What the three girls didn't know was that they not only succeeded in attracting the hatred of Xiaoxia, but also the resentment of Ram and other women.

Age sucks!


At this moment, two people walked into the door of the gym again. It was You Jing Shang and the Heavenly King-level trainer Limu whom he had paid for.

It is said that Li Mu may not know who he is, but he has a sister named Li Hua (Pear Flower) who knows a lot.

Because Lihua has just become the Four Heavenly Kings in the Chengdu area, as a young and beautiful woman with such strength, her name is naturally very famous.

"You Jingshang, you are here." Seeing the quiet business, the expressions of Sakura and the others changed, and Haiyue Lizi said coldly, "I can't wait!"

"Aunt Lizi is very polite." You Jing Shang said casually with a smile on his face, "Hua Lan Taoist Hall, Haiyue's family has been sitting for so long, it's my quiet family's turn to sit."

But this time, contrary to what You Jing Shang expected, Haiyue Lizi said indifferently after hearing his words, "I hope your dream will come true!"

"Uh!" The words that he wanted to say were blocked in his mouth, and the quiet business was very uncomfortable. In the end, he could only smile awkwardly, "I won't let you down, Aunt Lizi."

After speaking, You Jing Shang planned to introduce the man beside him. However, the man beside him took a serious look at Bai Mo, then walked forward with a flash of excitement, "You are Dr. Bai Mo!"

"I'm so glad to meet you here. In Xia Limu, you may not know my name. My sister is Lihua, the Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu."

"Oh, hello!" Hearing Li Mu's words, Bai Mo's eyes flashed, but his expression was flat. He naturally knew who Li Hua was, but what did Li Mu get so excited about?

However, the next moment, Limu told him the answer.

Everything is because of the Miyano family!

The Miyano family is an evil-type elf specialization, and Lihua is also an evil-type specialization. When Lihua was traveling in Fangyuan, she and the Miyano family met a well-qualified Absol at the same time.

In the end, Lihua successfully subdued this Absol, and the core disciple of the Miyano family who was fighting with her was unwilling, so she used the power of the family.

I don't know how it ended up.

Anyway, Ewha is safe and sound and has now become the Four Heavenly Kings of a region.

However, the Liangzi on both sides is settled.

Because of this, Bai Mo's apparent incompetence with the Miyano family during the league competition actually won the favor of Lihua!

"So that's what happened!" With a slight smile, Bai Mo nodded to Li Mu, "I really don't like the Miyano family. If Miss Lihua goes to trouble them in the future, I can help one or two!"

"Dr. Bai Mo is happy when he speaks!" Li Mu is Li Hua's younger brother, and he specializes in evil spirits. In order not to be evil, but he can do whatever he wants, so he speaks very directly.

He directly took out his contact information and even his sister's contact information and handed it to Bai Mo. Li Mu asked curiously, "Dr. Bai Mo, are you challenging the gym?"

"That's right." Without refusing, he accepted the contact information directly. Bai Mo nodded and said, "This year, I challenged the Kanto Alliance, and I happened to pass through Hualan City, so naturally I have to challenge the gym."

"In that case, I won't have anything to do..." Li Mu heard the words and said directly, "I have already collected eight badges, and I was entrusted to challenge the Hualan Gym, but now it seems that I don't need me anymore! "

After finishing speaking, Li Mu said directly to You Jing, "Mr. You Jing, it seems that my transaction with you is going to be void. After all, Dr. Bai Mo came out, and the result must be the same!"

After speaking, Li Mu smiled at Bai Mo again, "Dr. Bai Mo, I will participate in this Kanto plan. I thought I would have no opponents this time, but now it seems that you are a good opponent!"

"My business is gone, then I'll go first, and I'll go back to Chengdu to find my sister to give me special training."

"Okay!" Bai Mo nodded, indicating that Li Mu was casual.

Li Mu did not wait for the quiet businessman to speak, and then directly bid farewell, which was quite resolute.

This time, it would be a little embarrassing for You Jing Shang to stand, but after all, he is the leader of the clan, and his face is thick enough, so he smiled at Bai Mo, "Dr. Bai Mo, don't mind me watching your game from the sidelines! "

When he was talking, You Jing Shang was happy in his heart. In his eyes, as long as he didn't release water, Bai Mo was more foolproof than that pear tree.

"Of course there is no problem!" With a meaningful smile hidden in his eyes, Bai Mo nodded.

Now you want to laugh, wait until later, when you cry.

Five minutes later, the battle against the water field...

Soon, the three girls and Bai Mo came to both sides of the swimming pool. After Haiyue Lizi pressed the switch, many floating boards shot out from both sides of the swimming pool and appeared above the swimming pool.

This is how the venue takes shape.

"The Gym Challenge is now underway. The three temporary Gym owners of Hualan Gym will accept the challenge of Bai Mo, a trainer from Weibai Town in the Fangyuan area. It’s no problem if you can replace the elf shell!!”

In the center of the field, the referee of the league began to state the rules. He was also secretly sad for Sakura and other girls. He was also very aware of the situation of Hualan Gym, and this time, against Baimo, they had no chance of winning. .

In the future, he will not have free ballet performances to watch, unfortunately!

Chapter 0373 Hualan Road Stadium Tournament Begins

"no problem!"

Hearing the referee's words, Bai Mo and Sakura's third daughter both said there was no problem.

"According to the regulations, the trainer will release the elf first, then I will fight first, come out, my baby, the goldfish king!"

On the opposite side of Bai Mo, among the three Hualan sisters, Peony, the youngest, stood up first and threw the Poké Ball. Her eyes were firm. Obviously, even if she knew there was no chance of winning, she was taking this competition seriously. Bai Mo nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, in the field of water, as Peony's voice fell, I saw a body that was red, only the tail was white with black spots, and the head had a sharp horn, and the evolutionary king of the horned goldfish appeared. in the water.

As soon as the King Goldfish enters the water, it starts to move, showing a good degree of flexibility.

Bai Mo glanced at it with his superpower, and found that the goldfish king has the highest aptitude, but his strength is only a quasi-celestial king.

In this regard, Bai Mo was not surprised. The initial elves of the three Sakura sisters were obviously handled by Hai Yuejun, and it was obviously not a problem to have a highly qualified water elves as the direct daughter of the patriarch of the top family.

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