But Ram and the others are obviously overthinking. In a similar situation, the three Sakura girls have never had less elves. Now that they lose, their hearts will not be disturbed.

I really want to say, um, it's just arrogantly saying that this abominable guy Bai Mo doesn't let water.

"The game is over, the winning challenger, Bai Mo!" The referee also pronounced a verdict at this time.

As a representative, Sakura put the water drop badge in Bai Mo's mouth!

"Congratulations." With a sincere smile on his face, Sakura flipped her hair!

Just when Bai Mo wanted to say something, You Jing Shang came over and said:

"It's a pity, it's this battle, Hualan Taoist lost [-] straight games, right?"

"I'm going to apply for the qualification challenge right now!"

"Within seven days, everyone should be ready."

Chapter 0376 The quiet quotient of joy and sorrow


Hearing You Jingshang's words, as the eldest sister, Sakura was not afraid, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes. Instead, she was looking forward to the challenge.

If You Jing Shang knew that their opponent was Bai Mo, would he cry?

"Dead duck mouth is tough!" Seeing that the girls in the cherry blossoms did not show the faces of despair and so on that they expected to see, You Jing Shang felt a little unhappy in his heart, but he didn't use his words, and He Bai Mo said that he could go to You Jing's house for a sit. After that, he turned and left.

Now, he has to apply for the right to challenge quickly, and it has been a long dream.

When the time comes to get the gym, there are many benefits.

After waiting until the quiet business left, Sakura said to Bai Mo, "I said, my fiancé, let's go and register!"

"After You Jing Shang applies for the challenge qualification, Hua Lan Taoist Hall will need to challenge on the seventh day at the latest, but it's all up to you."

"No problem!" With a confident smile, Bai Mo said casually, "We register today and accept his challenge tomorrow!"

"When I finish this game, I will continue to travel, and I will come to the Hualan Taoist curator to live when I collect enough badges!"

Afterwards, a total of four people, Bai Mo and Sakura three daughters, went to the special location of the alliance for marriage registration.

Because of jealousy, envy, or even a little jealousy, the rest of the girls didn't come. What they are thinking now is that they can all register with Bai Mo until next year.

After the registration is over, Bai Mo and Sakura's third daughter are considered husband and wife in name.

But the three girls of Sakura obviously did not just regard it as fake, but made slight changes in all aspects.

After all, they are also men with fiancés.

After the registration, it was a celebration and a comfort to some people. Back at the Hualan Taoist Hall, Bai Mo showed off his best skills and made a sumptuous dinner.

This dinner made the girl's eyes lit up, and the third daughter of Sakura and Haiyue Lizi did not think that this young man who was so brilliant that he was about to explode would have such an advantage.

This made the ripples in Sakura's heart deeper.

The time came to the second day.

On this day, Hualan Taoist Hall directly announced that it would be closed for one day, and when it was almost noon, as expected, You Jingshang brought a lot of people, and a notary from the alliance came to Hualan Taoist Hall!

"Mrs. Lizi, hello!" The leader of the alliance greeted Haiyue Lizi politely.

"Hello." Haiyue Lizi nodded, and then signaled, "Sir, just follow the rules."

Nodding his head, the man took out a document at this time and said, "According to the regulations, the temporary masters of Hualan Gym, Sakura, Calamus, and Peony, lost [-] consecutive games during their tenure. !"

"So now anyone, as long as they can pay one million Alliance Coins, can challenge the Gym Master of Hualan Gym and become the new Gym Master!"

"The competition is limited. The number of elves in the competition is determined by the challenged party. The challenged elves are limited to those with water elements!"

"If the current gym owner wins, you can get one million alliance coins, and the gym will not be challenged again under any circumstances within one year!"

"And if the challenger wins, the gym trainer will change hands, and the million Alliance Coins paid by him will be credited to the Alliance account!"

"I wonder if you have any objections?"

"There is no problem with the old man!" The three of Sakura were still acting temporarily, so Haiyue Lizi was the master and said there.

"We don't have any doubts here!" You Jing Shang also shook his head with a confident smile on his face.

And at this moment, Hai Yuexiao walked in with a group of people!

"Haiyuexiao, what do you mean?" Seeing Haiyuexiao's appearance, it was a mess, and You Jingshang immediately said, "Aren't you going to help in the battle? You have to wait until, if you want to help in the battle, only the direct line of the gym owner Only relatives, you are not qualified!"

"Don't worry, I don't want the idea of ​​Hualan Gym!" Contrary to everyone's expectations, Hai Yuexiao said that he was not interested in Hualan Gym directly, then walked to Bai Mo's side with a smile and took out a fairway. "Dr. Bai Mo, hello!"

"This is the top-quality water elf you asked for, it's a big tongue shell, please accept it!"

"Don't worry, I trust you!" He directly reached out and took the Poké Ball, and Bai Mo put it in Xiaoxia's hand, "Training it well, the main force of Ke Na is the evolution of the thorn shell, the thorn shell, you It can be cultivated well.”

"Yeah!" Xiaoxia stretched out her hand to take the big tongue shell, and nodded her head moved.

At this time, Hai Yuexiao waved at everyone around him, "Go around and cheer, Miss, Miss, Miss, Third, Miss Four will win!"


The members of the Haiyue family immediately gathered around the audience!

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, wondering why Haiyuexiao and the members of Haiyue's family had changed.

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