"Damn!" Seeing that Bai Mo had changed the environment in his favor, Miyano Ming's eyes changed, his tone slightly colder, and he commanded directly, "Jianshi attack!"

"Release super powers, fly over, energy balls!!" Bai Mo ordered faintly, but there was an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Latias is a dragon type and a super power type, while Bangira is an evil type and a rock type.

Bandera's evil system has the profound meaning that he controls, and can restrain Latias three times, while Latias has the attack of the profound meaning, and he has no superpower, and the dragon system cannot restrain him.

Moreover, Latias has no fighting skills that have four times the effect on Bangira.

Therefore, Bai Mo's strategy was to use Latias' speed and outstanding special attack to use close-range special attack skills to win!

On the field, Bangira was Miyano Ming's initial elf, and he was cultivated since childhood. Not only is he strong and talented, but the bond between one person and one elf is also very deep.

At the moment of receiving the order, a large number of giant sharp stones were formed around Bangira, and then they were launched. Along the way, the rock pillars that blocked the road were all shattered by this blow, and together they were pulled towards the mid-air. Dias is here.

However, at this time, Latias followed Bai Mo's order and used his super power to assist him to investigate the surrounding situation while he fully developed his speed.

Latias could clearly see the way these stones came without looking. Her mental power was firmly locked on Bangira, and her whole body turned into an afterimage and flew out. .

In flight, in the face of the sharp stone attack that was launched towards him, Latias sensitively dodged left and right, or rushed straight, or flew on his back. The blow opened, and it approached Bangira like lightning.

A dark green energy ball also condensed in front of the mouth.

Chapter 0335 Latias' speed interpretation!

"So fast, in such a high-speed flight, Latias actually avoided all the sharp stone attacks and quickly approached Bangira!"

The narrator shouted loudly, and all the audience were attracted by Latias' handsome actions, and burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Divine beasts are very popular existences.

"Is this the power of using superpowers to see the way? It's close to cause more damage, but when you come, don't think about leaving!" His eyes narrowed, Miyano Ming ordered coldly, "Bangira , True Qi Fist!"

After receiving the order, Bangira immediately stopped the sharp stone attack, and his right fist emitted a dazzling white light, and hit Latias directly.

However, all of this was felt by Latias, who had released superpowers for a long time. She suddenly made a sudden stop and rose, causing the True Qi Fist to hit the air directly. Fist, the force is unstable, and the body leans forward uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Miyano Ming suddenly thought that something was wrong. The next moment, he saw Latias reverse again in the air, and the energy ball that had been brewing for a long time was shot straight down at Bangira's head. , hit him directly in the head, and suddenly, Bangira, who was leaning forward, let out a roar, and his body was hit directly on the ground.

"What a fast speed and perception, at the speed of Bangira, close combat is too risky!" Miyano Ming understood in an instant that even though his Bangira was very flexible, a high-speed type like Latias The elf melee combat with super power assistance is also an old birthday star who eats arsenic... courting death!

After thinking about the key, Miyano Ming immediately ordered, "Bangira, use the wave of evil to force Latias back!!"

On the ground, Bangira roared before she could get up, and a dark wave began to appear in her body.

However, at this moment, Latias, who was already flying downward, suddenly had a strange fluctuation on his head, hit the ground, and then flew again.

At this time, with the point where Latias hit as the center, the surrounding ground began to vibrate directly. The vibration of the ground caused the surrounding rock pillars to become smashed, constantly pressing on Bangira's hand, and the latter again He let out a roar, and the skills he used were also interrupted.

At this time, when the earthquake was the most violent, a rock suddenly appeared under Bangira and knocked it out.

Latias flew in the direction of Bangira again with a light turn in the air. Her series of movements were all secretly communicated with Bai Mo's telepathy.

At this time, Bangira, who was shaken and flew out, unexpectedly appeared abnormal in her cumbersome body in the air. She flipped over to relieve most of her strength. After landing, she grabbed the ground with her hands, and slid back for a distance to regain stability. Body.

"As expected of the legendary elf, Latias is extremely fast, and is fearless even when faced with the huge Bangira approaching and using various special attacks!"

"The two advantages of Latias were brought to the best level by Bai Mo player!"

The narrator exclaimed loudly, and the audience burst into cheers.

"It's such a fast battle rhythm. If it's a normal trainer, it can't keep up." In the audience, Qingquan couldn't help but get nervous.

"Yeah, the point is that these two are only sixteen years old." Chi Da said bitterly, but the next moment, his eyes changed, and he made a decision in his heart, as long as Bai Mo becomes the champion, there is no need to set up a WT company. , he joined in advance.

"Bangira, use the rockslide!" Miyano Ming saw that Bangira eased up, noticed Latias who was approaching again, and immediately issued an order.

As Miyano Naruto's voice fell, Bangira, who had not stood up completely, directly inserted his hands into the ground heavily, and the profound meaning surged!

Then, with a loud roar from Bangira, the ground of a small area was lifted, and the vibrations swept towards Latias towards him.

"What a terrifying power, Bangira destroyed a quarter of the rock field with only two hands!" Seeing this scene, he swallowed, and the commentator's voice was full of shock.

"Latias, Dragon Wave!" Bai Mo's expression was still indifferent, and he gave orders calmly.

Looking at the massive wall with the rock-type profound meaning in front of him, Latias was not ambiguous. He quickly opened his mouth and spewed out a wave of dragon waves with the dragon-type profound meaning he controlled, and threw it directly at him. The ground launched in the past.

The wave of the dragon launched by Latias is very similar to the jet flame of the fire-breathing dragon trained by Bai Mo and the water cannon fired by the blood-winged dragon, which is in a spiral shape.

It's just that the wave of the dragon is a wave like a purple mountain top, so the naked eye can't see its rotation at all.

The dragon's fluctuation speed was very fast, and it soon collided with the oncoming rocky ground and exploded directly. Then, the whole rock fell directly on the ground, and the entire venue shook a few times. .

The sight, which was already poor, was made worse by the dust splashing.

"There was a big collision on the field, and now, everyone doesn't know what happened."

"Everyone is very curious, what happened to Latias, did he get hit by that big rocky ground?"

The doubtful voice of the commentator came out, and the voice of the audience was also expressed!

"Oh, it goes without saying, in that case, how could Latias be able to resist the fluctuation of a dragon!" Miyano Ming glanced at Bangira, who was still panting, and he felt inwardly. Very confident.

But sometimes, people can't be too confident.

"Really?!" Hearing Miyano Ming's words, Bai Mo smiled faintly, and then after using his superpower to sweep away the situation in the dust, he ordered again, "Latias, if you have enough energy savings, use it up, sunshine. Blazing Sun!!"

Although the environment of the venue was changed to a rainy day by Latias, there was still sunshine around, and as early as the beginning of the game, she began to use the triangle on her chest to continuously store the energy of the sun.

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