Unexpectedly, although the three girls were not very confident at this time, the fighting intent in their eyes was not fake.

"Bai Mo, I wonder if your challenge can be postponed?" Just when Bai Mo was puzzled, Haiyue Lizi heard a request that surprised him.

"Grandma?" Xiaoxia suddenly looked at Haiyue Lizi in confusion, while the girls in Sakura were thinking of something, and looked at Bai Mo with a hint of hope.

"Based on my relationship with Xiaoxia, it doesn't matter a little bit." With a slight smile, Bai Mo asked curiously, "However, can you take the liberty to ask the reason?"

Xiaoyao and other girls also pricked up their ears immediately.

"There's nothing to be rash or not, it's the old lady who is abrupt." With a gentle smile, Haiyue Lizi said bluntly, "This Hualan Taoist Hall has been passed down by our Haiyue family, and it was originally the same. It'll be alright!"

"But my son and daughter-in-law didn't know if they were gone by accident or disappeared, and the strength of the Hualan gymnasium was faulty."

"Now, the gym can only let Sakura, Calamus and Peony temporarily replace them, but their ambition is to be a elf performer, not a trainer, and they don't have that talent themselves, so their combat skills are not good."

"However, Xiaoxia is very good. At least in a few years, it will not be a problem to defend the Hualan gymnasium, but the point is that there is no such time now!"

"Why?" Hearing her grandmother's words, Xiaoxia asked nervously, "Isn't the protection period of the gymnasium three years? It's only been two years now?"

The so-called number of years of protection of the gym is the protection period given by the alliance if the previous gym owner designated the heir. In the past three years, as long as the gym owner does not rebel against the alliance, he can continue to serve as the gym owner and enjoy the benefits of the gym owner.

But after three years, the bottom eight gyms in the region will be challenged every month.

Once defeated, the Gym Master will be replaced.

The Hualan Gym was handed over to the three of Sakura from Haiyue Lizi's hands two years ago. Logically, there is still a year left.

And this year, Xiaoxia felt that she must be able to do it if she had the strength to make the gym out of the last eight.

"Time is indeed no problem." There was a hint of helplessness in her eyes, Haiyue Lizi said, "Actually, there is another situation, this situation is unavoidable even in the Heavenly King-level gymnasium, not to mention our current Hua Lan Road. Hall."

Hearing Haiyue Lizi's words, Sakura's three girls' eyes flashed a trace of shame, and Sakura opened her mouth to feel sorry for Xiaoxia, "I'm sorry, Xiaoxia, the alliance stipulates that if a gym is continuously challenged by a trainer, If you lose [-] games, you can directly be replaced by a challenge."

"What?" Xiaoxia was shocked, her eyes flashed, and she immediately responded, "You asked Mo not to challenge, because you don't have the confidence to win at all. Could it be that you have already lost nineteen games!?"

"No way. Wasn't it possible to win at least once within ten times? How could it be so outrageous this time?"

Haiyue Lizi didn't rush to answer Xiaoxia's question, but Bai Mo's mouth twitched, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Hualan Gym being targeted."

"That's right!" With a sigh, Haiyue Lizi said helplessly, "Although I am a Heavenly King-level trainer, I also have some connections. I am one of the four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, and the champion-level trainer, the Ice King, Kena. It's because I have some friendship with me, but the things that the alliance expressly stipulates are not easy to touch!"

"Just follow the rules."

"There are two first-class families in Hualan City. Our Haiyue family counts as one. There is a champion water arrow turtle in the family."

"And another first-class family is the Quiet Family, which is ruled by a champion crocodile!"

"Hua Lan Taoist Hall has always been in charge of our Haiyue family. Now they have taken a fancy to it, so they have recruited a group of good trainers to challenge Hualan Taoist Hall continuously, just to take over here."

Hearing Haiyue Lizi's explanation, Bai Mo frowned and said suspiciously, "That's not right, then the rest of your Haiyue family don't come out to help, or you can ask a weaker trainer to challenge, Lose the game!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Haiyue Lizi's expression and Sakura's daughter's expression changed, Sakura snorted coldly, "Haiyue family, grandpa and grandma used to have the final say, and there are also three elders. "

"But after Grandpa left and Mom and Dad disappeared, they started to get restless."

"This time, they directly colluded with outsiders."

"The water arrow turtle will not interfere in the family's affairs, but will not let the family be in danger."

"That Great Elder is so mad that he wants all three of our sisters to marry his grandson."

"It's beautiful to think, we won't give in!"

"So it is!" Bai Mo understood when he heard Sakura's words. Isn't this a typical example of his own people wanting to bully the girls like Sakura? If it wasn't for Haiyue Lizi, a heavenly king-level trainer, maybe Those people are going too far.

It seems that the so-called Great Elder should be ambitious.

However, your ambition was born in the wrong place.

A dangerous light flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo smiled at Sakura and Lizi Haiyue, "I think you should accept my challenge!"

"Why?!" Xiaoxia asked eagerly when she heard Bai Mo's words.

Reaching out and touching Xiaoxia's head, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, "Because your solution is to treat the symptoms rather than the root causes."

"I have a way to directly solve the problem from the root."

Hearing this, Sakura's eyes lit up, and Xiaoxia asked nervously, "What can I do!? What can I do?"

"Of course I won the challenge!" With a cold smile, Bai Mo said lightly, "The alliance stipulates that if you challenge the ownership of the gym in advance, the challenger needs to submit one million alliance coins, which can be replaced after winning, but if the replacement fails, Dao said: The pavilion will get one million alliance coins, and will not accept all challenges within one year!"

Speaking of this, Bai Mo paused before continuing, "Since that's the case, then just win this game!"

"One year later, Xiaoxia will be in charge of the pipe hall enough!"

(ps: Quasi-Tianwang-level gymnasium, the challenge of a Tianwang-level gym trainer is not counted, but Hualan City Gym was still a Tianwang-level gym two years ago, so Bai Mo’s is also counted, and re-ranking needs to wait for the alliance Gym qualifying.

This is the setting of Paipai, which is more reasonable, hehe! )

Chapter 0369 Picking up girls and assisting the players are coming

"But, how are we going to win?" Xiaoxia asked suspiciously.

Bai Mo's proposal is indeed a good proposal, but there is one important point, that is, who has this strength?

Haiyue Lizi has reached the age and can no longer continue to be a gym trainer.

And cherry blossoms, calamus, peony, including Xiaoxia, don't think they have this strength.

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