"We can go to Vibana City in Kanto in the evening. We will meet Dr. Ogi tomorrow morning, and then we will start our trip to Kanto!"

Time came to the next morning.

In the Kanto region, Zhenxin Town, known as the cradle of champions, is located in Dr. Ogi's research institute.

"Grandpa! Hurry up! That guy Xiaozhi will definitely be late! Let's not wait for him, I can't wait!!" In a laboratory of the institute, three teenagers stood in front of Dr. Damu. One of them The boy with the brown spiky head said eagerly, "I can't wait to set off!"

"I will definitely become as powerful as Brother Bai Mo, and become the champion in the first year."

The young man who spoke was the grandson of Dr. Damu, Xiaozhi's nemesis, Xiaomao.

"Okay, okay! Since Xiaozhi hasn't come yet, this is something that can't be helped, so let's start with you." Hearing Xiaomao's words, Dr. Damu scratched his head and agreed reluctantly. He also knew Xiaomao's words. Chi's temperament, and he was always worried about how to hand over a elf to Chi's hands, but now it seems to be justifiable.

"Ding dong!"

But at this moment, the doorbell of the institute suddenly rang!

Chapter 0343 Fan Xiaomao, first sight of Xiaochi

"Huh?? Who is this person at this time? Could it be Xiao Zhi?" Hearing the sound of the doorbell, Dr. Damu stopped and stretched out the hand that stored the initial elf protection table. A trace of doubt flashed, and he immediately walked outside.

In this sudden scene, the other two boys and girls who seemed to be together were nothing, but Xiao Mao was immediately upset, and followed Dr. Damu directly out, and said in his mouth, "Damn, it's so critical. When someone comes to make trouble, [-]% of the time it's the abominable Xiaozhi."

"Look at how I teach you later!!"

As he said that, a smile appeared on Xiao Mao's face, as if he had imagined a picture of him defeating Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi have been at odds since they were born in Zhenxin Town. Both of them aim to become the number one trainer in the world, so they are tit for tat!

Two people, one is the grandson of Dr. Elf, a genius who has a very clear understanding of elves, and the other is a straight forward who only knows how to rush forward simply because of his love for elves.

These two people have some combinations like Touko and Mei.

"Hello! This is Dr. Damu!!" Dr. Damu did not go out, but came to the door of the house and said to the walkie-talkie next to the door, because now is the time for new trainers to receive the initial elves, so, He has a lot to say.

But the next moment, looking at the scene outside the door from the walkie-talkie video, Dr. Damu immediately pressed the button next to the walkie-talkie and said happily, "Xiao Mo, you are here, hahaha, great!"

With the happy voice of Dr. Damu, the door was opened, and Bai Mo led Ram and Xiaoyao into the house.

As for Dream, Shanaido and Minas, they taught Latias to transform into a champion-level transformation in a small world. It was a long process that took a month.

And Cattleya, well, she's back to dream training now.

"Dr. Damu, long time no see!" Walking into the house, Bai Mo greeted Dr. Damu who came to the door!

"Hello, doctor!" Ram and Xiaoyao also greeted politely.

"Hello!" Nodding his head, Da Mu patted Bai Mo's shoulder and said, "I received your call before and I was waiting for you to come. You are such a coincidence today!"

"What's wrong?" Bai Mo asked knowingly, he wouldn't say, he actually came to see the first scene of the anime!

"It's not a big deal. In fact, today is the day when the novice trainers embark on a trip. I'll send them off later, just in time to have a good chat with you!" As he said, Da Mu walked towards the institute with Bai Mo.

"It turned out to be the first day!" Bai Mo's face showed the same look. At this time, the electric door of the laboratory opened automatically again. Xiao Mao was very upset and rushed out and roared:

"It's finally here! Damn it, Xiaozhi, you are late again, and you actually delayed my journey!"

"Xiao Mao! You can't be rude!! It's not Xiao Zhi who came here!!" Hearing Xiao Mao's voice, Dr. Omu couldn't help but scold.

"Uh... I'm sorry!" Hearing Daki's words, Xiaomao looked up and found that several people had come, and immediately knew that he had made a mistake and began to apologize, but just as he said the words, his eyes lit up. , rushed to Bai Mo at a faster speed, his eyes full of admiration:

"Brother Bai Mo, it's Brother Bai Mo, you're here, that's great."

"Brother Bai Mo, congratulations on becoming a doctor like grandpa, and congratulations on becoming a champion, it's really amazing."

"I have watched every game of yours. That blood-winged dragon is so strong that he can beat six!"

"Also, also, that Latias, this is a divine beast, the final final is really cool!"

"Uh!" Looking at Xiao Mao who was talking endlessly in front of him, Bai Mo wondered for a while whether he was being bent over by Xiao Zhi.

At this time, Da Mu whispered, "Xiao Mao can be said to be your fan now, forgive me, Xiao Mo!"

"It's okay!" Shaking his head with a smile, Bai Mo reached out and patted Xiao Mao on the shoulder, "Xiao Mao, let's get your elf first, but I'm looking forward to fighting with me after you become stronger. !"

"Really?" His eyes changed, and Xiao Mao immediately clenched his fists and said, "Okay, Brother Bai Mo, you must abide by the agreement between us!"

"Of course!" Bai Mo nodded earnestly. Although Xiao Mao has always been arrogant, he is a very nice person.

Moreover, Xiaomao was the only heir of this generation of the Damu family. The Damu family belonged to the same top-level family as the Yulong family. They were within the range of Bai Mo's friendship, so he didn't mind becoming friends with Xiaomao.

Moreover, Bai Mo's heart is very cold now. Looking at this situation, he knows that he is here at the right time, just a little before the beginning of the plot, and he will meet the representative of his childhood Pikachu later!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo's eyes suddenly flickered, thinking about whether to get Pikachu away. He always felt that Pikachu was a little strange.

"Okay, since it's all right, let's start choosing the elf! Can't you wait, Xiaomao?" Dr. Damu said at the right time, he still has business to do, originally he thought it was Xiaozhi I came, but I was shocked. I didn't expect that Xiao Zhi has not come yet. However, that's just right. After sending Yu Sanjia, you can give the last elf to Xiao Zhi without thinking.

Saying that, Dr. Damu walked forward first and brought Bai Mo and others into the laboratory.

When he came to the laboratory, Daki reached out and pressed a button on the protective table in front of him. The semi-circular transparent shield on the table automatically lifted up, and immediately, three Poke Balls appeared on the three grooves.

"Great, it's finally time to wait! I'm going to go down the same path as Brother Bai Mo!"

"I've already decided that I want to choose the Jenny Turtle!!" The moment he saw the appearance of the Poké Ball, Xiao Mao stepped forward and took the Poke Ball marked with the name of the Jenny Turtle out of the groove. Pick it up, and then release the Jenny Turtle!

"I choose Xiaohuolong." After Xiaomao chose the Jenny Turtle, on the other side, one was wearing a red and white coat, with black gloves in his hands, red and white sneakers, and blue jeans. The teenager seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then he decisively picked up the elf ball and released the little fire dragon!

At the same time, the teenager took a serious look at Bai Mo and said, "Hello, Dr. Bai Mo!"

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