-level quasi-god in the first year of joining the league!"

"It's incomparable, they are destined to be outstanding in an era!"

"Think about it, it's only been a year since I started traveling. Ordinary people, even the heirs of a first-level family, may not have one Heavenly King-level elf, but Miyano Ming has three. This is the gap!"

"Xiao Mo has been able to fight with others until now, and it is already considered powerful!"

Hearing the astonishing fact that Oda Maki said, Touko and the others fell silent, but at this time, Dream sneered, "Isn't he a champion trainer, there is still more to play in this game!"

"What do you mean!?" The girl cast curious glances when she heard Dream's words.

Seeing himself in the spotlight, Dream was very satisfied, and said with a slight smile, "Have you forgotten that little girl who is shy and plays invisibility all day?"

Hearing the dream, the eyes of all the girls lit up, dream is so, is it! ?

Thinking of this, the girls all cast their curious eyes into the arena.

"The game begins!" the referee announced in the arena.

"Boom!" As soon as the referee's voice fell, Bangira waved his hand, and the entire venue was swept away by huge dust. Seeing this scene, Bai Mo reached out and grabbed the necklace on his chest.

After knowing that Miyano Ming has a champion elf, Bai Mo discussed with Latias and let her enter her elf ball. In this way, the reason for staying in the necklace with Ash's Pikachu on his shoulders almost!

Bangira is a rock-type and evil-type, a junior champion, and has perfect qualifications. Such an existence does not require a few skills to fight a fire-breathing dragon. Even Bai Mo can't make up for this gap in strength with his brains in a short time!

But the next moment, Bai Mo stopped what he was doing!

I saw that after the field was rolled up with dust, Miyano Ming took it back to the Poké Ball and released the fifth Pokémon.

"Dream Song Cactus, come out!"

As Miyano Ming's fifth elf appeared, he looked at Bai Mo calmly this time and said, "I released Bangira just to tell you the gap between us and the doomed ending!"

"You still have Shanaido and the blood-winged flying dragon left at the end. If you consider that Minas and the fire-breathing dragon in your eyes are both Heavenly King-level strengths, it's not bad!"

"Oh, yes, and that Boscodora!"

"But it's just not bad, it's nothing in front of Bangira!"

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