At this moment, all of Dayou's companions, holding a bunch of Pokeballs, shouted in unison, "Brother Dayou, these are your Pokemon!"

"Let's help you together!"

"Okay! Help me to let it out!" The matter is so good, Dayou can only go all the way to the dark.

He looked at Bai Mo fiercely, determined to teach him a lesson he would never forget.

"Even if you are a Heavenly King-level trainer, what if you are so young, you must be lucky. Today, I will let you know what the crowd tactics are." Thinking of his own advantages, Dayou's face became more smug.

In the open space, with the flashes of white light, the elves were released one by one, but most of them were elves that had not even evolved, but the types were different.

Although the Poke Ball transmission system sets a limit of six Pokemon per person, the extra Poke Ball will be locked, so that the Poke Ball inside cannot be released, and will be transmitted to a specific place after a certain period of time.

But Daisuke cleverly exploited the loophole and asked his companions to carry his elf, so that a few people could release all the elf together.

This is also the source of his current confidence.

"Hey! It's so despicable for you to do this."

When they came outside, Ram and the others knew that Bai Mo’s depth was nothing, but Sundae, who didn’t know about the existence of the small world and Bai Mo’s true strength, immediately blamed him dissatisfiedly after seeing this scene.

"Woo! Woo!"

In Bai Mo's arms, Xiao Huolong also shouted angrily. Now it has completely despaired of the original owner, but its heart is not desperate, because he feels the temperature from Bai Mo's hand, which is really warm.

"Stop chattering! Now it's not a battle of elves! It's a gang fight!"

Dayou didn't care about Sundae's accusations, but seeing this expression, Ram and the others showed disdain. Wait a minute, he will know how he died.

"So it's not a Pokémon battle!"

Hearing Dayou's words, a smile suddenly appeared on Bai Mo's face, he touched Xiao Huolong's head and smiled, "Little Huolong, show you a senior, and in the future, you can become such an existence!"

Saying that, Bai Mo took out a pokeball and threw it in front of him.


With a flash of white light, accompanied by a roar, the fire-breathing dragon appeared in the air, constantly flapping its wings!

As the wings flapped, powerful airflows appeared, and all the elves with slightly fewer individuals in the open space automatically ran back into the elves.

In Bai Mo's hands, looking at the handsome figure in the sky, Xiao Huolong's heart surged with infinite yearning, and when he thought about what Bai Mo had said to him before, endless confidence emerged in his heart.

At this time, Bai Mo faintly shouted at the fire-breathing dragon, "Fire-breathing dragon, let them taste the taste of flames!"


Letting out a roar, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth fiercely, and a huge but simple jet of flame shot out towards the front.

Without giving Dayou and others a chance to react, the flames swept across the field in front of him in an instant.

When the fire-breathing dragon disappeared, what appeared in front of everyone were the elves who had all lost their ability to fight, and Daisuke and the others who were black with black smoke.


Looking at the scene in front of him, dozens of different elves were instantly killed by an ordinary flame, and everyone in the audience gasped.

Among the girls, Xiaoxia and Sundae are not much better.

Only Xiao Zhi's eyes were still hot, and he seemed to want to challenge Bai Mo even more.

"As I said, rubbish together is just a pile of rubbish, and it has no effect on the result." A faint sarcasm reached the ears of Dayou and others, Bai Mo took out the elf ball and took the fire-breathing dragon back. He said again, "Tell you again, the little fire dragon you abandoned has the talent to become as powerful as my fire-breathing dragon, idiot."

"I don't believe it." Hearing Bai Mo's words, Dayou couldn't believe it, "Who do you think you are, you are very strong, but why do you judge the future of an elf?"

Dayou's voice came out. Before Bai Mo could speak, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly came:

"Because he is Bai Mo!"

"The youngest doctor in the alliance, Bai Mo!"

Chapter 0386 Packing Five Jenny Turtles

"Because he is Bai Mo!"

The voice of a middle-aged man came, and everyone looked around.

After seeing the identity of the middle-aged man, Dayou's pupils shrank suddenly, and his voice trembled, "Dad, Daddy!"

"I don't have a son like you." The middle-aged man glared at Dayou as if he hated iron, and said to Bai Mo with an apologetic smile on his face, "Well, Dr. Bai Mo, I'm sorry for my incompetence. If your son provokes you, please don't remember the villain, let him go."

"Okay." Very simply, Bai Mo agreed. He has already taught him a lesson, and he will not lose his identity again, but he still said lightly, "Your son doesn't want this little fire dragon, so I will accept it. , do you have any opinion on this?"

"No, of course not!" Although his heart was aching, the middle-aged man could only agree. Bai Mo's little fire dragon became a Heavenly King-level elf in one year. This Dayou didn't know, but the middle-aged man knew it in his heart. .

Although it wasn't for Bai Mo's training, the elf might not grow as fast as this, but this aptitude is not fake.

Since Bai Mo said that the talent of the little fire dragon is the same as his fire-breathing dragon, it would never be a lie.

But now, things have come to this point, and looking at Xiao Huolong's expression again, he knows that there is no result. Of course, the middle-aged man agreed directly and wisely.

After that, things got easier. Dayou and Bai Mo went directly to the elf center to exchange elf. Of course, what Bai Mo took out was an empty elf ball.

Xiao Huolong said that he was very happy to change his master to Bai Mo. At this time, Xiao Huolong's eyes were full of flames. It had to train with Bai Mo's fire-breathing dragon and become stronger.

But offended Bai Mo, and without such an excellent little fire dragon, the days after Dayou returned home would definitely be difficult.

However, these are not under the control of Bai Mo.

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