"What a beautiful song, what kind of elf is that!?"

When everyone was immersed in the wonderful voice of Kuailong and their own thoughts, no one noticed that under the cliff of the lighthouse, three sneaky figures were climbing on the cliff.

It was the Rockets trio, they followed Xiao Zhi and the others all the way here, and at this time they also heard the melody of Kuailong.

"No matter what kind of elf, in order to get the reward from the boss, quickly catch this mysterious elf!" Musashi shook his head and looked at Kojiro, saying that he took out a bazooka from that place and aimed at it. That huge figure.


The next second, the bazooka was launched directly, hitting Kuailong's body directly in front of him.


Being hit by a bazooka unsuspectingly, even a huge fast dragon frowns indistinctly. Being hit by a powerful modern technology such as a bazooka, it can feel pain despite its strength.

At this moment, the word conspiracy occupied Kuailong's mind. Yuan Yuan's good mood to see his companion suddenly turned into anger, and his body shook violently, and waves suddenly set off on the whole sea. Big waves.

There is a sense of sight of a tsunami coming.

"Well, what the hell is going on here!!" Xiao Zhi said involuntarily.

At this time, without answering him, Kuailong's huge figure had already moved forward, his body swayed, his hands directly fanned over, and the entire top of the lighthouse was swept into pieces, and the lighthouse began to shake.

"How did you forget those three idiots!" Bai Mo raised his brows when he saw the scene in front of him. Originally, he wanted to talk to Kuailong and flicker, but now it seems that he needs to do it first. .

And this move can't be done by himself, because he doesn't have the strength.

The fast dragon on the opposite side, although he hasn't seen it clearly, he has already felt it with his superpowers, the aptitude of a god, the strength of a first-level god.

The only thing that can deal with it here is a dream!


At this time, I saw the huge fast dragon on the sea, another angry roar, the huge body swayed, and the stout tail swept across directly, and happened to cross the cliff.

The next moment, the attack hit the three of the Rockets, and the three of them were knocked away tragically and tragically.

Obviously, although the giant fast dragon didn't know the truth, he also knew that the three attacked him and he had to deal with it first.

But after doing all this, the fast dragon that felt the deception didn't stop there, and its huge tail didn't stop moving, slamming the lighthouse one after another.


The entire lighthouse was shattered.

"The lighthouse is about to fall, everyone jump down!!" Although it was only a partial touch, the power of the fast dragon was extremely strong, and the entire lighthouse had already begun to shake, appearing to be crumbling.

Every moment has the possibility of collapsing, Zhenghui immediately shouted to everyone when he saw this, and then he first pulled Xiaozhi and Xiaogang next to him and jumped into the sea.

When Bai Mo saw this, he seemed calmer. After exchanging a glance with Shanaido, he used teleportation together, and moved all the girls to the beach in the distance.


At the moment when everyone left the lighthouse, Kuailong shouted again, and a huge golden light began to condense in its mouth, and the huge power began to compress in its mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone is shocked. This little elf is obviously going to destroy the death light. If the light is really emitted, it will definitely give people who are not strong enough and elves, not to mention buildings. Crushed instantly.

At this time, with the help of the ray of destruction, everyone saw its true face. It was indeed a huge fast dragon, but this fast dragon had all kinds of strange patterns on its body!

And Bai Mo, who saw all this in his eyes, felt a little more clear in his heart, because his guess was correct, this is indeed an ancient elf who followed the ancient elf.

This also made him happy, because he had the confidence to convince the giant fast dragon to follow him temporarily.


At this moment, I saw that the destructive death light, which was several times thicker than the normal destructive death light, was sprayed out by the huge fast dragon, and instantly hit the half-collapsed lighthouse not far away. Everything in front of you is swallowed up.

But this was not over yet. As the fast dragon turned its head, it was like a laser sweep, and the forest behind the lighthouse was also swept away into a fan-shaped wasteland by this destructive light.

At the edge of the fan-shaped area, a powerful air wave was generated, sweeping all the numbers further away.

However, Bai Mo was fortunate that no elves were injured or killed, because a fiery red figure appeared there and took away the elves.

It is the King of Phoenix.

This figure disappeared in a flash, and no one found it except Bai Mo and Dream!

Chapter 0391 powerful ancient fast dragon, dream shot

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

"Hey, isn't that a fast dragon?? There are such huge fast dragons in the world!?"

"It's incredible, if the lunatic from the Yulong family were here, wouldn't they be happy to die?"

Emerging from the water, taking a few deep breaths, Dr. Zhenghui, who also saw the true appearance of the huge figure, was full of surprise.

Different from Bai Mo and others, when Kuailong opened his mouth before, he just fell into the water, and now he emerged from the water to see Kuailong's face clearly, and was immediately shocked to see such a strange elf there.

At this moment, he forgot how he was still in the water.

However, Xiaogang seems to be much more normal. Although he was also shocked by the true identity of the giant elf, he quickly reacted, "Everyone, hurry up and release the water elf, we must hurry to the shore, Kuailong's body is too huge. , as long as it moves, it will cause a tsunami!"

"It would be dangerous if we were still in the water then!"

Well, Xiaogang said that he is an elf without water, so now he can only give advice and wait for rescue.

"Understood, come out, mosquito coils and tadpoles." Xiao Zhi responded well, and immediately released the water elf after hearing Xiao Gang's words.

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